Somewhere Weakness Is Our Strength!

Anger and Upsets


Two Weeks Later

Michelle’s POV:

Val and I were sitting on the bus with the guys. Harley was at the table working on homework.

We haven’t let her out of our sight since that horrible day. I know she feels trapped but she really let us down by not telling Brian and me about her illness.

“I finished my homework; do you think I could step outside for a bit? Please!” She said looking at me.

She handed me her Algebra 2 homework, I looked at it to check and make sure it was correct.

“Number 18, 5 and 7 are wrong. Go back and correct them and I’ll check to see where we are?” I said handing her back the homework.

“Fine,” She said walking back to the table.

“Ellie, don’t you think you were a bit hard on her?” Val said looking at Harley.

“No, those answers were wrong. She knows that the academic system isn’t for coddling. Harvard and Yale, Princeton are profound schools that aren’t known for coddling their students. They expect them to sink or swim.” I said.

“I still think you’re being a little hard on her. I know you’re going to rebuttal what I’m saying. But do you think she might have had a reason for not telling you about her illness. Did you stop to think how different you guys probably would’ve treated her if you knew? I know you, you’re my twin. You’d be frightened. But I know Syn would’ve have opened himself up to her like he has now. He’d be tactless with her.” Val said looking at me.

I looked back at my twin. She was right. Like always, she knew what to say in the exact moments.

I was about to say something when Brian and the others came to the front of the bus.

Val and I saw Matt go sit with Harley while Brian came towards me.

“Hey,” He said looking at me.

“Hey,” I said looking back.

That’s when we both heard giggling from Matt and Harley.

“Harley, go back to your homework!” Brian said looking firmly back at her.

She looked up grabbed her stuff in a hurry and was out from the table in a flash towards the back of the bus.

I knew at that moment a fight was going to break out.

We should’ve stayed home.


“What the fuck was that about Brian?” Matt asked.

“She needs to concentrate on homework, not giggling like that,” He said in attack.

“Syn man, lighten up. She needs to laugh it’s been two weeks. She’s not going anywhere yet.” Matt said looking at him.

“What do you mean not yet?” Michelle said worried.

“Sorry Michelle, I meant to say you guys have a year and a half or so left with Harley before she goes off to college. Maybe you two should think about spending what time you have with her then fighting with her.” He said walking over to Val.

Michelle and Brian looked at each other. Matt was right. They only had a year and a half left with their daughter.

Harley’s POV:

I looked at my homework from the back of the bus. Tear drops falling on the paper from my eyes.

Everything was in a horrible mess. It was my entire fault. I didn’t tell them in the first place.

If only, no I can’t say if only. What I did wasn’t for selfless reason. I just forgot with all that was happening.

I just should’ve told them.

Now here I’m sitting here crying on my homework.

“Harley?” I heard voices say in union.

“Yes,” I said not looking up from my homework.

“Could we talk please?” Dad said.

“Sure, if you want to but your kind of interrupting me. You told me to do my homework.” I said looking at him.

“Yes, I know. But we all need to talk. We want to take you somewhere?” He said looking at me.

“What? What did I do? I didn’t mean not tell you. Your sending me away?” I said looking at them.

“Sort of,” Mom said looking at me.
♠ ♠ ♠

only 4 chapters left.


dedicated to Schfifty-Five.