Status: Updates when possible

Empty Hand


I paused when I got to the front door, and took a deep breath before knocking.

I’d just spent the last few hours on a train from my home in London, to my new home in Bedfordshire. This has to be the worst day of my life. Well, the second worse. The worst was last week, when I found out my parents had died. Yes, died. In a car accident apparently. I don’t know the details, and I’d rather not anyway.

I’m 15, and known as Beth. My adoption wasn’t an ordinary one. I’d never even met these people before. One day, my parents disappeared off the face of the earth, and the next day I’m told I’m moving. Here. I got a letter through the post with this address on it. It told me that I would be living with Madeline Jordan, her mother Valerie Collins, and her daughter, Jessica, who was a year older than me. Apparently her dad is gay and living in Cornwall, or St Ives to be precise. I can’t wait to meet him.

Anyway, here I am. I saw a figure approaching the door, and a second later, it opened. A medium height forty-something woman was standing in front of me. She smiled at me.

“Hi. Can I help you?” she asked.

“Um. Maybe. Probably. Yes. You can.” She laughed. That wasn’t supposed to be funny. Stop laughing, please, I’m not in a laughing mood.

“What’s your name sweetheart?” Ew, I hate that word.

“Bethany Jacobs.”

“Oh, Bethany, of course. Come in.” She ushered me through the door. “How are you?”

“Errr, not too good actually. Seeing as I found out my parents were dead three days ago, then I had to make the journey here.”

“Of course, darling, I’m so sorry. Where was it you came from again?”


“Oh, you poor thing. You must be shattered.” I nodded. “Mum, could you call Jess please? Ask her to come home straight away.”

“Of course, dear.” An elderly lady came out of what I guess is the downstairs bedroom. She smiled at me on her way past. “Hello love,” She said.


“Jess is out at the moment. With her boyfriend, you see.” Madeline said to me. I nodded.
We made our way upstairs. “You’ll be sharing rooms with Jessica for the time being. Just until I clear out my study for you. We weren’t expecting you so soon as you can probably see.”

“Okay. That’s fine. Don’t worry.”

“Here it is. I’ll leave you to unpack.”

I nodded. “Thank you.” And she left.

I could see that there was a sort of camp bed in the corner of the room. Obviously for me. So much for not expecting me. More like I can’t be bothered to clear out my study yet. There was a double sized bed in the middle of the room. Yeah, thanks.

I pulled my suit case in behind me, found a space in the wardrobe, and started unpacking.


Jess’ POV

“Remember that show we did.” Fred laughed “When you were Miss Thorn, or, as you called yourself, Susie Sunbeam.”

I laughed with him. “Yeah, that was so funny. Her face was hilarious. I’m so glad she’s gone. I love Mr. Fothergill.”

“Ooohh, really?”

“Oh my gosh Fred, no! He’s just the best teacher.”

“Yeah, I know. Especially as we’re like, his favourite students.”

My phone rang. It was Granny. Apparently there was some sort of emergency at home. I was needed.

I sighed.

“Problem?” Fred asked.

“No. Well, yeah. That orphan girl my mum adopted has arrived early.” I scowled.

“’I’m sure you’ll get on fine.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Right.”

“You haven’t even met her.”

“Exactly. She’s probably super beautiful, and everyone will be in love with her. My mum will make me be friends with her.”

Fred shrugged. “Well, you are best friends with Flora. She’s gorgeous, and everybody loves her, so what difference is it gonna make?”

I hit his arm. “Fred! You’re not supposed to say that Flora’s gorgeous. Even if it’s true. You’re supposed to say this girls gonna be ugly.”

“Fine, she’s gonna have a face like a pigs bum, with warts all over it, and she’s gonna have the worst personality ever.”

“Let’s hope.”

“Hey, let’s not be too mean to the poor girl. She’s just lost both her parents.”

“Yeah, and I bet she’s gonna try to steal mine.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I have to share my room with her! Great.”

“Like I said, I’m sure you’ll get on.”

I sighed again. “I have to go....I know! You can come with me. Oh, please? It’ll be much easier if I’m not on my own.”

“Can’t you ask Flora?”

“Flora’s out.” Well she’s not really, but he doesn’t need to know that. “Oh, please Fred, Please?”

He looked at his watch. “Okay, I guess. Only for half an hour, mind. I don’t want to intrude.”

“You won’t, I swear. Thanks. Let’s go.”


We got back to my house, and I unlocked the door. “Mum? Granny? I’m home!”

“In here, Jess.” My mother called from the living room.

We walked into the room.

A girl that was even prettier than Flora (virtually impossible) was sitting on the large sofa, in between Mum and Granny.

“Jess, this is Bethany.”

“Beth.” The girl corrected. “I prefer Beth.”

Oh, God. A big wave of jealousy was coming to me. A wave that’s not going to go away any time soon.

(Beth’s POV)

Her face changed as soon as I corrected my name. She looked....Jealous. I wasn’t really used to people being jealous of me. I was only used to people hating me. I wasn’t sure I liked it. Why would she be jealous of me? What is there to be jealous of me? Nothing. If anything, I should be jealous of her. I mean, at least she has parents. It’s not even like I’m pretty or anything. I’m just plain, boring, and now all on my own. Not literally, but, this wasn’t my family. It never would be. Not really.

“Okay, Beth. This is Jess, and Fred.”

I looked at the guy standing next to her. Hmm... he wasn’t bad looking. Sort of like a Victorian poet. Or was it Shakespearian? I don’t really know. Whichever. With an old-fashioned name, too. But that wasn’t bad. He seemed nice.

“Hi.” I smiled at both of them.

“Hello!” He had a broad grin on his face.

Jess scowled and glared at me. I cringed. I immediately lost my smile, and looked away. I hate it when people are angry with me. I don’t do confrontation. Okay, I don’t do confrontation well.

“Umm... I think I’m gonna finish unpacking.” I excused myself, stood up and left the room, going upstairs.

I’d been in the bedroom for about 5 seconds when the door re-opened. It was Jess, with Fred slightly behind her. I continued looking through my small bag, pretending that I didn’t know they had just come in.

She coughed, trying to get my attention. I slowly turned round, and tried to seem calm. My insides were twisting with panic. Oh, god. She hates me. I haven’t been here 10 minutes and she already hates me.

“Um... are you okay?” I asked her. Well, someone had to say something.

“No, actually, I’m not. Why are you here?”


“Why are you here?” she repeated. “In my house?”

“I was sent here. I have nowhere else to go.”

“Aw, poor Beth, nobody wants her.”

I tried to keep my anger inside, so I turned back to my bag and carried on looking. I finally found what I was looking for, a framed photo of me with my parents. I pulled it out and sat on my bed, looking at it.

I shook my head “No. There’s nobody anymore.”

“Yes, because your parents left you.”

“That’s not true.” I whispered. “No. They didn’t leave me. They were taken away from me.”

“Just face it. They didn’t want you. Nobody wants you. Not even my mum. She only took you in because she felt sorry for you. She feels sorry for everyone. She doesn’t want you here, and neither do I.”

My phone buzzed at that moment. I pulled it out of my pocket, and looked at the message.

From: Gabby. Hey babe. Hw u doing? What’s it like where you are? Phone me later. x

I replied quickly, saying: K, call u later. It’s my personal hell here. Need a good convo with you. Hw’s Anniiey? x

She’s a bit pissed tbh. But I think she just misses you really. We both do. Spik later. X

Aw, I’ll have to call Anniiey later too. But first...

Jess was still standing there. Glaring at me.

“Girls! Dinner’s ready! You staying for tea Fred?” Madeline called from downstairs.

“Uhh, I think I better go actually.” Fred replied.

“I hate you.” Jess mumbled to me, before pushing past Fred and storming downstairs.

Fred gave me an apologetic look.

“Sorry,” he said. “Jess gets a bit...jealous sometimes. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“Why would she be jealous of me? Nobody wants to have my life. Trust me.”

Fred shrugged, smiled and gave a funny little wave.

“I’m going now. See you Beth.”


I waited for him to walk downstairs and leave the house before going to get dinner.

“So how are you doing, Beth?” Madeline asked.

I shrugged.

“Okay, I guess. I’ve been better, but, it’s the best I can be, considering...”

She nodded, and there was a moment’s silence.

“You’re going to take Beth to school tomorrow, Jess.”

“Why do I need to take her? She can take herself.”

“Jess!” She scolded. “Beth doesn’t know the way, so you are going to show her.”

“It’s fine, Madeline, honestly, I’ll be okay.” I told her.

