Somewhere Weakness Is Our Strength!

Tears and Fears


I felt ice.

Icy cold water running through my veins, I was drowning and I couldn’t stop the water from falling inside my lungs.

I was scared.

But I needed to be strong.

I needed to get out of here, I wanted to be home with Mom and Dad, and Pinkly and Smooth.

That’s when I saw her.

She looked like a ghost from my past. Standing there with eyes so soft and vibrant blue.

“You need to come toward the light, dear, you need to be with me!” She kept saying in this echo harsh voice.

Through as much a voice I could muster through the icy coldness, I screamed.

“No, I will not follow the light!”

With those words the ghost shrieked as if she lost the battle with me. But the war has only begun.

I fought on through the waters I couldn’t just wait for my death. I wasn’t one to just sit and wait. I had to do things on my own.

But were doing things on my own always right?

I needed help. I knew this. I needed my mommy and daddy.

I needed to hear there reassurance that I was going to be okay.

“Harley! Harley!” A voice said.
I could hear the voice but I couldn’t see anything the water rushing over my face made it hard for me to see anyone or even call out to them.

But I needed to try. I couldn’t give in to the icy waters.

“Mom, Dad?” I yelled.

“Harley? Harley?” The voice echoed.

“Mom, Dad? Please! Help Me! I’m scared,” I screamed.

“Harley? Where are you? You need to come back to us! We need you here with us. You can’t leave, not like this. We love you!” The voice continued.

The voice sounded familiar, like I’ve heard it a lot since I moved to California.

That’s when it hit me.

It was Dad saying this to me.

Dad was the one talking to me but I couldn’t see him.

That’s when I mustered as much courage I had left to yell for him.

“Daddy,” I screamed.

“Harley Quinn?” He yelled back.

“Daddy,” I screamed again.

“Oh my god, Harley Quinn,” He screamed.

He found me, I was about to give up. But he found me.

“Harley, stay with me, please!” he said grabbing me closely to him.

“Daddy, I’m freezing!” I said to him closing my eyes.

“No, Harley! I need you to stay awake with me please!” He said crying.

“Alright, I’ll try my best,” I said holding on to him.

“Harley, please talk to me.” He said.

“Why? I’m so cold!” I said.

“Because we need to you wake up?” He said.

“But I am awake Daddy, I’m just so tired!” I said.

“No, Harley! I need to wake up, please just wake up!” He said.

“Daddy, I am wake, I’m talking to you!” I said getting confused.

“No, babydoll, I need you to please wake up for us. Your mother and I are scared. We want you home with us.” He said.

“Please, wake up!” He said.

Hospital No POV:

“He’s been there by her sight the whole time. They both have,” Val said talking to her mother.

“I know I’m worried too. She hasn’t woken up yet but I don’t want to upset them any further.” Debbie said.

That’s when Michelle walked back.

“Look, I don’t want your negativity here. She’s our daughter. She’s going to wake up. I don’t care what doctors say. If Brian and I keep talking to her, she’s got to wake up.” Michelle said with tears.

“Honey, I brought you some coffee,” Michelle said to her husband Brian.

“Thanks sweetheart,” Brian said to his wife and taking the coffee.

“Do you want to sleep this time, and I’ll watch?” Michelle asked.

“No, I’m just going to wait up with you,” Brian said.

“Alright, do you want to go ahead and continue talking to her?” Michelle said.

“Yeah, I will, Harley please wake up!” Brian said.

They both looked at there daughter, the small sixteen year old life. They both heard a door open to the room.

“Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Haner? But I need to talk to you about Harley,” He said.

“What exactly do you need to say?” Brian said holding his wife.

Before the doctor could response a voice was heard.

♠ ♠ ♠

dedication to carmella, im so sorry it came out early but i really was itching to get this out. (:

also to Death's Angel cuz she rocks. (: