Somewhere Weakness Is Our Strength!

Birthday Party Freak outs and Mess Ups.



Harley thought about her talk with her mother but something wasn’t right. It felt as if something was going to mess everything up. Somewhere someone or something wanted Harley to have a bad time with her birthday.

But she didn’t have much time to worry about her birthday while at school. Finals were going to be starting. She had enough on her plate to worry about while at school.

She needed to study for AP Latin: Vergil, AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, AP World History, Pre AP English 2.

So while her friends talk and gossip, she studies her ass off. Until they get annoyed and try to get her attention. Which is what Bridget and Jayden, also Brendan do so well.

“So Harley?” Bridget said.

“Yeah?” Harley said not looking up from her Calculus book.

“So are you ever going to look up from that book?” Bridget said.

“Yes, I just have to study a bit more.” Harley said.

Before having her Calculus book taken away from Jayden.

“Hey give it back. Please, I really need to study….”Harley said before getting kissed by Jayden.

“Happy 16th Birthday Harley!” Jayden said giving Harley her book back and going to class leaving me in disbelief.

Harley’s POV:

Everything was going to well tonight. My parents and family were having a blast. I had wonderful gifts which contain some books from Russian authors, a new book bag.

That’s when I saw someone I didn’t expect there.

I couldn’t believe it when I saw him. There he stood looking the exactly the same when I left Iowa.

“Hey Harlequin.” Joey said.

“Nathan Jonas Jordison is that you?” I said running to him and giving him a hug.

I didn’t notice Dad looking a bit hurt.

“I have a surprise for you. Something I’ve been waiting to give you.” He said.

“Oh My Gosh…..What could that be?” I said with curiousness.

“Well close your eyes and follow me outside.” He said.

I closed my eyes and he guided me outside. Everyone inside followed outside, they themselves were curious as well.

I could here the gasps from my family and everyone else at my party.

“Happy 16th Birthday Harlequin.” Joey said uncovering my eyes.

There sitting in my driveway was this beautiful black BMW 335i. I freaked out so bad. I never knew how to drive. Jude never let me drive, she didn’t like the idea.

“Oh My God…You got me a car, Joey you got me a freaking car?” I said in disbelief.

“Yeah Harlequin, I didn’t just get you a car. But a BMW 335i, I can’t have you driving a regular car.” Joey said.

“Can I get inside?” I said.

“Yes Harlequin you can it’s your car.” Joey said.

Before I could step inside Dad had something to say.

“Harley don’t you dare step inside that car!” Dad said.

“Why can’t she, I bought this car for her……” Joey said.

“Because I don’t want her to have this gift, I have rules here at this house and I just don’t want her to keep the car.” Dad said.

I looked at him and mom. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t going to let me keep the car.

This wasn’t fair.
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I'm sorry it took so long to come out. I've been struggling with this part.