Status: first love stroy. also posted on

Bullet for Prisoner

Birds and the Bees

*The Next Day. Drake's POV*
Me and Mixi were in the kitchen and I was making breakfast for her. Mixi was feeding Marina in her highchair.

Mixi- You didn't have to make me anything, I would have felt better making you breakfast.

I was thinking about having her do that at first, but then I remembered the chili and pickle pancakes she made me last time.

Drake- No, you.....don't have to do that.

I finished cooking and put Mixi's plate on the table. She pulled my face down and gave me a kiss.

Trey- I'm here too, can I get a plate?

I irritatedly threw Trey's plate on the table.

Trey- Oh I see how you feel. Since I'm not giving it up, I can't get no respect around. *dj scratch*

Mixi stopped eating after Trey said that.

Mixi- What's that supposed to mean!?

Trey- We heard what you two were doing yesterday. You didn't think anybody was home?

Mixi's face turned completely red.

Mixi- Omg, McKenna was here too!

Trey- And here's the funny thing about that. McKenna got so scared about what happened, that she called her dad and told him about it.

Now it was my turn to feel nervous.

Trey- See, McKenna misunderstood and thought that you were abusing Mixi, but when she told her dad he understood exactly what was going on.

Mixi and I had the same look of terror on our faces.

Trey- He's probably gonna be here any second to beat you down.

All of a sudden we heard the front door bust open.

Trey- There he go right there.

Mixi's dad busted into the room with a bat, but Mixi stepped in the way so that he wouldn't hit me with it.

Mixi- Daddy please don't do this!

Dad- How dare you do this to my daughter!! I'm gonna kill you!!

I closed my eyes until I heard somebody getting hit with something. I opened my eyes and saw Mixi's dad on the floor and and Mindy holding a frying pan.

Mindy- I'm sorry about that, he just gets a little overprotective when a comes to the girls.

Drake- A little?! He just tried to kill me!!

Mixi's dad got off the ground and rubbed his head where Mindy hit him.

Dad- Mixi pack your bags, you and your sisters are coming home today.

Mixi- You can't tell us what to do!
Mom tell him.

Mindy took Marina out of her highchair

Mindy- Oh, I agree with your father. We don't want you girls to grow up in such a hostile environment.

Mixi- What are you talking about, this isn't a hostile environment.

Mindy- McKenna sure thinks it is. She mistook those sounds as abuse and now she's too scared to stay here.

I kinda felt bad that McKenna was afraid of me. I didn't mean for McKenna to hear what we were doing, and definitely didn't want to scare her. Mixi's dad must've noticed my guilt because he had this evil smile on his face.

Dad- Tell you what, I'll let the girls stay here if you do one thing for me.

I was scared of what that one thing might be.

Dad- I want you and Mixi (but mainly you) to explain to McKenna what she heard.

Mixi- You mean we have to talk to McKenna about sex?

Mixi's dad shook his head.

Mixi- What?! I'm not doing that! You can take McKenna and Marina, but I'm an adult. You don't tell me.....

Mixi's dad grabbed Mixi's arm and pulled her over to him. He whispered something in her ear.

Mixi- On second thought, Kenni is at that age where she should have that talk. In fact, I think we should talk to her right now.

Mixi grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs.

Drake- What did he say to you?

Mixi- It's nothing important, let's just find McKenna.

Mixi took me over to her room and found McKenna in there. When McKenna looked at me, she quickly turned her head away.

Mixi- Kenni, can we talk for a little bit?

McKenna kept her head down to avoid looking at me.

McKenna- About what?

Mixi pushed me towards McKenna. I walked over to the bed and sat next to her.

Drake- McKenna, those noises you heard yesterday weren't what you thought they were.

McKenna- So you weren't hurting Mixi?

I'm surprised McKenna doesn't know what was going on. She knows everything else.

Drake- No, Mixi and I wanted to explain to you what happened.

I looked back and Mixi was gone. McKenna looked at me with these big innocent looking eyes, and it made me feel kinda embarrassed.

McKenna- Are you gonna tell me what happened?

I never thought I'd be this embarrassed talking about sex; I don't even know what to say to McKenna. Why did Mixi have to leave me here? T_T

*Mixi's POV*
I went back downstairs to confront my dad about what he said.

