Status: Active

I Can't Imagine Being Anywhere Else but Here

Call Him.

After school was finished, Ray and I went to the store to grab some snacks for later. "So, when are you gonna call your little lover boy?" I ask as we look through chips.

"He's not my little lover boy! Soon, maybe tonight. Didn't you get Justin's number?"

"I think I gave him mine before school ended. I can't remember though." I admitted.

"If you did, I'm sure he'll call you."

"Oh, I hope so." I said as we were paying for our snacks. We went back to Ray's house and we were watching midless TV when I asked her, "Why don't you call Kellin?"

"No, I'll call him later. I just met him today."

"So? Remember when I called that Mike guy?" I asked her.

"Yeah, and then you dumped his ass two weeks later 'cause he wasnt good enough for you. You're not gonna do that to Justin are you?"

"No! I like Justin too much. Anyways, you like Kellin a lot. I can tell." I said.

"How can you tell from just one day?"

"Ray, you've been my best friend since I was four. I think I know you pretty well. Now call that boy!"

"Fine! I'll call him."

"Good girl." I said as I patted her head.

She rolled her eyes. "You're crazy, Madz."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Let's go to my room. I don't want the TV in the way of me talking to Kellin."

"Okay," We got up off the couch and then we went up to her room. When we got in, she closed the door behind her and sat down on the floor. "Ray, get off the floor."

"No. I'm most comfortable here."

I grabbed her arm. "Rayne, get up from the floor and call him!"

"Okay!" She said as she got up and grabbed her phone. She looked on her arm and dialed in his number. I laughed a little. I thought she wrote it down. She gave me the glare to shut up. He must've answered!
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An update! comment loves! <333