Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

All I See Is Black and Cold.

Adrian's POV.

"Yeah, I can feel their auras nearing. You sure you're far enough away?" Vera asked me.

"They're in London, I have her in Bucharest. I think we're good, Vera." I replied smoothly.

"Just be good to her. She is my cousin."

"From what you've told me, she's better off with anything other than Draco Malfoy."

"She is better off with you because Draco will only hurt her. I cannot promise you two together this year, but if you stay on good behaviour - should you be caught - you will be with her once Draco is out of the picture."

"Yes, because that's not vague or anything, Vera." Not to mention the thick Italian accent. That didn't help her riddles at all.

Vera sighed. "Just take care of her. Mia and Draco will find her, but if you go down without a fight and be helpful, it will be Isabelle coming to you." Without any further words, she hung up on me.

So no matter what, I'm going to lose her, I thought, but I'll get her back when Malfoy screws up...

"Works for me." I said to myself.

Mia's POV.

"Why do we have to run?" Draco whined.

"Because your chicken legs need the exorcize!" I replied, turning a corner.

We finally arrived at Cromwell Manor and ran up the pathway, surprised at what we saw waiting for us. Well, who I should say.

A girl with curly black and brown hair sat on the railing of the front porch. She wore all black, and her eyes were ice blue with hazel around her pupils.

"Hello." She greeted us with a thick Italian accent. "If you're looking for Adrian and Isabelle, you're too late."

Draco and I looked at the girl, astonded. "Well where the hell did they go?" I asked.

The girl cocked her head to the side. "Why would I tell the boy who is only going to betray my cousin in the end?"

I gasped. "Y-you're Vera Bourdain, aren't you?"

She nodded. "And you, Mr. Malfoy, should stay the hell away from my cousin."

"Why in bloody hell should I?" Draco argued.

"Roses are dead, she thinks she's in love, violets die too, a year to pass, and betray her will you." Vera nodded to the both of us, and vanished after adding, "England is a no, but Vladamir's castle you should go."

"What in bloody hell did any of that rubbish mean?" Draco asked, clearly getting more annoyed.

"It means next year you're going to betray Izzy and right now they're in Romania." I replied simply.


"Vladamir would be Vlad the Impaler as they called him a.k.a. Dracula who's from Romania. Since Adrian's family is filthy rich, I'm gonna say they're in some big, fancy manor in Bucharest."

"I can see why Isabelle is friends with you."

I nodded and smiled.

Isabelle's POV.

Slowly, I was regaining control of my body. I looked at the nightstand next to me and saw my precious Samsung Intensity just sitting there. I used every last bit of my energy and grabbed my phone, slumping back in the bed.

I had to at least text Mia and tell her I was okay and needed their help.

MiMi, I still have no full idea about what's going on, but I know I'm in Bucharest and it's taking all I've got just to text you.
Hurry, please.
And tell Draco that I love him a lot.

I was just hoping that they'd get here before Adrian could do anything else. God only knows what he wants with me...or what he's planning to do to me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I didn't update yesterday!
And I almost didn't today 'cause I keep getting distracted.
I can't this weekend 'cause I'm pretty booked up,
But I will on monday! :D
Comment if you can't wait to see what's gonna happen to everyone next(:
And what the hell does Vera have to do with anything?!
Oh believe me, she has much to do with everything.

P.s. Is it a little sad that I almost cried upon watching the fifth opening of the original Naruto series today because I missed the old days between Naruto and Sasuke? :/ Hahaa.

Oh! And what do you think of the slightly new design? Be sure to check out the next two if you haven't;; I also modified "This War Is Ours" to fit my plot for it. ^.^