In the Shadows of My Brother

Chapter 8

The moment I heard Mercedes say Yale I knew she would be a shoe in. But of course, I didn’t want to her to go so far away.

I needed to help her. By any means necessary. She was going to college. I jumped straight for the car.

I had to do something anything for Mercedes.

I went to our manager Larry. He’s well connected with people.

“Hey Larry?” I said walking into his office.

“Hey Zacky, what can I do for you?” He said walking up to me.

“I need help.” I said.

“Why what happened?” He said freaking out.

“Nothing, it’s my younger sister.” I said.

“Oh, okay, what can I do?” He said.

“Do you still have connections with your friend Charles?” I asked.

“Yes, I do, why did something happen with Mercedes and Yale?” He asked.

“Yes, that damn Yale president said Mercedes wasn’t good enough.” I said acidly.

“Well….hold on,” I said.

“Hey Charlie, its Larry look I have a favor to ask?” He said.

“Okay, I have one of my guys here. He’s wondering if you could help.” He said.

I looked at him talking to this guy. His face kept changing and I didn’t like it.

“Look, please Charlie. My friend really wants to help his sister. Please, just take a look at her file.” He said.

“Oh, thanks so much Charlie.” He said.

He hung up the phone and looked around his desk then looked at me.

“I need to get a hold of your sister’s file. You need to take her to Massachusetts.” He said.

“How do I do that….” I said getting cut off.

“Oh, leave that to me. Just stand by for my call because you two need to be on the first flight to Mass.” He said looking at me.

“Okay.” I said.

4 Days Later

“I need to check out Mercedes Lynn Baker!” I screamed at the front office.

“Sir, calm down!” They said.

“I don’t have tome for this. I need my sister out here right now!” I said.

I waited only three seconds to see Mercedes running down the hall.

“What? What’s happening?” She said.

“We don’t have time for this, just come with me. Mom and Dad know, I’ll explain this all to you on our way there.” I said.

She looked at me bewildered.

“Okay.” She said.

She knew I was up to something. I saw that looking her eye. But I can’t tell her just yet.

We got to the airport.

She again looked at me.

I led her toward the gates and see saw the header saying

Boston, Massachusetts

“Zacky James Baker, what are you up to?” She said looking at me.

I smiled at her and laughed.
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sorry it took so long. (: