Just a Sprinkle of Madness...



Holly raced up the stairs, hoping feverishly that the guard would not catch her - she didn't have any sort of weapon to defend herself with and she didn't feel like being a kebab anytime soon.

Surprisingly, the door didn't have a lock on it and Holly stumbled to open it. She burst out into the hot caribbean sun, wondering where to go next. BANG!

Down, apparently…

"Ow! Jeez, watch where you're going! Girl with sword here, I could have skewered you!" A familiar voice said from above her. Looking up from her newly acquired place on the ground, Holly couldn't have been happier. "Lexi?"

''ello poppet!' Lexi said brightly and gave her a hand up. Lexi was decked out in full pirate gear - a flowing, V-necked, fitted pirate shirt, which showed off her delicate frame quite nicely was secured at the bottom by two worn leather belts and one black one, all of which had buckles that were very intricate in design, coupled with a orange and brown sash laced tightly through the belt hoops of her brown 3 quarter long canvas pants. Her pirate "booties" matched her leather belts and were overturned at the top. She had many elaborate rings, though no bracelets, just a piece of black material tied around her left wrist. She also had an eye-catching ruby necklace, as red as a drop of blood, which sparkled in the hot caribbean sun. Finally, she had an orange bandana tied around her ginger bangs. She looked down at Holly with her large sea blue eyes. She looked down because even though Holly was standing, Lexi was still a head and a half taller.

Holly was so relieved, she embraced Lexi and refused to let go. Lexi patted her awkwardly on the shoulder. 'Okay, Holly… you can let go now… Holly… You can, uh….Holly? Hoooooolly? Yeah….. HOLLY LET GO!' Lexi screeched right in Holly's ear, making her jump and let go. 'What!What'swrong!?' She screamed. Lexi rolled her eyes.

'Okay, first of all, you were acting like a human corset. Secondly, pirates don't ah… hug… I mean, they don't fist bump either, but they definitely don't hug. They're more of a patting type of people. See?' Lexi demonstrated by patting Holly lightly on one shoulder, then continued. 'Thirdly, looky! There's your cue!' Lexi pointed past Holly's shoulder and Holly followed her finger to see… It took a moment to process what she was seeing.

Lexi made a low whistling sound, matching the person's falling. Holly thought she was mad.

*SLASH* ("Plop!" Said Lexi)

"Ohmygosh, suicide!'

She started hyperventilating. Lexi rolled her eyes again, resisting the strong temptation to slap her best friend. 'No, idiot! We. Are. In. Pirates. Of. The. Caribbean. Got it? And that was Elizabeth, NOT BREATHING! Go and save her!'

'But Jack-'

Holly heard Lexi step up quietly behind her, she went to turn around but felt strong hands on her back and suddenly, pushing her towards the water. She wouldn't have fell in, if she wasn't naturally unco and ended up overbalancing.


Holly was instantly discombobulated, but finally was able to swim to the surface, mentally preparing a string of choice choice words for her dear friend, who currently looked like she could out-swear her any day. Pirate.

But when she got to the top, there was no one to yell at. What the… ? Holly looked around wildly, hoping to see a flash of orange hair or hear the quiet rhythmic patter of boots not wanting to be discovered, but there was nothing. But then, a distant voice called out to her: 'That was all you, mate!'

♠ ♠ ♠
Lexi: "Apples or Bananas? Hmmm… Well I prefer apples, but I like Jack better than Barbossa soooooooo ORANGES!!!!!!!!!!!……. AND They match my hair! You know what else matches my hair??? REVIEWS!!!!!! I swear, they're so versatile, they match almost everything! But I love my hair and reviews match my hair, so be nice and review!!"

Readers: "Nahhh, I really can't be bothered…"

Lexi: *Gives scorching look that ALSO matches her hair* "… Seriously, do you WANT to be pushed into freezing cold waters with sharks and all manner of evil sea creatures? 'Cause, ya know, I can do that…"

Readers: *Review hastily*