Status: first love stroy. also posted on

Bullet for Prisoner

Trust Issues

*The Next Day. Drake's POV*
Mixi and I were sitting on my bed watching Marina bite on her teething ring.

Drake- She's a lot cuter when she's not crying.

Mixi- Seriously. I actually like spending time with her now.

Me and Mixi stared at Marina until she finally fell asleep.

Mixi- Aubrey do you mind watching Marina for me?

Drake- Why? Where are you going?

Mixi- Oh, I forgot to tell you? J Cole wanted me to be in his music video and we start shooting today.

Damn! That's what Jennifer warned me about.

Mixi- If you don't want to watch her than I can ask 40 and Courtne to do it.

40 busted into my room.

40- We don't want to.

40 left.

Mixi- I can find someone else to watch Marina.

Drake- It's not that I don't wanna watch Marina, it's just that.....

Mixi- You don't want me to do the video?

I really didn't want Mixi to do the video, but this seems like something really wants. Besides, I don't want her to think that I'm jealous.

Drake- Go ahead and do the video, I'll watch Marina for you.

Mixi- Thanks Aubrey. I'm gonna start getting ready.

Mixi gave me a kiss before leaving my room. As much as I don't want Mixi to be in this video, I have to let her do it or else she'll think that I don't trust her.

*A Little While Later*
Drake- You think Mixi's doing anything wrong at the video shoot?

Trey and Victoria were playing with Marina, so they weren't really paying attention.

McKenna- If you wanna know what she's doing why don't you just go down to the set?

Drake- I don't want Mixi to think I don't trust her.

Victoria- You shouldn't trust her! Remember that she tried to use you for fame. (uh, so did you)

Even though Mixi did try to use me for fame I don't want to hold that against her. She's changed a lot since then, and I know she loves me for real.

Trey- I hung out with J before, and he's pretty good at getting girls. He says that no girl has ever said "no" to him, so if he wanted Mixi he could have her.

OK, now I'm going down to the shoot. Not because I don't trust Mixi, but because I don't trust J Cole.

Trey- Mixi could get it though. But she's too busy acting like she don't want it.

McKenna- I don't think she's acting.

I picked up Marina and grabbed my keys before I walked out the door.

Drake- I'll be back. I'm gonna go pick up Mixi.

Trey- We wanna go to!

Trey, Victoria, and McKenna followed me out the door. When we got outside, I heard 40 yelling out of his window.

40- Hey are you guys gonna go bust Mixi at the video shoot?!

McKenna- Yea you wanna come?!

40- Hell yeah! Let me get Courtne! Hey Courtne, we're gonna go bust Mixi at the video shoot!

Courtne- Yay that sounds fun!

I really didn't want everyone following me there, but as long as I came back with Mixi that's all that mattered.

*At the Video Shoot. Mixi's POV*
It was break time on set, so me and J Cole were just hanging out.

J Cole- So are you ready for the kissing scene?

Mixi- *dj scratch* The what?

J Cole- Your playing my girlfriend, so of course we're gonna kiss. Your OK with that right?

Mixi- I'm not sure if Aubrey would be want me to do that.

The truth was that I didn't want to do it. I don't feel comfortable with kissing anyone but Drake.

J Cole- Don't worry about it, we're just acting. Besides, Drake does videos like these too so he's knows they don't mean anything.

I guess he's right. Drake does these types of videos, so he'll probably understand.

Director- Everyone back on set! Taping starts in a minute!

J Cole walked me back on the set and the director turned the music on.

J Cole- You ready for this?

I nervously shook my head. Even though I said it was OK, I was still nervous about kissing someone else. When the taping started, J Cole put his hand on the back of my head and pulled my face up closer to his. When our lips were about to meet, I turned my face away from him.

J Cole- Baby what's wrong?

Mixi- I'm sorry I just can't do it.

Director- Cut!

The director stopped the taping and everyone went back on their break.

Mixi- I'm sorry.

J Cole- It's OK, we'll get it next time.

Drake- Oh hell no!!!

I turned J Cole to the side and saw Drake behind him holding Marina.

Mixi- Aubrey? What are you doing here?

I saw that Drake had a whole crew with him.

Mixi- And what are all you doing here?!

McKenna- Drake came here to bust you and we're all here to watch.

It made me mad that Drake only came to the set to fight with me.

Mixi- "Bust" me for what?! I'm not even doing anything!

Drake- Then what are you over here kissing him for?!

J Cole- It's not what you think.

I saw a vein pop out of Drake's head after J Cole said that.

Drake- So your gonna try to get with my girl and stand there and lie to me about it!! Hell no, Courtne hold my baby!!

Drake handed Marina over to Courtne and ran up on J Cole. I stood in front of J to keep Drake from doing anything.

Mixi- Aubrey calm down, nothing happened!

J Cole- We were supposed to kiss, but Mixi didn't wanna do it.

Drake calmed down a little bit.

Drake- Oh, really.

Mixi- I just don't feel right kissing anyone but you.

Everyone in the room went "awwwww" and Drake blushed a little bit. I could tell he was embarrassed.....and he should be.

J Cole- Me and Mixi are just working together. It's nothing like that.

Drake- What about that stuff about girls never saying "no" to you?

J Cole looked really confused.

J Cole- Where'd you hear some dumb mess like that?

Drake looked back at Trey and Victoria and saw them looking away and hiding their faces.

Mixi- I might end up getting fired anyway since I can't even do the kissing scene.

Director- Actually its perfect that you didn't kiss him.

Mixi & J Cole- It is!?

Director- Of course! Mixi resisting you actually suits the video much better. So we'll just keep that scene in.

J Cole- Oh.

Drake seemed really relieved, and J Cole actually seemed kinda disappointed. Drake pulled me away from the set.

Drake- Baby I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have came here like this.

Mixi- Why did you get so jealous? Don't you trust me?

Drake- What are you talking about, I'm not jealous.

Mixi- OK, than give me a kiss.

Drake- Why don't you go ask J for a kiss?

I thought it was cute that Drake was jealous. It showed me how much he loves me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up to his chest.

Mixi- It's OK baby, I'm kinda glad that you're jealous. It let's me know that you care.

Drake pulled me closer to him.

Drake- Why wouldn't I care about my girl?

Mixi- It's just that sometimes I feel like you still hate me.

Drake bent down and kissed my forehead.

Drake- I don't want you to feel like that ever again.

Drake gave me another kiss on my lips.

Drake- I'll see you at home.

Drake took Marina out of Courtne's hands and walked out.

Courtne- Well that was boring.

40- I know. They didn't hit each other or anything.

After everyone left J Cole grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards the set.

J Cole- I thought he'd never leave.

J Cole grabbed my hair and pressed his lips against mine. I quickly pulled away from him.

Mixi- O///O Woah, what are you doing?! We're not even taping right now.

J Cole- Don't act like you've never kissed me before.

Mixi- Uh, what?

J Cole- You didn't think I'd recognize you Miranda?

Mixi- o_O'
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh. Read Next Time!