Status: Active!!!

Everything Happens for a Reason

Chapter 2: Tag!

(Nick’s P.O.V.)
“Nick, Penelope’s daughter arrives today!” Joe said enthusiastically.

“Oh, so that explains why she’s not here.” I answered.

“I bet Penelope’s daughter is hot!” Joe said happily. I rolled my eyes.

“Penelope said she hasn’t personally seen her daughter in 5 years.” Kevin cut in.

“Wow, why hasn’t she seen her daughter again?” Joe asked.

“Because she’s so busy producing that she doesn’t have much time for her daughter. She told us that last night. That’s why she sent her daughter—I think her name’s Rosaline—to live with her dad in the Philippines.” Kevin said smoothly.

“Are they divorced or something?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Nope. Penelope’s husband manages their other business, a luxury car distribution company.” Kevin answered.

“Wow, so this Rosaline girl must be spoiled. She must also be a blonde with blue eyes and creamy white skin.” I guessed.

“Probably.” Joe said and we heard the door open. Penelope came in with someone beside her. We looked intently at the person walking with her and saw the similarities in their facial features. They had the same hair, the same perfectly angular nose, and the same arched eyebrows. The girl had light brown hair and uncommon blue eyes and a very light tan skin tone. She was the epitome of perfection and I swear my heart stopped at the very sight of her.

“Wow.” I breathed out. She never looked up from her laptop unless her mom spoke to her. I was so curious as to what she was typing on her laptop. I wanted to impress her but she wasn’t paying attention. She eventually slammed her laptop shut and shoved it angrily in her bag and pulled out a book. And then she answered her phone and laughed along with the person on the other line—apparently, that other person was called Vin. And when we finished another song, I wandered near her as did Joe and Kevin.

*** (Rose’s P.O.V.)

“Hi.” Joe Jonas said in a friendly tone. I smiled and waved at him.

“Hi.” I answered.

“So, you’re Penelope’s daughter. Rosaline, right?” Kevin Jonas said.

“Yeah. You guys can call me Rose or Elaine.” I said and smiled again.

“Nice to meet you, Elaine. I’m Joe, that’s Kevin, and this is Nick.” Joe said and wrapped me in a hug. I laughed lightly and hugged him back. Kevin did the same as did Nick. But, when it came to Nick, it felt—different. As if an electric current passed through me.

“You want to hang out?” Kevin offered.

“Sure.” I said and we walked towards the snack bar.

“Banana?” Joe offered.

“No, thanks. I’m—uhh—I’m allergic to bananas.” I said and smiled as I fingered the strawberries. I grabbed one and put it to my lips and took a bite.

“If I may ask, what were you typing earlier?” Kevin asked. It’s true that Nick is a man of a few words. He barely said anything to me.

“My computer homework. My dad made a compromise with my school. So, yeah. I am obliged to do my homework and I am required to be homeschooled at least three times a week.” I said and they nodded.

“Honey, it’s your dad.” My mom cut in and handed me her phone. I put the pone to my ear and motioned to the boys to wait for a minute.

“Daddy?” I asked.

“Princess! How’s LA?” He asked.

“I haven’t seen much of it yet, daddy. I’m still doing my homework. I promise I’ll send you a picture when I get the chance to take pictures.” I said and he chuckled.

“Okay, princess. Just stay safe and take care of your mom, okay? I love you.” He bid.

“Love you, too, daddy. Bye.” I answered and handed the phone to my mom.

“You call your dad daddy?” Joe asked.

“Yep. And, I call my mom mommy. Sometimes I call her mom. Very unconventional, isn’t it?” I asked.

“Yeah. Very unconventional.” Nick agreed. I looked up at him and smiled.

“You guys want to grab some donuts and Starbucks?” Joe asked.

“I am just dying for a Mochachino Frappe!” I said happily and hitched my bag higher on my shoulder. They chuckled and led me to the exit.

