Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

For Me That Equals Trouble.

Mia was right in suggesting a walk. I needed the fresh air to calm myself down.

We walked all through central London and I could feel the darkness inside of me supressing underneath the summer sun. For the first day of July, it was pretty nice out; early 70's, warm sun, cool and gentle breeze, perfect.

"See? Doesn't this feel nice?" Mia asked me as I walked backwards.

I nodded. Even Draco was wearing ripped jeans and a black v-neck.

I was startled when I bumped into somebody though.

I turned around to quickly say I was sorry, but I was a little bit...distracted.

My cheeks flushed at the guy before me. He was about Draco's height of 5' 10", chocolate brown hair, and emerald eyes. I adored those emerald eyes. How do I get so lucky to bump into gorgeous boys when I walk backwards?

"Uh...I, I am so sorry!" I stuttered. "i should really stop walking backwards, I am such a klutz!"

I could sense Draco's dark and pissy aura from behind me, but I was too distracted and ignored it.

"Nahh, it's all right." He replied smoothly. "Name's Adrian Cromwell. Who might you be, m'lady?" He asked me, holding out his hand.

"Isabelle, Isabelle Bourdain." I gave him my hand he kissed the top of it; I resisted a giggle for Draco's sake.

"Bourdain, eh? It's an honour to meet you." Adrian said.

"How so?" No harm in talking right?

"Because of the Five Royal Families of course." He replied simply.

I arched an eyebrow. "I only learned about my actual backround not long ago so I still don't know much. What do you mean by 'Five Royal Families'?"

"The Brimstones, Bourdains, Cromwells, Pipers, and Richards are the Five Royal Families." I could sense Mia's eyes wide with wonder behind me. "Long story short, you, my dear, are the Bourdain Princess. And your brunette friend over there is the Richards Princess, correct?"

Mia and I nodded. Dayum, me and my best friend were princesses.

"Ah, I'd recognize that platinum blonde hair and moody grey eyes anywhere. You must Draco Malfoy, correct?" Adrian said.

"Yeah," Draco growled, "what's it to you?"

"There could have been six royal families, but your great-great grandfather's attitude prevented that."

Mia and I resisted laughter.

Adrian turned back to me now. "You know, my parents are out of town until the tenth and I'm having a little party tonight at seven. It'd be a great honour if you and your friends could come."

"Well we'd just love to but--" Draco started.

"We'd love to!" Mia and I exclaimed in unison.

"Terrific." Adrian smiled. "Come to 2102 Stonehill Ave. I'll be looking forward to seeing you."

Mia and I nodded and waved to him as he walked away. Instantly, we went into boy crazy girls mode.

"Oh, my, god, he was totally gorgeous, wasn't he?!" I said.

"Heck yes!" Mia agreed. "We need to looks dang hot for that party tonight!"

"'Ey!" Draco called, snapping us out of our daze. "Richards, don't tell me you forgot about James."

Mia's half guilty face came on. "He's in Australia for the summer, there's no harm in window shopping."

"Yeah draco, lighten up. I know you like to window shop too." I said, poking his chest.

That got him to shut up.

"Now come on, a party's a party, we were invited, we can't be rude." I added.

"Yeah, it's not like anything's gonna happen." Mia said.

Draco sighed and we went shopping for perfect party clothes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh how wrong you are Mia. Hahaa.
What a tangled web Adrian is weaving.
And our jacked up lil trio is falling right into it.
Comments make me want to show just how much Lauren and I swoon over hawties(;