Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Can't Be Tamed.

Mia and I were like giggly little school girls swooning over the gorgeous new guy as we got dressed.

I was just finishing my make-up as mia curled her hair and we traded. I straightened my hair and MiMi did her make-up.

"I don't think Draco likes Adrian too much." Mia giggled.

I laughed. "Really, MiMi? What gave it away?"

She shrugged. "Maybe the way he snarled as you practically melted underneath Adrian's emerald green eyes."

"Did you see those eyes?! Drop, dead, gorgeous!"

Mia and I laughed and finished getting ready.


"Do we really have to go?" Draco whined.

"Yes, we do. It would be rude of us not to." I replied.

"Stonehill Ave. is the fancy-shmancy part of London, sis." Itachi pointed out as he drove us to the party. Barely being fifteen (which none of us were yet) really sucked sometimes.

"Surprise, surprise." I shrugged. "Hey Itachi, does the name Cromwell mean anything to you?"

Itachi gasped. I'm gonna take that as a yes. Good or bad yes, I couldn't tell by that gasp.

"The Cromwell family isn't just filthy rich," Draco sneered at Itachi's words, "but they're royalty and..."

"And...?" Mia and I pushed.

"And it's just a rumour but...they say the Cromwell Clan is an entire family of pure blood vampires."

Mia's and my jaws dropped. Draco looked sadistically amused.

"You mean like blood-sucking, dangerous, night dwelling vampires?" Draco asked, earning a glare from Mia and I.

"Well, no." Draco looked defeated and slumped down in his seat. "The Cromwells are hightly sophisticated and have never attacked a single person in centuries. But they do have a strong affinity for Compulsion."

"Wouldn't that like...murder their eyes?" Mia asked, remembering back to last year.

Itachi shook his head. "Not really. Their Compulsion is like our clan's Sharingan."

"A kekkei genkei." I said. Itachi nodded.

"A what?" Mia asked.

"Kekkei genkei. It's something passed down in one family. Like the Uchiha's Sharingan."

"Oh, so it's a bloodline thing?"

I nodded. "Pretty much."

"Well, here we are." Itachi said, pulling up in front of a large wrought iron gate.

THe manor alone was even bigger than Draco's, let alone the rest of the property which made it even more huge.

Mia and I stared in awe. Draco slumped further in his seat.

"You three have fun. Just call whenever you need a ride home!" Itachi said, waving as we all got out of the black corvette.

As we approched the huge ass gate, Adrian came strolling down the pathway with his hands in his pockets and the gate opened.

"I'm so glad you three could make it." Adrian said, grinning.

"We told you we'd come." I replied with a smile.

"I'm very glad you did. Let's get inside."

Mia's face faultered for a moment, clearly not liking Adrian's smooth tone, but ignored it as we walked inside.

"Whoa, this place is huge!" Mia commented.

"And this is just the foyer, dear Mia." Adrian replied.

"How do you know my name?" Mia asked, still smiling though.

Adrian flashed her a dazzling smile. "Because you are also one of the Five Royal Families. And word gets around from your adventures at Hogwarts."

Mia and I gave each other surprised looks. He knew about Hogwarts?

"How do you know about Hogwarts?" I asked him.

Adrian smirked. "The Five Royal Families all have something...special about them."

Mia and I shrugged, honestly not caring.

"Why exactly aren't your parents home?" Draco asked Adrian suspiciously.

"Buisness trip." Adrian replied simply. It was obvious that those two clearly did not like each other.

About an hour later, nearly 2o-4o other people showed up. Draco was drowning his issues at the bar, Mia was on the patio talking to James for a bit, and I was dancing to Ke$ha's "Take It Off" with a glass of pure vodka in my hand.

"You and your boyfriend having problems?" Adrian asked me, taking a sip of from the glass of whiskey in his hand.

"Ah, he's just jealous." Thanks to old booze brains here, I'd probably tell any stranger anything.

"That second necklace you're wearing, it's a pentagram, isn't it?"

I glanced down at my necklace and smiled back up at Adrian. "Yeah, it comes with being a Wicca."

"Wiccan, eh?" I nodded. "Well than I think I have a book upstairs that might be of some interest to you."

"Really now?" I asked. Adrian nodded and held out his hand to me which I took eagerly as he led me upstairs.

I took another sip of my drink as Adrian shut the door behind me. "This is your room?" I asked, seeing all of the black, scarlet, and crimson.

Adrian nodded and went over to a bookcase. I walked over to the window and admired the view of his backyard under the moonlight and shimmering stars.

"I guess my mom snatched the book 'cause I can't seem to find it." Adrian said with a shrug.

"It's all right. You have such a good view of the moon from your window."

"I have a better one right in front of me." He replied, putting our glasses on top of the bookshelf and steeping close to me.

"I felt my cheeks growing warm as he moved to we were merely inches apart.

"Mr. Malfoy has every reason to be jealous. Who wouldn't want to lose such a gorgeous rose?"

I couldn't find my voice. I felt so lost in those emerald eyes....

"Clearly Draco doesn't care that you're with me right now. And I can see it in your eyes, you want to kiss me."

Oh do I ever.

I was drowned in those emerald eyes and could only focus on him. Those eyes, the way his hair was just falling over them, and his pale pink lips...I wanted to kiss those lips.

Mia's POV.

I hung up with James, glad he was having fun with his family in Australia, and headed in to find Izzy (probably drunk off her ass) and Draco (on his PMS).

I furrowed my eyebrows when I only saw Draco at the bar, drinking a Martini.

"Where's Izzy?" I asked him.

"She's not with you?" He replied.

"Uh, no." Kind of why I'm asking blondie.

Draco and I looked at each other and nearly screamed.

"If you two are looking for the fiiiiine Bourdain girl," the bartender guy said, "she went upstairs with Mr. Cromwell."

This time, Draco and I did scream.

We ran up the stairs as fast as we could, hoping to get to Isabelle before anything could happen. If Adrian really was a vampire, than one bite and Draco can kiss Izzy goodbye forever!

"Isabelle!" Draco and I called at the top of the stairs, sighing at all the doors in the hallway.

"I hope we're not too late..." I said, biting my thumb nail.

Draco gave me a look that made me want to piss myself. "Too late for what?" He snapped.

"Well...if Adrian really is a vampire and bites Izzy just once - even under compulsion - than she'd be his forever because this manor is technically sacred ground because centuries ago it was a cemetary!" I said quickly.

Draco's jaw dropped and I swore he was about to kick down every single door.

"As long as she tells him he can, Adrian has every oppertunity - from here until the end of the eternity - to technically turn her." I added.

"Even under compulsion?"

"Even under compulsion."
♠ ♠ ♠
Isabelle's Outfit
Mia's Outfit

Oh dear god Isabelle, what have you gotten into now?
See? I told you guys Adrian was trouble!
What's to come for "lucky" chapter 13 which will be called "Kiss My Eyes And Lay Me to Sleep."?!?!
What's gonna happen to poor Isabelle now?!
Comment and you shall see her fate...