“No, I won’t have that. Jess is going to take you. You’ll walk with her, Fred and Flora.”

I nodded. Nobody said anything. Everybody had finished eating by now, so Madeline got up and started clearing the dishes.

“So how about we have a slice of Granny’s apple pie, and watch a DVD in the front room?”

She looked at me.

I smiled. “That sounds lovely, honestly.” I replied.


“There’s nothing I would like to do more. But, actually, I’m pretty tired. So I think I’m just gonna have a shower and go to bed. If you don’t mind.”

“Oh. Of course darling, you must be shattered. Of course. Go ahead. We’ll do that tomorrow instead then, yes?”

I smiled. “Sure.”

Upstairs, I grabbed some pyjamas from my bag and went into the bathroom. I took a shower and, once I was done, I got changed into my pyjamas, took my phone out of the pocket of the jeans I was wearing earlier and sat on the floor with my back against the bathroom door.

I dialled Gabby’s number. She picked up on the third ring.


‘Gabby? It’s Beth.’

‘Oh, babe. How are you?’

‘God, terrible. I don’t know how I’m gonna survive here, G. Madeline, she’s lovely. But she’s trying too hard to make sure I’m going to be okay. But guess what? I’m not. Valerie’s sweet, but she’s obsessed with murder.’


‘Yeah. I swear, she’s probably planning to commit one.’

‘Ha-ha! And what about the girl?’

‘Oh. Jess. She’s....’


‘Awful. She’s awful. She hates me already. I haven’t even done anything to her.’

‘Maybe she’s jealous.’

‘That’s what her boyfriend said, Fred. He seems nice.’


‘Yeah, he even apologized for Jess’ behaviour. I doubt she’s jealous though. I mean why would anyone be jealous of me? My life is in ruins right now.’

‘Aw, babe, I’m sorry, really. But I’m sure she is jealous of you. You’re gorgeous Hun .I swear; you were the best looking girl at our school. It’s totally boring without you here.’

‘Seriously? It’s boring without me?’

‘Yeah. Nothing has happened here. You were the one to make sure that something had. Be happy to know nobody’s taken your place yet.’

‘Good. But, babe. If nothing’s happening, then you have to make it happen.’


‘Yes, you. Who else?’

‘But, that will be taking your place.’

‘If you don’t, then somebody else will. Like Alena. Or Casey. God, I hate them. I’d rather you did than anyone else. You’re the most like me. Remember when we first started, people thought we were sisters? We’re like twins, babe. If not physically, then mentally at least. Twins at heart. You’re the only one who I can trust to keep my memory alive over there. I’m counting on you.’

‘You’re speaking like you’re dead. Don’t, please.’

‘Well, I might as well be. To the other people over there anyway. If you don’t remind people of me then you and Anniiey will be the only ones to remember me.’

‘Okay babe. You won’t be forgotten, I promise.’

‘Good. Thanks babe. I love you like a sister you know.’

‘Yeah, I know. I love you too Hun.’

‘You better. God, I wish I was there. I’m starting my new school tomorrow. Yay! Not.’

‘You’ll be fine, I’m sure.’

‘Humph. I hope so.’

‘I know so.’

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

“Beth! Hurry up! I need to use the bathroom! You’ve been on the phone for ages, yabbering to you’re stupid friend.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be out in a moment.”

‘I’ve gotta go babe.’

‘Who was that? Jess?’


‘Okay, well phone me again soon yeah? And text me tomorrow. Kay?’

‘Okay, I will. And tell Anniiey I’ll phone her tomorrow, kay? I’m too tired right now.’

‘Alright, babe. Speak soon. Air Hugs.’

I laughed ‘Yeah. Air Hugs. Love you much.’

‘You too, B. G’bye.’


I ended the call, and stood up, gathering my things before opening the door and going back to the bedroom. Jess went into the bathroom after me, and I heard the door slam shut when she closed it.

I sent a quick text to Anniiey.

Sorry, A. Phone u tmrw. Miss u guys. LY XX

My phone beeped a few seconds later. That girl always has her phone on her, so I thought it would be her replying to me. But it just said: Battery low.

I sighed, and plugged my charger in. I turned the light off, and curled up in bed.

It took me a while to get to sleep, but I got there. Eventually.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter!
Here's what Bethany was wearing when she arrived:
Check out the characters list.
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