Just a Sprinkle of Madness...

Lexi Makes An Appearence

Disclaimer: This is a disclaimer.

'I've escaped from here once, I can do it again!' Holly yelled as she was tossed into another cell. Jack's unconscious form was unceremoniously dumped next to her. Holly jumped up at shook the bars, attempting to get them loose. When that didn't work, she stood back and karate kicked the bars again and again, refusing to give in to Norrington. She didn't notice when Jack woke up. 'Feisty.' He said from behind her. 'I like it.'

Holly rolled her eyes at his sad attempted at a line. 'Captain Sparrow.' She said, soundly like Elizabeth. 'If you would kindly stop staring at my ass, that would be much appreciated.' She turned around, raising an eyebrow at his sheepish look. 'How'd ye know?' He asked.

'You're just that kinda guy, Jack. The kind that takes every opportunity to either hit on or check out every girl you come across. Females to you are just sex on legs.' Holly sighed, wishing it wasn't that way. Jack squinted. 'How do ye know so much about me, lass? Something's very odd about ye. Where did ye say ye were from, again?'

'I didn't…' Holly said, becoming increasingly nervous, knowing that this could go very bad very fast. She knew that by the end of the trilogy Jack would have no doubt that there was such a thing as supernatural, but for now she didn't know how much experience he'd had with it. If she told him the truth, he may freak out and refuse to take her with him. So she tried to change the subject, rambling nervously. She didn't know what she was saying, really. Verbal diarrhea, they call it.

'Why are we talking about me? What about you? You're supposed to be getting the Black Pearl back and your stuck in this damn cell! Why are you in Port Royal, anyway? I mean I know Barbossa left you high and dry on that godforsaken spit of land, but do you really think coming here and getting imprisoned is the best way to get your baby back?'

'Now just how d'ye know that?' Jack whispered in an astounded tone. He got up and walked over to Holly, stopping very close to her, who instantly knew that she wasn't getting out of this. She had to come up with something and fast! But what was she supposed to say? The truth? Yeah, right. 'I'm.. I'm… Alright, fine, i'm telepathic.'


'Yeah, I can see into your mind and stuff. Memories, everything like that.' Holly lied fluently. Another reason why she would make such a good pirate. But for now, she was an innocent sailor, bound only for assaulting a navy officer. Jack still looked suspicious, though. 'That doesn't explain how ye knew that I wasn't going to make it out the door before. Ye were so sure…'

'You're not that special, Jack.' Holly retorted. 'It isn't only you. I saw that Will was planning to throw the sword. There was no way you were getting out of that door with the sword stuck in there.' She explain, willing like crazy for Jack to buy her cock and bull story. She waited, watching Jack mulling it over. Finally he spoke, leaning even closer to Holly. 'Can you tell what i'm thinking now?' His breath warmed her cheeks. Involuntarily, Holly glanced at Jack's lips. '

'Captain, it doesn't take a telepathic to know what you're thinking.'

Holly's mind was racing as he leant in and-

'Doesn't this look cosy?' Said a voice on the other side of the bars. The two sprung apart, Holly overbalanced and fell over. Jack, gentlemanly as he was, didn't offer Holly a hand up and instead turned to address the striking redhead. 'Who're ye?'

The girl tutted. 'You mean you DIDN'T tell him about me? Really, what have you two been doing? Making out the entire time? Though I guess that would make sense-'

'NO!' Holly jumped up. 'I mean, no, sorry Capt'n Lexi, I haven't. Why don't you introduce yourself? It's not like you've been here this whole time….' She gave her friend a pointed look. Lexi rolled her eyes. 'Don't whine, poppet, it just makes you annoying, You don't want to end up like Will, now do you?'

Holly went silent and Jack stepped up to the bars. 'I believe I know you…' He said, earning a 'What!' from Holly and a 'As you should.' from Lexi. 'I'm the second best captain in these waters,' Lexi told him. 'Only to you.'

'You know me?'

'Psh, who doesn't?'

'Uh, Lexi. He doesn't need any help inflating that enormous ego of his…' Holly warned her. She stepped up to the bars beside Jack. 'Where have you been? You just appear in pirates clothes with all your effects and everything and push me in the water - ta very much for that, by the way - and then you're gone. Poof. And now, after all this, you just turn up again! You missed the epic sword fight!'

