Status: first love stroy. also posted on

Bullet for Prisoner

Do You Remember

Ever since what happened last night I've been avoiding Drake. Well, at least until this happened.

Sandi- Oh good morning sweetie. How has your day been? ^_^

Mixi- Well so far its been.....

Sandi- Aubrey she's over here!!

Mixi- Whose Aubrey?

Just then Drake came from behind the door. As soon as I saw him I started running. Drake started chasing me. We kept running until he eventually tackled me down the stairs. He held me against the ground to keep me from getting away.

Mixi- Dude get off!

Drake- You can't avoid me forever.

Mixi- Yes I can!

The doorbell rang.

Sandi- Aubrey! Come get the door!

Drake got off of me and walked upstairs. After recovering from being attacked, I walked upstairs to see who was at the door. It was some blonde girl.

Drake- Sorry, I really don't remember that.

Blonde- Well anyways I have something to show you. Vivi, come in here!

A little girl walked through the door.

Blonde- This is your daughter Valencia.

Mixi- What?!

Daughter!? Oh heeeeeck naw!!

*Drake's POV*
Sandi- Aubrey! Come get the door!

I got upstairs and opened the door. There was a blonde girl standing there.

Blonde- Aubrey I'm so happy to see you again!

The girl started hugging me.

Drake- I'm happy to see you to.....lady.

Blonde- You don't remember me? It's me Victoria. You promised you'd marry me.

Drake- *dj scratch* Wait what?! When did this happen?!

Victoria- When you came to visit me in France.

Drake- France? I've never been to France. Mama, do you remember me going to France?

Sandi- No I don't remember that.

Victoria- You gave me a ring and everything.

She showed me the ring on her finger.

Victoria- You said your mom gave you this ring.

Drake- My mom never gave me a ring. Mom did you ever give a ring?

Sandi- No I don't remember doing that.

Drake- Sorry, I really don't remember that.

Victoria- Well anyways I have something to show you. Vivi, come in here!

A little girl walked through the door.

Victoria- This is your daughter Valencia.

Daughter?! What?!

Mixi- What?!

I turned around and saw Mixi and my mom with the meanest faces I ever seen in my life.

Sandi- I think you should come in for a little bit.

Victoria- OK. I already planned on that anyway. ^_^

*Moments Later*
We were all sitting in the living room. Mixi and my mom were still mugging Victoria, but she didn't really seem to notice.

Mixi- So let me get this straight. You decided to come here all out of the woodworks, claiming that Drake proposed to you and that y'all had a baby together.

Victoria- I didn't come from the woodworks, I came from France.

Man, this girl's dumber than all of Katy Perry's lyrics. (jk katy perry fans. don't get mad ^^')

Victoria- Anyways, this is Aubrey's child and we are engaged.

Sandi- If this is really Aubrey's child than why did you wait all these years to come looking for him?

Victoria- After he left France I lost contact with him. But a few weeks ago I saw him on TV and I decided to track him down.

Mixi- Oh whatever! Your just here for fame!

Isn't that why your here?

Drake- Are you even sure that she's mine?

Victoria- Hey shut up real quick. Who do you think you are?!

Mixi- I'm his actual girlfriend. That he actually loves.

Victoria- Well if he loves you so much than where's your engagement ring?

Mixi- I don't have one. Cause unlike you, I don't have to make up a fake engagement!

But you had to make up a fake relationship.

Victoria- It doesn't matter what you think. Me and Aubrey love each other and we're gonna get married.

Sandi- Over Aubrey's dead body!

Mixi and my mom stood up.

Drake- Victoria let's talk about this outside.

Victoria- OK.

Victoria got up and followed me outside.

Drake- I don't appreciate you coming into my house and causing all this trouble.

Victoria- Oh I'm sorry baby. I just wanted Vivi to meet her father.

Drake- Why should I believe that she's even mine?

Victoria- If you don't believe me we can take a blood test. But until then, can me and Vivi stay here for a little bit? I don't have any money for a hotel.

Drake- I guess.

Victoria- Thanks baby. ~_^

Victoria kissed me on the cheek before walking away. Even though this girl was crazy, she was kinda cute.

Victoria- Um Aubrey, I don't know how to open this door.

But she's still dumber than Katy Perry's lyrics (jk katy perry fans. don't be mad). I tried to open the door for her, but something was blocking it. I pushed harder and saw that it was just my mom and Mixi trying to listen to us.

Sandi- Well since Aubrey invited you to stay at MY house without MY consent, I guess I have to show you to your room.

Victoria- OK, mom.

Sandi- Don't ever call me that.

Mom took Victoria and Valencia to their room. Out of the corner of my eye I kept seeing Mixi looking at me.

Drake- What?

Mixi- You don't really like her, do you?

Drake- Why does it matter? As long as you get your fame it doesn't matter who I like.

Mixi's eyes started to get watery.

Mixi- Maybe fame isn't that important to me anymore!

Mixi pushed past me and ran upstairs. What was that all about?
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Idk. But you can find out when you Read Next Time!