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Just to Live

Kids At Heart

Jacuzzi or pool? It was a difficult choice to make. Either choice would be refreshing when sunlight agonizingly shone down on everyone in California. The weather was intense; perfect weather for the beach or a good water balloon fight. The pool sounded like a much better option to Matthew since the water would be much cooler.

Tabitha’s massage took more time since she needed a very thorough treatment. Her masseur, Odell kept her a little longer to make sure she smelled “overly delicious” for Matthew. He was very silly, but Tabitha enjoyed his company.

She somehow ended up having to change into a bathing suit rather than the clothes she walked into the spa with. When she questioned why she had to go to the pool, Odell shrugged and led her to one of the empty poolrooms.

“Hey,” Tabitha smiled, seeing Matthew in the room with her.

He was surprised she treated him so nicely after she kept shying away from him hours before. He blamed it on the massage. It must’ve loosened her up and put her in a good mood. And maybe this was true. Tabitha felt light and ready to do anything adventurous. She would definitely make more appointments at the spa if they had the ability to make her feel as though she could float on air.

“Hi,” he chuckled. “I think you liked your massage.”

She nodded, almost running into Matthew’s body before hugging him. Her hold was tight against his ribcage as she rested the side of her face on his chest. She didn’t know why she was so physically expressive, but she didn’t mind. His build was brawny so it wasn’t irregular to think hugging him would feel equivalent to hugging a statue. She almost purred from his contradicting soft teddy bear like body.

“You smell so good,” he groaned, keeping his head down as he sniffed the air around her.

She pivoted her head up to look into his pretty eyes. “It’s the massage oil Odell used,” she said, blushing.

“I like it. So, do you wanna swim around in the pool with me?”

They sat at the edge of the pool, dipping their feet into the cool chlorine water.

Tabitha rolled her eyes. “Remember what happened last time?”

“You freaked out! That wasn’t my fault,” he retorted, cupping some water to splash her way.

“I swear this is how it started,” she muttered before splashing some water back. They kept throwing water at each other until Matthew jumped into the pool, followed by Tabitha. He didn’t make her attempt to float again. They stayed strictly within the three to five feet boundary. Most of their time spent was water fights until they were too drenched to splash each other anymore.

It was barely sunset by the time Matthew and Tabitha walked out of the spa. Although they didn’t have a deep conversation in the poolroom, they couldn’t argue they hated each other’s company.

Once they passed the mild traffic on the highway, Matthew decided to take Tabitha to the boardwalk. She didn’t make a comment until they reached they merged in with the other people.

“I’ve never been here,” she said mildly, acting like it wasn’t worth mentioning. Matthew looked at her like she was crazy. It made her shrug and ask, “What?”

“You’ve lived here your whole life and you’ve never been to the boardwalk. Oh my god. You’ll love it at night.”

The atmosphere of the boardwalk definitely reverberated for a mature audience. All around, Tabitha didn’t see one child or teenager. They were all adults in their prime enjoying the perks of the boardwalk at night when there were no adolescents in the vicinity.

He took her on all of the mini roller coasters and the Ferris wheel as the last thrill before they hit the games. The second Tabitha realized how high up the Ferris wheel spun, she whimpered and held Matthew’s hand. He couldn’t hide his smile at her sudden move. To comfort her more, he let go of her hand and lay his arm around her shoulders. She didn’t object, but moved closer to him.

Even when the Ferris wheel ride was over, Tabitha remained close as comfortably possible to Matthew. She was even the one who made the first move to hold his hand again. He couldn’t smear away the goofy smile on his face.

By the end of their date, Matthew won for Tabitha a Dory and Nemo fish plush. He boasted about his amazing swinging arm so they walked around the boardwalk, trying to find the game where the contestant had three chances to topple over a very small pyramid of three cups. It took Matthew 15 tries and $45.00 before he finally won. The man moderating the game felt so bad, he allowed Matthew to pick two prizes.

“You freaking fail,” Tabitha giggled, shaking her head at him.

“I do not!” he defended. “They rigged the game!”

“Yeah sure they did Matt.”

“I didn’t see you trying to knock those cups over.”

“Who wouldn’t let me?”

“…Shut up.”

“I win!” she giggled again, walking ahead of him up the steps to third floor of their home.

Matthew purposely lingered behind Tabitha. He wanted to take a few moments to absorb the day into his stockpile of permanent memories. For someone who was inexperienced with relationships, Tabitha handled their date very well, keeping conversation upbeat and from dying. It looked as though she pushed her resentment of him to the side to thoroughly enjoy her day with him. After all, if she were in a standoffish attitude the entire day, she’d be miserable at best. But she was herself, a side of her that didn’t appear as much as he liked. Nevertheless, her personality shone through the cracks of her brick wall, and that was all he needed to feel happy.

“Did you ditch me already?”

Remembering he said he’d walk her to her door, Matthew raced up the remaining steps to meet Tabitha. She was smiling again, something else she didn’t do a lot of. They walked to her door in a bubbly silence. Tabitha leaned back against the closed door, peering up at Matthew as he bent over a little with his right hand on the wall to support him.

“You know…” Matthew said.

“What are we, some corny chick flick?” Tabitha teased. A soft blush freckled Matthew’s cheeks. “That made you blush?!”

“Shut up,” he groaned.



“Can I kiss you?”


Tabitha gripped onto the collar of Matthew’s to pull him down to her height. He smiled nervously at her until she kissed him innocently, like her intentions.

“Mm, more,” he mumbled when he pulled back, thinking that he made her feel uneasy.

She opened her eyes, looked at him, smiled more, uttered a breathless “I like you,” and kissed him all over again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for commenting. ^-^
mistery gurl

I have a friend like Odell too and so do you! *awkward turtle* but in a good way lol