Just a Sprinkle of Madness...

What The..?

Hey everyone! My name is Kimberley and I happen to be the author for this fantastical piece. Haha but the person who is going to write in bold from now on is my best friend, portrayed in this story as the sharp-tongued character Lexi Gray.

- Kim

P.S. This chapter is slightly strange. It's supposed to be. Don't worry, you're not going mad, you're just entering the mind of someone who is. Forward, then!

Disclaimer: Everything but Lexi and Holly belong to Disney…we’re just borrowing, borrowing without permission. =D


'I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry! I honestly didn't mean to! I'll buy you a new one!'

Holly's best friend Lexi gave her a look. 'Stop lying. I KNOW you can't afford it, you may be rich but you're not THAT rich! Why the hell are you so clumsy, anyway!? Jeez!'

'OhmyGosh! Look, Look! Ha HA! It still works! YUSSS!' Holly did her crazy little happy dance that she only does infront of Lexi, because it was really embarrassing to watch. The TV, which she was crazily pointing to, was flickering as it struggled to play the disk that was in the sticky, dripping DVD player that was the crime scene of Holly's clumsiness.

'Aw, no, FAIL!' Holly shouted at the screen, as she watched the first few frames of the movie play over and over as the disk skipped and reversed. Lexi spoke definitely from behind her, her eyes also glued to the small TV screen. '… You owe me a new Pirates Of The Caribbean disk, mate.'

'Aye…' Holly hung her head in shame. This was the second time this had happened, it was SO embarrassing!

Lexi went to get a towel (or, erm…. several…) to mop up what she could. Meanwhile, Holly attempted to get the disk out, getting quickly frustrated and banging her fist against the top of the player. It would have been okay, since the player was already broken, except that it appeared that Holly's hand had got stuck to the top of the device. Not matter how hard she pulled, it wouldn't budge. Holly was contemplating what it would be like to carry a DVD player around for the rest of her life, when something happened. It was so… unbelievable, that Holly couldn't even yell to Lexi to help.

What the….?

Instead of being able to pull away, she was being pulled towards the player. As in, Holly watched with eyes as wide as saucers as her hand melted into the DVD player. It didn't seem to have a bottom either, which randomly reminded her of Mr Weasley's car boot in Harry Potter. It just continued to pull her in like quicksand, until she was completely immersed in it and her world soon went completely black.

Lexi returned, towel(s) in hand and was confused when she couldn't see Holly. 'Holly?' She asked to thin air. No answer. 'Did you fix it?' … No answer.

'Holly Lynn Robinson!'


Something moved in the corner of her eye. Suddenly all her senses were extra alert. There was someone else in the house. Holly wouldn't do that to her, she would have answered by now. What if Holly had been kidnapped, but Lexi had interrupted before the kidnapper could quietly leave the house undetected.

Instinctively, Lexi reached for her sword. One of many, actually, but this one was the closest. Granted, it was wooden, but she was willing to bet that it could do a lot of damage if it needed to. She thought maybe the element of surprise might be necessary, though, in order for her actually having a chance of doing any damage. She scampered to her closet and squeezed in, batting stray clothes out of the way. She held her breath, waiting for some sort of signal for her to move. She saw two shadows, one tall and lanky, one shorter. She guessed the shorter one was Holly, but she couldn't be sure.

'We know you're 'ere, Poppet.'

Hey, I know that-

Everything went black.
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