'Settle petal. You'll live. And thanks for reminding me!' Lexi skipped down the stone hallway out of sight. A frown had taken over the whole of poor Jack's face. Holly wished she could tell Lexi not to say anything stupid that might compromise her story, but she definitely couldn't while stuck in this cell. It was then that Lexi returned, holding Jack's effects. 'What're ye doing with those?' Jack asked, hope in his eyes. Too bad Lexi was out to extinguish it. 'Well, Jackie, you're safe in that little cell, but i'm out here in the big bad world with nothing to defend myself with, so I thought i'd just borrow yours-'

'I never said ye could-'

'-Without permission. See, unlike scared-y cat here, i'm perfectly willing to admit that i'm a pirate!'

Jack turned to Holly 'HA! So ye are a pirate, after all!'

'She never said that!'

'Nay. But she implied it-'

'-I don't care if she implied-'

'CHILDREN!' Lexi yelled, making Jack and Holly go quiet. 'Play nice or you won't get your toys.' She produced a bottle of rum from behind her back and dangled it in front of them. You could see Jack's eyes instantly go bright as he licked his lips and reached through the bars to try and grab it, but Lexi stood just out of reach. 'Although, there's a guard just up there and if he sees me giving you this he may boot me in there with the two of you and god knows that'll be the most awkward third wheeling you've ever experienced.' Lexi snickered

. 'I don't drink rum, though… Nasty stuff.' She lazily uncorked the bottle and slowly dripped it onto the floor out of what seemed to be pure boredom. You could see Jack's eyes bugging and he immediately got down his knees and opened his mouth, trying to catch some of the drops on his tongue. He looked absolutely ridiculous! Holly doubled over laughing; she knew Lexi was doing this just for Jack's reaction. Just before Jack actually got far enough to actually get some of his delicious rum, Lexi righted the bottle suddenly. 'Hey, Jack, do you wanna see a trick?'

'You're going to give me that bottle?'

'No silly! I'm going to turn rum into water!' Lexi giggled, as if what he had proposed was completely ridiculous and what she had just said was so not. You should have SEEN the look Holly gave her when she said that. It was somewhere between 'Are you high on air!' and 'You got POWERS?' Either way, her jaw was hanging loose.

Lexi turned around to compose herself for her trick while both cell rats looked on in disbelief. Holly because she didn't think her friend could do it and Jack because he couldn't believe that girl was about to waste all that rum. How dare she!

While her back was turned, Lexi sneakily slid something out of the front of her boot. It looked like the remote to the DVD player in her living room and in fact it was. You see, Lexi had taken this remote to Tia Dalma (for a small fee, of course) and now could pause, play, etc the movie with her still in it. It was pretty awesome, but needed to be kept guarded, so Holly didn't know about it quite yet. She would someday… Maybe when they got out of here.

She hit the pause button and didn't even bat an eyelid at the fact the world froze around her. She headed up the stairs and out to the pub. She dumped the rum in the sink and filled the bottle with fresh water, then ran back down to where Jack and Holly were… Ah… Waiting. Their expressions were hilarious, exactly the same as they had been when she'd had her back turned. 'You've so much faith in me, dearies.' She muttered as she turned, making sure she was in the same position as she was when she paused. She pressed play on the remote and shoved it back in her shoe.

Lexi turned, waving the bottle around. 'Taa daaaaaa!' She sang. 'It's now water. Tips are greatly appreciated.' She joked. Jack managed to grab the bottle when one of her arms flailed too close. He eagerly opened the bottle and started chugging whatever was in there. The girls watched as his excitement turned to confusion turned to disappointment. He handed the bottle to Holly, who took a swig. Definitely water.

'No applause? That's heartbreaking! Fine, I can tell when i'm unwanted!' Lexi melodramatically stomped to the bottom of the stairs, wondering what she would do next. Maybe annoy Will without letting him see her. Yeah, that sounded like fun. Meanwhile Holly looked at the rum-less moping captain and pleaded with her best friend. 'No! Don't, come on, don't leave me here with him!'

'Consider you wish granted.' Lexi smirked and took her leave, with Jack's effects, of course. Jack instantly perked up. 'I was a wish, was I?' He asked Holly with half-lidded eyes. Holly blushed and turned away, willing herself to not completely loose it.

Damn Lexi.

Barbossa likes Apples, Green Apples

Jack likes Bananas, Green Bananas

Lexi likes Oranges, Orange oranges

However Holly LOVES reviews

Be nice to Holly and review =)