Mixi- Where do you get off bringing him up in front if Aubrey?!

Dad- It's not like he heard me. Besides, doesn't Drake have the right to know?

I couldn't believe that my dad was doing this, knowing how I felt about him. He was hurting me just to get back at Drake.

Dad- I'm sorry Mixi, I didn't mean to make you upset.

Mixi- Why would you even bring him up knowing how I feel about him.

Dad- He came over to our house yesterday (formerly known as treys house) looking for you. I really think you should work things out with him.

Mixi- You mean, you actually want me to be with Jermaine?

Dad- No. But I like him more than Drake.

I was a little surprised that he came looking for me. I honestly didn't think he would want to see me again after the video shoot.

Dad- I think that you should at least meet up with him. I'm not saying that you have to take him back (but I hope you do) but at least see what he wants.

I know Drake isn't gonna like this, but I do kinda want to see Jermaine again.

Dad- Here's his number in case you want to meet up with him (and hopefully you do).

Mom came into the room with Marina in her arms.

Mindy- I guess me and your father are taking Marina home today. We would've let her stay longer, but we don't want her to stay in a house with perverts.

Mixi- What does that mean?! We're not perverts!!

Victoria walked in the house making out with some random guy.

Victoria- No one's home right now. Why don't we take this upstairs.

Man- Sounds good to me.

Victoria looked up and saw all of us staring at her. Victoria and her boyfriend shrugged and headed upstairs.

Dad- :/

Mixi- Maybe you guys should go now.

*Drake's POV*
McKenna- You guys were playing the Wii?

Yes, that's the best I could come up with.

Drake- Yea see, when Mixi and I play the Wii, we get really into it. And that's why you heard all that screaming.

McKenna was obviously unconvinced by my story.

McKenna- But you don't even have a Wii.

Drake- Yes I do.

McKenna- Since when?

Drake- Since I bought it.

McKenna- When did you buy it?

McKenna may have been too young to understand sex, but she was smart enough to know I was lying.

Drake- McKenna that's not important, the point is that me and Mixi were just playing games (love games).

McKenna- OK, so if you guys were just playing the Wii then why did Mixi say you were killing her?

Damn McKenna.

Drake- Cause I've been doing this for a long time and Mixi is still kinda new at it (nice one).

McKenna- Well that doesn't sound right. Mixi's the best gamer I know, she's pretty good at the Wii.

Drake- Well she's a pretty quick learner.

McKenna gave me that big-eyed confused look, and it made me feel embarrassed again. My phone started ringing, so now I had an excuse to leave.

Drake- I'll be back I have to take this call.

McKenna- Um OK?

I left the room with McKenna feeling more confused than ever. I answered the phone without even seeing who it was.

Girl- This is Drake right?

Drake- Whose this?

Girl- It's Jennifer. Remember me?

Drake- Yea, what are you calling for?

Jennifer- I'm just wondering if you knew where your girl was right now?

Drake- She's at home with me.

Jennifer- That's not what I heard. Jermaine went looking for her this morning and she agreed to meet with him.

Drake- What, that can't be right.

I called Mixi's name downstairs, but she didn't answer.

Trey- She's not here!

Jennifer- I know where she is. I can take you to her if you want.

Before I could think about how Jennifer got my number and why she was calling me, I agreed to have her pick me up.

*J Cole's POV*
I waited for Mixi to show up at the park. I'm surprised she agreed to meet me since she's, well.....she's really bitter and she holds grudges. But at least she softened up a little bit.

*Phonecall from Earlier*
Mixi- So I heard you were looking for me?

J Cole- Yea, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up with me later?

Long silence.

Mixi- Sure.

J Cole- Really?

Mixi- I guess seeing you can't be that horrible.

J Cole- Thanks. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again.

Mixi- Jackass!! *hangs up*

*Back to the Present*
For Mixi, that's really soft. I saw her dads car pull up and Mixi stepped out of it. She walked up to me looking as beautiful as ever.

Mixi- So what the hell did you want?!

J Cole- It's nice to see you too.

Mixi- Just tell me what you came to my house for!

J Cole- I wanted to apologize for what happened at the video shoot.

