I Can Taste the Failure on Your Lips

Chapter 2

I couldn't believe myself.

I was following a stranger home.

"You know, I won't stab you." I gave a weak smile, trying not to imagine if that would happen. As we passed under street lights I could see the colorful artwork that covered Oliver's arms. I wrapped my arms tightly around myself to keep warm. We passed house after house, until finally Oliver turned to a drive way if a two story house. The sidewalk was lit by small lamps that shone on our legs as we walked up to the porch.

Oliver turned and stepped through the door, holding the door open for me. I stepped inside and noted all the small frames holding photos of different people. "come on." Oliver said making me look away from the pictures and follow him to a door that held a stairwell going downstairs. I could hear my heartbeat as I stepped down the stairs into a room. My eye's burned from the bright light as Oliver flipped the switch. I covered my eyes and blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust. the room came into focus and it was like any teenage boys room. Messy.

"Sorry." he mumbled and walked passed. "You can sit on the bed." he said sitting down on the couch that was across the room. I looked over at the mattress that had bed sheets tangled amongst the bed cover. I was hesitant to sit down, afraid that something might happen. "My bed is clean." he smiled and laughed at himself.

"Okay." I mumbled and sat down slowly, letting my bag strap fall to the ground. My phone started vibrating like crazy, the little device buzzing with excitement. I looked at the screen as "HOME" flashed at me. I shook my head and layed it on the bed, ignoring it as it kept vibrating beside me.

"Are you going to get that?" Oliver asked me from the couch.

"I have no need to talk to my parents." I answered him. We sat in silence. Never making a move, but at least I was warm. I jumped at the sound of a door opening and closing and someone coming down the stairs.

"Oliver! There are cops outside eve-" The boy who had started talking, stopped and looked at me. "Who is that?" he asked looking at Oliver.

"That's Alex." Oliver said standing. "Why are there cops out?" he asked.

"Apparently some girl ran away from home, and her parents are freaking out!" he said shaking his head.

"How do you know so much?" Oliver asked looking at him.

"Oh, the cops are going around the neighborhood asking if they have seen her." The boy said glancing over at me. He did a double take and then at Oliver. "is she...OLIVER!" the boy yelled. I jumped back and watched as Oliver put his hand over the boys mouth and held him.

"Tom!" Oliver yelled and Tom threw Oliver's hand off his mouth.

"Is that her?" he questioned. Oliver nodded and walked over to sit beside me. "Did you kidnap her!?" he asked

"No!" Oliver exclaimed.

"He found me in the park." I said looking up at Tom.

"You need to go out there." Tom said looking down at me.

"No. I ran away with a reason. I am not going back." I answered strongly standing up to look at him.

"I don't want to get in trouble because some little girl is mad at her parents!" Tom said his voice growing louder with rage.

"Little girl? Last time I checked I am 17 years old, and can make my own decisions." I smirked at him. Tom stepped back.

"Your not legally an adult till 18." he said matter of fact.

"Good thing I will be in 2 weeks." I was pissed.

"Okay, Tom, over there. " Oliver stepped in and stood between me and Tom. "I didn't expect my brother to react that way." He said pushing me down to sit back down. "Tom, If she wants out, let her. If she is 18 in 2 weeks, she can do whatever the hell she wants. Just, don't say anything." Oliver pleaded looking over at his brother. Tom looked from me to his brother and sighed, walking over to us.

"Okay. Sorry." He apologized walking over to me. "I'm Tom." He stated holding out his hand. I stood shaking it lightly.

"Alex." I stated smiling.

"So why run away?" Tom asked as we all sat in a circle in Oliver's room snacking on chips.

"I was tired of being a disappointment to my parents." I stated. "If I do something UN-perfect, They shake their heads and look down at me." I explained.

"How do you know that they are 100% disappointed?" Oliver questioned.

"Because, this last time they looked dead at me and said 'We're disappointed in you Alexandria.' I'm sure that clarifies that they are disappointed." I noted. "And I'm not running away because they are mad at me." I said looking over at Tom.

"Sorry!" he said "But what is the reason?" he asked making him and Oliver turned towards me.

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love, hate? <3 or </3