Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Reflect This Kiss and Wish Us All...Goodnight.

Mia's POV.

"Isabelle, no!" I screamed, tears running down my cheeks.

Adrian grinned evilly as his once emerald eyes turned to crimson. "Life sucks, doesn't it? No pun intended."

I shook my head furiously and balled my fists. "No, she loves Draco too much. She'll wake up and...and--"

Adrian shook his head, licked his lips, and set Isabelle on his bed. "You won't be able to find out, now will you?"

Draco and I looked at each other, then back at him and went to protest, but something in his eyes...made it all go black...

I rolled over with a horrible headache. Sitting up, I realized I was back home in my room, when everything came flooding back to me.

I changed out of my dress and into something more appropriate, and ran downstairs to find Sasuke and Itachi casually reading their usual stuff on the chairs in the living room.

"What the hell happened last night?!" I 'asked' them.

They looked up at me, genuinely puzzled.

"Adrian called me last night saying you and Draco passed out but Isabelle was still having fun so I came to pick you two up." Itachi replied.

I gaped at him. "And you didn't think to ask to see Izzy?!"

Itachi shook his head. "Adrian was very convincing."

"THAT'S HIS COMPULSION YOU DUMBASS!" I yelled. Oh Izzy, what have you done to me? You gave me some of your short temper in my protectiveness.

Sasuke's face went from surprised, to extremely pissed.

"Compulsion?" I nodded. "The bastard's a vampire?!" I nodded again. "AND HE HAS MY SISTER?!" I nodded once more which earned Itachi a death glare from Sasuke.

"Where's Draco?" I asked Itachi.

"Back home, why?"

"Because Izzy is in some serious freaking trouble!" Without anything else, I ran out the door and across the street.

I knocked on the door furiously, calling for draco or even Narcissa.

"Mia, what's the problem dear?" Narcissa asked me, answering the door. It was a good thing Isabelle got her to like me.

"It's Isabelle. She's in serious trouble. Where's Draco?" I said.

Narcissa looked worried to death and let me in. "He's in his room."

I nodded and ran upstairs to Draco's room, banging on his door.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, wake the hell up! We've got a situation!" I said.

The door opened, and a very tired looking Draco stared at me.

"What?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Isabelle you nimrod!" I grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "We have to freaking save her!"

"What's the point?" Draco said, shrugging me off of him. "She's his now, right? She doesn't give a damn about us."

Pessimism wasn't what I needed right now. Instinctively, my hand went up, and slapped him across the face. It took him a moment to register what a Hufflepuff such as myself had just done.

"Get ahold of yourself, Malfoy! She was being compelled, she was drunk off her ass, and didn't even see it coming. We have to get to her before Adrian can do anything else to her!"

"How would you know if she was being compelled?" He asked, rubbing his cheek.

"Because her pupils were dialated and her eyes were glossy and looked dazed like she was high or something. Just like after he bit her - after she screamed you could see the endorphins of the bite kicking in; which does make you feel high so-to-speak."

"Why are you telling me any of this?" His real question probably was, "How in bloody hell do you know any of this? And why the hell did you slap me?!"

"Becausewe you can effing save her ass!" I yelled, shaking his shoulders again.

Draco paused, and sighed. "Fine, let's go."

Isabelle's POV.

I felt like I was flying. I had no idea what was going on, but it felt pretty damn good.

"Isabelle, can you hear me?" I heard. "Isabelle..." Someone said again in a sing-song kind of voice.

The voice was so alluring. I wanted to answer it.

I felt a gentle kiss on my lips, and was brought back into real life. ...Sort of.

"Good morning, sweet Isabelle." Adrian said, smiling above me.

I blinked a few times and didn't recognize where I was. "Where...where am I?" I asked Adrian groggily.

Adrian continued to smile as he stroked my hair. "You're at my family's Bucharest."

If I had full control over myself, I would have shot up and started yelling, "FUCKING BUCHAREST, SAY WHAT NOW BITCH?!" How had I gone from London, England to Bucharest, Romania?!

"There's no need to worry my dear, just close your eyes and relax..." He whispered, grinning against my neck.

I wanted to ask more questions, but Adrian's fangs once again pierced my throat. Though this time, I didn't scream. It actually felt...really good...
♠ ♠ ♠
October 13th-->happy birfday to miss author(: Hahaa.
And you will notice that Mia's hair is now back to her usual length (just assume for Isabelle's wiccan magic hahaa)
How many of you want Mia to slap Draco some more?! ahahaha.
That part definetly goes out to my MiMi - Lauren(:
Comment if you're eager to find out what happens and want to know how Mia's gonna handle Draco's damn pessimism!
P.s. Be sure to check out the characters section! You'll see some newbies and info if you haven't checked it out recently! ;D