Just a Sprinkle of Madness...

Leverage Says You

Disclaimer: We tried to make an accord with Disney, but we were unsuccessful, so nope we don’t own anything other than Lexi and Holly. Yes, I know, I am pretty pissed off too..

Mmm. Warm… Holly loved waking up with the sunlight on her closed eyelids. It was just one of those things that made the day THAT much better. Wow, what a crazy dream, though! DVD player… Melting…. "Ahhh, i'm mellllllllting…!" Holly imagined herself screaming and chuckled at the thought.

"Glad to see some can still be happy in a prison cell. You've just restored my hope in the inmates." A voice said. Prison…. A voice!?


Holly bolted upright to see a man in a VERY bright red coat, who was standing on the other side of the bars, evaluating her. A guard… I think? Holly thought, a million thoughts racing each other in her mind. Eventually one won: "Where am I?"

"I thought that would have been obvious…"

"I don't mean prison, I mean, where am I? What suburb? What CITY?"

"…. I don't know what a city is…"


"WHERE. AM. I.?" Holly hissed through her teeth, wondering how much longer she could go without wanting to slap him. All of about two seconds, she'd bet. The guard looked scared now, which was probably a good thing. It was necessary to be cautious around Holly, she could be pretty dangerous sometimes…

'Port Royal, Miss! I mean, convict! A-and- No more questions! That's enough outta you!' The guard half walked and half ran away from her cell and out of sight, Holly didn't even have time to ask him what she was there for before he disappeared.

Holly jumped up and grabbed the rickety bars with her bare hands. 'Hey! Heeeyyy! I don't think i'm supposed to be in here! HEY!' She banged on the bars, shaking them violently trying to get attention. Instantly, she heard voices:

'Me 'either!'
'I'm innocent, I tell ye!'
'Aye aye!'

Soon the entire prison was bursting with protests and war stories. But no guard appeared to be coming to her aid. Useless. Holly rolled her eyes and tried to dust off a spot for her to sit down without getting too dirty -TRIED being the key word.

'First time in th' slammer, missy?' A pirate asked in a cell on the left of her. 'Come over 'ere, i'll keep ye company…' His eyes became hooded and suddenly Holly wanted to throw up…. Wonder if they're connected?

'Okay, time to get out of here.' She told herself and began pacing around her cell, careful not to go to far to the left. She tried to remember how Jack had got out… well there was that one time that the lock had been blasted through by a cannon, but Holly didn't think that was likely to happen in her case. Ah, that's right! Will helped him!

… Damn. Will helped him.

Using physics. Basic physics…. Hey, she had got 87% on her last physics test, why not give it a shot. She walked up to the bars and shook them a little. 'Half pinned barrel hinges,' she whispered. 'With the right leverage and the proper application of strength, the door will lift free.'

Holly bent her knees a bit, lowering her center of gravity and awkwardly grabbed ahold of the bars. With a grunt, she tried to lift the bars and push them forward at the same time. No matter how many times she did this, she could never get the bars to fall down. 'You've got to be kidding me! Turner, you cannot honestly be THAT stupid that your theory of the forces used to unhinge these bars is movie magic! SERIOUSLY!' Holly ferociously kicked the door, using as much energy as she could, causing herself to overbalance and fall down in the process. There was a deep, heart-stopping clang of metal against stone and when the dust cleared, Holly saw that she was no longer restricted. She gave a smug grin.

"Leverage, says you. Put enough force on something and it'll break, says I!'
♠ ♠ ♠
Lexi says: "Review or be kissed by Gillette…..Your choice…"