In the Shadows of My Brother

Chapter 10

Zacky’s POV:

I stood there with a shocked expression.

She hugged me without even being asked to.

We finally made our way to Mr. Brink’s house.

We stood outside together.

“Are you ready?” He asked his sister.

“No, but I’m as ready as I can be.” She said looking at the door.

The Interview

“So Mercedes, tell me about you? Who are you?” Mr. Brinks said

She looked at him puzzled. For the first time in her life she couldn’t come up with a fact answer. This question was a testament to what all things are but she couldn’t let time slip.

So she answered truthfully.

“I don’t know who I am yet; I know what I’m not. I’m a sister, a daughter, a friend. I have a family that would basically put themselves behind to help me achieve what I want. I have two amazing brothers who are in bands, a great older sister who knows my every move. Parent’s that stood by my side and granted me permission to attend any college I see fit.” I said looking straight at Mr. Brinks.

He continued to study this girl in front of him.

She wasn’t like any of the other students expecting to attend Harvard.

Mercedes caught this man by storm. She was different a new fresh start to something refine and elder.

“I’ve read from your records that you were interested in Yale, would you care to explain why you suddenly stopped?” Mr. Brinks asked.

“I’d rather not go into full detail but I’d like to say Yale didn’t like my background to much. That’s all I have to say on that matter thank you.” Mercedes said.

He looked at her taken aback most would see an opportunity to bad mouth any school they couldn’t get in but this approach interested him a great deal.

There she sat looking directly at him with a stance that screams in his mind a student of Harvard’s potential.

But his words weren’t solid. But he did have enough to persuade the Head Board of Harvard.

After much of the interview process, which included a meal and a table of questions with her and the members of his family, he saw something that blew his mind with Mercedes.

They said their goodbyes. But Mr. Brinks stopped Mercedes brother Zacky.

“Mr. Baker?” Mr. Brinks said looking at him.

“Yes Sir,” He said looking back.

“She’s a great kid, you should be proud of her,” Charles said looking down at the girl.

“It took me a while to see it in her, but yes, she really is a good kid, I’m really proud of her,” Zacky said.

“I think, she has a chance of getting into Harvard. She’s got the potential and if I have my way. She’s automatically in.” He said looking at her brother.

“Really, you’re serious?” Zacky said seeing Mercedes walk up to him.

“Yes, I am. You young lady, better pack your bags. You’re on your way to Harvard.” He said beaming.

Mercedes looked at her brother and Mr. Brinks, she couldn’t believe it.

She was going to Harvard.
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sorry it took so long. XD