Mixi- You couldn't have just called me for that?

J Cole- I wanted to see you in person, it just doesn't seem right to apologize to you over the phone.

Mixi seemed to calm down and she sat next to me. I scooted over to her and put my arm around her shoulders. Surprisingly, she didn't push me away.

J Cole- Your dating Drake now aren't you?

Mixi laid her head on my shoulder.

Mixi- Yea, he's so good to me. I never I'd fall in love with anyone so fast.

It actually kinda hurt that Mixi said that, especially since it took her so long to warm up to me. It's not that I don't want Mixi to be happy, it's just that I want her to be happy with me.

J Cole- Oh I see. I guess I couldn't expect you to wait forever.

Mixi got silent and just laid on me. I knew she was uncomfortable, so I held her hand.

Mixi- I'm sorry I was so mean earlier, or whatever.

J Cole- It's OK, you can't help that you're bitter.

Mixi- Who the hell are you calling bitter?!!

Mixi pushed me off of the park bench. She immediately turned red after that.

Mixi- I'm so sorry, let me help you up.

When she tried to help me, I grabbed her hand and pulled her on top of me. She gave me that same nervous stare she used to give me when we first started dating. I put my hand on the back of her head and pulled her head onto my chest. She relaxed herself against me and I knew she was mine again.

*Drake's POV*
Jennifer drove me to a park and we sat in the driveway.

Jennifer- Do you see them anywhere?

Drake- No, are you sure they came here?

Jennifer- Yes I'm sure. This is the place where Jermaine takes all his girls.

Drake- *dj scratch*

Jennifer- Oh, um, sorry.

I looked around the park again and I still didn't see them. I was starting to doubt that they were even here.

Jennifer- I don't want you to think that I'm trying to ruin your relationship, it's just that Jermaine is progressing in his career and I don't want him to mess up by getting caught up on his ex.

Drake- His ex?

Jennifer- You didn't know that he used to date Miranda?

So that's why I've been feeling like there was something between them.

Jennifer- Don't tell Jermaine.....

I saw Mixi and J Cole walking together, and they were holding hands. They stopped for a little bit and started hugging each other.

Jennifer- I guess it's not as bad as I thought.

It did look kinda harmless. At least it did until he started running his fingers through her hair.

Jennifer- Well, it could be worse.

It got worse, I saw J's face get closer to Mixi's and I undid my seat belt and tried to run out the car. Jennifer grabbed me before I could get out.

Jennifer- Don't! They'll find out that we followed them here!

Drake- I don't care!

Jennifer- But I do, I'll get fired!

I slammed the door and got back in my seat.

Jennifer- If it makes you feel better they didn't kiss. Your girlfriend pushed him away.

It made me feel a little bit better, but I still think she has feelings for him. Mixi's mostly shy around people that she likes.

Drake- Just take me back home.

Jennifer started the car and drove away.

Drake- You're actually a lot stronger than I thought.

Jennifer- I used to be on the wrestling team in high school.

*Jennifer's POV*
I pulled up to Drake's driveway and parked.

Drake- Thanks for picking me up.

Jennifer- Your welcome, and I'm sorry I had to tell you about your girlfriend.

Drake- Don't worry about it. It's my problem not yours.

Drake opened up his door, but I wasn't ready for him to leave yet.

Jennifer- Wait, I just want you to know that I doubt your girlfriend is doing anything wrong. Any woman is lucky to be with you and she knows that.

Drake gave me that smile that can make anybody melt.

Drake- Thanks, I really appreciate that.

He got out the car and I got out and followed behind him.

Jennifer- Hey you forgot something.

Drake turned around.

Drake- What did I forget?

Jennifer- This.

I grabbed his face and pressed my lips against his. I stuck my tongue into his mouth and gently massaged his tongue.
Drake got into it and pulled my body closer to his. He grabbed my ass and started grinding against me. After awhile we finally broke apart.

Drake- I guess I'll see you around.

Jennifer- Guess so.

I turned around and headed back to my car. If J Cole wants to ignore me and sneak around with his ex, then I have no problem messing with his friends. I'm gonna make J Cole regret ever turning me down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw com'on man. Read Next Time.