“Oh, wait. Mommy, I’m just going out with the boys. We’ll be back soon.” I said and saw my mom nod with a smile on her face. We raced outside the arena and played tag—which was the most childish thing to do.

“Tag! You’re it!” Joe screamed after he tagged me.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” I said and pouted like a little kid.

“But you’re still it.” Joe answered. I saw Nick grinning smugly and narrowed my eyes at him.

“Fine, fine.” I answered and ran towards Kevin who was on my left side. Kevin ran away and I swerved my direction my right which caused Nick’s smug face to turn into a shocked expression. I reached my hand out and tagged him.

“Tag! You’re it!” I said triumphantly and started doing my happy dance.

“Tag! You’re it!” He said and tagged me again.

“HEYYYY! That’s not fair! Tag! You’re it!” I said aloud and tagged him. We started tagging each other as we walked to the car.

“I never like to lose.” Nick said and tagged me again.

“Well, same here, Jonas. Rosaline Athena Giovanni never loses.” I said and tagged him again.

“Well, so do I! I never lose.” He said and tagged me.

“Stop it, kiddies.” Kevin scolded and Nick and I started tagging each other faster.

“I said stop it.” Kevin scolded again and grabbed us by our wrists and told us to go inside the SUV.

“Fine.” I said in defeat and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Fine.” Nick said.

“Fine, fine.” I added.

“Fine, fine, fine.” Nick answered.

“Fine raised to the fourth power! HA!” I said competitively.

“Stop it. I’m warning you.” Kevin said as he started the engine. I sat back in my seat and buckled up.

“Finally! Someone as competitive as Nick. Now he won’t get all competitive on us.” Joe said in relief.

“You can say that again.” Kevin agreed.

The drive to Starbucks was slow, and it was silent in the car—not an awkward silence but a relaxing silence. Then, Joe decided to break the silence.

“So, Ellie, how old are you?” He asked.

“Ellie? Haha. Fine, fine, you can call me that. Only if I get to call you Joey.” I answered.

“Like the baby kangaroo?” Joe asked.

“Yeah. Like the baby kangaroo. I always wanted one of those as a pet—but my daddy wouldn’t let me have one.” I said and Joe grinned be fore we high-fived each other.

“You are my long lost fraternal twin!” Joe said happily and we grinned manically at each other.

“I’d totally hug you right now, but seeing as we’re in tight spots, maybe later. So, back to the question—I’m only 16. Sorry, bro, we can’t be fraternal twins if I’m 16 and you’re 21.” I said and he shrugged.

“Fine. You can be our little sister.” He said and smiled.

“Sure.” I agreed.

“So, Lainey, I have a question for you… what grade are you in?” Kevin asked.

“Okay, Kevy, you can call me Lainey. I’m a senior in high school.” I answered and saw the shock written across their faces.

“What? In the Philippines, there’re only 4 years of high school and 6 years of elementary school. And, it’s a requirement to be at least 3 or four when you go to pre-k. I was 3 and a half when I first went to school.” I said and grinned.

“Wow. Cool.” Nick said quietly.

“Okay. So, Nicky, any cute nicknames for me?” I asked curiously as my heart started beating faster at the very sight of him.

“I’m gonna call you Allie. Like the one in The Notebook.” I giggled and he looked at me like I was crazy—which I was.

“Sorry, sorry. I’m a crazy girl.” I admitted. “Oh! Wait—you guys need to keep that a secret. No one has to know that I’m crazy. Not even my mom knows I’m crazy.” I added and we laughed.

“Okay. Allie, what’s your favorite band?” Nick asked.

“Hmm… I have lots of favorite bands. I’d have to say… Boys Like Girls, Hey Monday, Lifehouse, Maroon 5, and of course you guys.” I said and grinned at them.

“How come we’re last?” Joe asked.

“I saved the best for last, Joey.” I answered and he nodded with his mouth ajar.

Hey, bitch! Answer your phone right now! I said NOW!

My phone literally screamed. I giggled and answered my phone.
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2nd chapter for today!!! I will update IOLTLY... soon
