Somewhere Weakness Is Our Strength!

Broken Harley + Broken Michelle = Disaster

Harley's POV:

I bolted toward the upstairs. I couldn't freaking believe it. I headed straight for my bedroom. Once inside I barricaded myself in the bathroom.

That's when I completely lost it.

I threw shit against the fucking wall of the bathroom!! I broke the mirror on the wall!! I busted the plumbing for the toilet and shower!!

I'm bleeding but I don't care!! She's caused me so much pain!! I just want to hit her! But I can't...fuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccck!!!!

It pisses me off!!! I hate her with every bone of my body!!! Uuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

I've been lied to all my life. The only person to not really lie is Dad.

I looked around the bathroom. Everything was broken. There's blood on the floor from my hands. The mirror is in pieces in the sink and the floor.

But I didn't care. I heard knocking on the door.

" the door" Brendan said.

That's when I succumbed to the numb feeling in my body.

Luckily I had opened the door before I fell in the bath tub.

All I knew was that Brendan was telling me everything was going to be alright. But it wasn't.

She of all people I trusted with every fiber of my being...lied straight to my face.

That's when I heard Dad. He was trying to get inside the bathroom.

"Harley" He said.

I didn't response...knowing I should have done so.

That's when I heard the door break down.

I didn't like the response on his face. He looked scared and worried. He looked over at me and warmed up.

He saw me holding on to Brendan in the tub just soaked to the bone.

"Dad...she lied to me and you. She hurt me so bad. She's my freaking mother and she didn't tell me until now." She said.

"Shh...Harley don't worry. It's going to be alright. Let's get out of here." I said.

Brendan and Dad helped me out of the bathroom. I walked over to the window seat. Brendan and Dad sat on either side of me. It got really quite after awhile.

That's when Brendan spoke.

"Harley" Brendan said moving my dreadfalls out of my face.

"Yeah" I sobbed.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Michelle being your mother and stuff. But you can't just let it tear you up inside." Brendan said.

"Why not?" I said.

"Because I know you feel torn inside, and you don't like when people lie to you. But did you ever take it for consideration that Michelle might actually have had a good reason not to tell you? Maybe she knew your dad wasn't really for a baby or maybe she emotionally wasn't ready?" He said.

"Oh so your siding with her. Thanks Brendan." I said not fully realizing I'm taking my anger out on him.

"Don't you dare take your anger out on me HarleyQuinn Sanderson? I've done nothing to you but be here for you. I'm just stating that maybe there is a good reason she did this." He said.

That's when I lost it again. I knew I had taken my frustration out on him. But I was so upset with her.

I looked over to my Dad. He looked at me.

"I think Brendan is right. Regardless you need to talk to her. I know you’re hurt. But this isn't going anywhere if you two don't talk." Dad said.

I know inside he's right. Maybe...I should go talk to her. I need to find out more about her being my mother.

Michelle's POV:

Val was looking at me I could feel it. The burning look of a sister's scorn edging deep into my lost confidence.

Every single piece of venomous words Harley threw at me hit ten fold.

I couldn't believe I kept if from her so long. I should have told her soon. I lied straight to her face. She's lost all confidence in me.

I know she feels betrayed. I myself feel my own faults.

"I needed to talk to Harley!" I said.

"But isn't Brian with her right now?" Val said.

"I think so...but I need to make this right with Harley before...she hates me forever." I said.

"Then go talk to her. Don't wait just go." Val said.

That's when I got up and walked out of the closet. Only to see the least expect person.

My daughter Harley standing there with tear stains on her face.