In the Shadows of My Brother

Chapter 11

Mercedes’ POV: Next Day

I looked at Zacky.

We were stilling at the local coffee shop. I couldn’t believe what had just happened yesterday.

I had an interview with an Alumni of Harvard.

I was completely unaware of anything. It didn’t feel real.

But it was real; I could be attending Harvard at the beginning of the fall semester.

“Hey, let’s go by Harvard.” Zacky said looking at me.

“Really,” I said looking at him.

“Yeah,” He said looking at me.

“Okay,” I said looking back.


We drove to Cambridge, Massachusetts.

In the center of the town dwells the place that could hold my future.

Apprehension ran through my entire body.

I couldn’t breathe.

Everything seemed to close inside. I’d never felt like this before.

Funny thing was we weren’t anywhere near the school.

“Hey, we’re getting close to the school.” Zacky said bringing me out of my daze.

I nodded back at him.

He parked the car a street from the school. Knowing we wouldn’t find any close to the school.

We decided to walk the block toward the school.

“So are you nervous?” Zacky asked me.

“Like a heart attack.” I said looking back.

“Don’t be, you’re smart and brilliant and I’m not just saying that because I’m your brother. I’ve seen your potential. You could do anything. Harvard, will bring you that chance.” He said talking to me.

I stopped walking and so did he.

Pulling him forward toward me I gave him a hug.
So much has he given me on this trip! I couldn’t do without him.

We started back walking. That’s when we stopped and saw it.

Standing there in its mighty powerful grace, I didn’t want to inside. But I needed to.

Zacky pulled my arm gently toward the steps of the school.

I noticed everything about it, it was monstrous.

“Ms. Baker, I presume. We’ve been waiting for you.” A voice called out.
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sorry it took so long. :|