Status: first love stroy. also posted on

Bullet for Prisoner

I Think We're Alone Now

*The Next Day. Drake's POV*
After finding out that Victoria's baby was mine, I didn't know how I was going to tell Mixi. I found her in the kitchen cooking something. She looked at me than quickly looked away.

Mixi- Um good morning Aubrey.

I guess she was still feeling uncomfortable about what happened yesterday. It makes sense because I was feeling weird about it too.

Drake- So what are you making?

Mixi- Just some eggs with lemon juice, onions, and jelly.


Mixi- Do you want any?


Mixi went back to cooking and avoiding eye contact with me. I didn't want this to keep going on, so I went up to Mixi and wrapped my arms around her waist. Mixi's face turned red.

Drake- Mixi, do you want to go out to dinner with me tonight?

I figured the only way I would be able to tell her about Victoria was if I took her out somewhere.

Mixi- Um OK.

Mixi still seemed kind of nervous around me. She turned off the stove and tried away, but I pulled her back into me.

Drake- Mixi, we need to talk about what happened yesterday.

Mixi- Can we wait until tonight, cause I'm not ready right now.

Drake- OK, I understand that.

I let Mixi go. Honestly I wasn't ready to talk about what happened either. But I knew I had to do it sooner or later, and tonight is the best time.

*At Dinner*
The dinner was pretty quiet at first. I didn't want to rush into the Victoria topic, so I decided to get Mixi to talk about herself.

Drake- So have you had any boyfriends besides me?

Mixi- Only one. But I really don't want to talk about him.

Mixi got really irritated by what I asked her. I didn't think the question was that big of a deal, but something must of happened to make her so bitter.

Mixi- Is that Courtne and 40?

I turned around and saw Courtne and 40 approaching our table.

Courtne- OMG! I didn't expect to see you guys!

Drake- We didn't expect to see you either.

40- Well we have been missing for a few chapters.

Courtne- Do you mind if we sit here?

Drake- Yea.

Courtne and 40 took chairs from other peoples tables and pulled them up to ours.

Drake- What are you guys even doing out here?!

Courtne- We've been living out here for a while.

Mixi- They live next door to us.

40- Why does it look like you two are are on a date?

Drake- Because we are!

Courtne- Oooooh!

Courtne and 40 stayed at the table and proceeded to eat our food. I stared at them until they could finally get the hint that I wanted them to leave.

40- Oh you want us to leave huh?

Me and Mixi shook our heads. Courtne and 40 picked up our plates and continued eating as they left.

Drake- Sorry about that. Do you want me to order you something else?

Mixi- You don't have.....well I guess I can eat something else.

Mixi seemed amused by the whole Courtne and 40 thing. It was nice to see her happy again.


Mixi's face changed when she realized who it was. She turned around and saw Nicki and the guy from the "Right Thru Me" video.

Nicki- Hey Drake and groupie. I didn't expect to see you guys.

Nicki and the guy from the "Right Thru Me" video sat down at our table. The waiter came over with Mixi's order.

Waiter- Here's your food ma'am.

Nicki- Oh don't mind if I do.

Nicki took Mixi's plate and started eating it. Mixi started looking at Nicki like she was crazy.

Mixi- Is she really.....did she she gone....

Drake- Nicki, do you think you can like....go somewhere else?

Nicki- Oh OK then.

Nicki and the guy from the "Right Thru Me" video walked off with Mixi's plate.

Mixi- Are we ever gonna be alone tonight?

Drake- I don't think so.

Our table was now being approached by Mixi's dad.

Mixi- Yay Daddy's here!!!

Mixi hopped up from the table and jumped into her dad's arms.

Mixi- What are you doing out here?

Dad- Your mother actually called me and said she wanted to talk. There she is over there.

Mixi's mom walked towards our table holding her baby.

Mindy- Miranda I didn't expect to see you here.

Dad- And she's here with "him" *stares at drake*.

Mindy and Mixi's dad sat down at our table.

Mixi- did this happen?

Dad- Well your mother decided to call me all out of the woodworks and told me she was in Miami. So I flew out here and she told me where she was staying.

Mindy- And when he came over he did the sweetest thing for me.

Drake- What did he do?

Mixi- I'm scared to hear the answer.

Mindy- He beat up Trey!

Me and Mixi's faces dropped.

Drake- That's supposed to be sweet?!

Mindy- Of course. Fighting Trey really showed me how much he cared about me.

Dad- And I got him good too. You should've seen me.

Mindy- I was so impressed that I asked your father to meet me here for dinner. But I still have to stay at Trey's house until we find a place. Oh, can we stay with you?

Mixi- No.

Mindy- OK. Let's go honey.

Mindy and Mixi's dad walked away from the table. Maybe this time we can be alone.

Mixi- Don't get your hopes up. Here comes Wayne and Shanell.

Wayne and Shanell walked in the restaurant and just had to come to our table.

Wayne- I didn't expect to see you two here.

Drake- Why is everybody all sudden in Miami?!

Wayne- Do you mind if we sit here?

Drake- No of course I don't mind! In fact, why doesn't everybody else just come back to our table?!

Everybody- OK!

Everyone that was at our table before came back. The table became so crowded that I just decided to leave. I didn't feel like seeing any extra people for the rest of the night.

*Mixi's POV*
The table had become so crowded that I couldn't see Drake anymore. It's too bad our date didn't work out, cause the food here is good. I reached into my purse when I felt my phone vibrating. Drake sent me a text telling me to meet him by the bathroom. When I got over to the bathroom I saw Drake waiting for me.

Mixi- Looks like we finally get to be alone.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently kissed him on his lips. When I tried to kiss him again he turned his face away from me.

Drake- Mixi we need to talk.

Mixi- What's wrong?

Drake- Remember when you gave me that folder yesterday?

I shook my head at him. I was afraid of what he was going to say next.

Drake- It turns out that Victoria's baby is mine. I'm sorry.

My heart stopped when he said that. I know he slept with her before we were together, but I still didn't want him to be the father.

Drake- Victoria is coming to stay with us tomorrow.....

I walked away before he could finish. First he told me that he had a baby with Victoria, and now he's bringing her into our house. Drake tried to catch up with me, but I still didn't want to hear him. I just wanted to go back home.

Waiter- Hey! You two aren't gonna pay for your check!?
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No boy! Read Next Time!