Status: first love stroy. also posted on

Bullet for Prisoner

Cooler Than Me

Mixi- We used to go to school together. But she probably doesn't recognize me now since I changed alot.

Courtney- How'd you change?

Mixi- I used to be really homely when I was in school.

40- You couldn't have looked that bad.

I showed them my high school picture.

40- Woah woah woooooah now!!! =O

Courtney- Now I know she didn't look that bad. Oh Jesus!! Lord have mercy!! What is wrong with yo face?!!!!!

Mixi- Anyways! Here's the story of me and Pixie.

*Here's the Story*
It all started when I was going to a performing arts school in London.

40- I thought you said you didn't have any talent. What was you doin at a performing arts school?

I was actually a talented artist. I did paintings, drawings, sculptures, you know that kind stuff. I was so good at my art that I got accepted into the London Arts Academy.

40- Oh.

But anyways, to be successful in that school you had to be multi-talented. Everything I tried to do Pixie would be better at it. She beat me at singing.

Teacher- Alright Mixi, you go first. Your song is "When You Were Young".

I went on the stage to sing.

Mixi- He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he.....

Teacher- Stop stop stop! That was mediocre. Pixie your next.

Pixie- He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined when you were young.

Teacher- That was beautiful ;_;. You were way better than Mixi.

So then I tried dancing. She beat me at that too.

Teacher- Right now we're trying a tap dancing routine. Mixi you go first.

I tried the tap dancing and fell off the stage.

Teacher- That was awful. Pixie your next.

Of course Pixie did the routine perfectly.

Teacher- That was beautiful. Your way better than Mixi.

And next I tried acting, sports, etc. She beat me in all of that. The only thing I had was art, and guess what.

Courtney- She beat you at that too?

Naw she sucked at art. That was the only thing I could beat her at. But nobody really cared about art at that school as much as they cared about everything else. So everyone thought that Pixie was better than me.

Courtney- Well wasn't she?

No, shut up! That's why when I graduated high school I promised myself that I would become more famous than Pixie did. It would show Pixie, and everyone else at that school, that I was better than them.

*Back to the Present*
Courtney- That's such a sad story.

40- Not really. I mean if you weren't talented, you should have expected everybody to be better than you.

Mixi- Just because they were more talented and we were goin to a talented school, doesn't mean they were cooler than me.

40- I kinda think it does.

But on a serious note, Pixie and Drake were finally done recording. Pixie walked up to me.

Pixie- Btw I never learned your name.

Mixi- Oh its uhhhhh..... Miranda.

Drake- Miranda? Girl that ain't yo.....

Courtney hurried up and covered Drake's mouth.

Courtney- Don't worry about him, he's not talkin about nothin.

Pixie- You look alot like a girl that I used to go to school with. She was a really good artist.

Mixi- I bet she was.

Pixie- But she was horrible at everything else. And she was homely too.

Oh no she didn't.

Mixi- Well who asked you anyway! Now get outta here, with yo fake blonde hair!

Pixie- Your so funny. Bye. ^_^

Pixie Lott skipped her happy behind out of the room and left.

*Moments Later. In the Car*
Drake- What was wrong with you today? You hated Pixie and you didn't even know her.

Mixi- Actually I do know her.

I told him the story of my tragic past.

40- Now you know there wasn't nothin tragic about that story.

Drake- I know wtf. Is that why you gave her that fake name?

Miranda is actually my real name, but nobody really knows that.

Mixi- It was your fault for recordin the song with her.

Drake- Is it really that serious?! Your actin like I was about marry her!

Me and Drake argued for another 30 minutes. Since we were too busy fighting, nobody was really watching the road so the car was just driving out of control.

Courtney- I'm sorry to interrupt but we're about to die, so can you be jealous later?

Mixi- I'm not jealous!!

Maybe I was just a little.

40- Why are you lyin?!

Drake- I know, your just mad that Pixie is better than you.

Drake started dancing while singing.....

Drake- Pixie is better than you!
Pixie is better than you!

Courtney- Omg!

Courtney reached in the front of the car and tried to drive while Drake was being immature.

Drake- I'm not bein immature.

40- Yes you are.

Drake- If you didn't want me to work with her why didn't say anything?

Mixi- I did!

Drake- Oh. I'll actually listen to you next time.

Just then Drake's phone started ringing.

Drake- Courtney put that on speaker for me.

Courtney took one hand off the wheel and turned the phone on.

Drake- Hello.

Rhianna- Hey this is Rhianna. Do you wanna get together and make a song later?

Mixi- No he don't wanna make a song with you, tramp!!!

I picked up the phone and threw it out the window.

Drake- What did you do that for?!

Mixi- Didn't you just say.....

40- You know what we should just end the chapter right her.

Courtney- Please! Cause I can't keep drivin like this. And where are we even goin?!
♠ ♠ ♠
To mind your own business. Read next time!