Status: Going good so far...

I'm in love with the complete JACKASS!

Chapter 2

The school day went by so fast. I met this girl named Olivia. She was in my 2nd hour, science. She helped me out the whole day, turns out I have 3 classes with her, science- 2nd hour, social studies- 3rd hour, and english- 6th hour. It was 6th hour, the last class for day. I walked inside and Olivia was sitting in the middle of the room. I sat down beside her. We had to write an essay about our summer, which was a totally breeze. Class was over, I walked out and saw my brother standing by his locker with two beautiful guys with him. I walked over to him.
"Hey! Are you ready to go home, yet?"
"Uhm....not quite. Can you wait for me?"
"Of course I can, you are my ride home."
"Hey, who's your new buddy?"
Oh, yeah! I totally forgot Olivia was standing beside me. I blame those 2 beautiful creature's standing by my brother.
"This is Olivia."
"Hey, Olivia!"
"Hi, what's your name?"
"My name is Gerard."
"Oh! Nice name. So, are you like Starlight's boyfriend?"
I was totally shocked when she asked my brother that. My brother started laughing.
"No, I'm not her boyfriend, she's my little sister."
"Oh! I'm sorry I asked that. I feel so stupid asking that."
"Nah. It's okay"
I turned to Olivia and gave her a glare.
"Do you like my brother?" I asked her. She blushed.
"WHAT?! Of course not, Starlight."
I knew she did. That's why she asked him if I was his girlfriend. Typical girl. My brother had that effect on girls. Which I'm okay with. I turned to his new buddies, which were totally staring at me. I blushed and looked down. Then, they both asked me a question, which I didn't hear.
"I'm sorry. What?"
They started laughing again. My brother looked at me and repeated their question for them.
"They asked you, what your name is, sis."
"Oh! My name is Starlight."
They looked at me and for the 1st time I saw them clearly. The guy on my brothers left was very beautiful, he had black hair that covered his green eyes. He was wearing a Misfits shirt with blue jeans. He had a little black eyeliner on. Which totally matched him. He was the same size as me. Then, I looked at my brothers right, which another beautiful man was standing. He had black hair with purple sides. His eyes were kinda green, too. He was the same size as the other dude. He was wearing a Iron Maiden shirt with blue jeans, too. They looked so much alike.
"Hey, are you guys like brothers or something?"
They started laughing again. The guy on the left had a adorable giggle.
"No, but people say we look like twins, but really we are just friends."
"Oh! Okay than. What are your names?"
The guy on the left spoke 1st.
"My name is Synster Gates."
The 1 on the right spoke next.
"And my name is Zacky Vengeance, nice to met you Starlight."
Oh, they had beautiful names that totally matched with their bodies.
"You guys have great names."
I turned to Olivia, she was totally staring at my brother. Well, if they ever get together they would make a cute couple. Olivia's very nice, she has long black brownish hair, blue eyes, she had a wonderful smile. She was just an inch taller than me. She was wearing a pink skirt with a black tank top, and pink high heels. She was also carrying a purse, which I didn't know the color of, but it was very pretty. Maybe she can give me some advice on how to dress.
"Okay! I'm ready now. Are you, sis?"
"Yeah, I'll be outside waiting for you. See you tomorrow, Olivia. You guys, too"
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, sis, the guys are coming home with us."
"Oh. Alrighty than. Well, I still get shotgun."
With that I ran outside the school building and waited for my brother and his new friends that I totally like now. Wow! Today is gonna be very interesting.
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Hehee!^^ I wanted my fav guitarist in this story(: Can anyone guess who's the Jackass? Good luck! Annd, please comment(: