Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

I Would Die For You, My Love.

I flopped on my bed as soon as we got home, Mia and Draco following suit in my bean-bag chairs.

"Okay, no more European adventures for this summer. Sound good?" I said, sitting up.

"Sounds great." Mia and Draco replied in unison.

"'s a little quiet...don't you think?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh my dear God," Mia said, "where in hell is Bellatrix?!"

I was half expecting her to dive under my bed. But that could kill her..

All three of us went into sudden panic. Bellatrix not only quiet but also missing was not a good thing. Not. At. All.

We all screamed like we were in a horror movie and being attacked by the big and scary monster, causing Sasuke and Itachi to come running in.

"What's the matter?" They asked.

"W-where's Bellatrix?!" I said.

Sasuke and Itachi looked at each other, then back at us, not knowing. Now it was the five of us that screamed bloody murder.

What's with the screaming? A text from my phone read. The ID said it was Adrian. He must have put his number in when I passed out, I thought.

Bellatrix is MIA, we're freaking out like we're in a horror movie, and how did you even know?

The connection. When I bit you the connection formed so for a matter of time I can feel your aura, mood swings, everything.

Great little fun fact, thanks Adrian.

Just be careful. You could sense her aura, hell Mia might even be able to too.

"Who are you talking to right now?" Sasuke asked me.

"Adrian. He's telling me about this connection thing 'cause he bit me and how we can find Bella."

"Well text, Izzy, text!" Mia said. Did I mention how utterly terrified she truely was of Bellatrix [homicidal psychopath] Lestrange?

Just tell me how before we die!

Well, you wouldn't. But that's a story for some other time. Just picture Bellatrix in your head and focus on her aura. You'll see it around her. Once you know what it is, walk around and try to sense it. And if you're ever in danger, I'll know.

What if I can't do it though?

Would you like me to try something a little more risky?

...what is it?

Since we have a connection, I could technically enter your body persé and do it myself.

What's so risky about it?

We could have a stronger bond, so technically I could be in your dreams or find you in an instant; stuff like that. And you'd have a higher risk of being compelled by the darkness and turning completely.

I paused for a moment, deciding on what to do. I know nothing about auras, so I might have to go with my second option...

"Well?" Mia asked.

"I have to options - try auras or..." I trailed off. Mia was smart enough and knew what the 'or' meant.

"What's the 'or'...?" Draco asked suspiciously.

"Something kind of risky..." Mia said. "Since Izzy knows virtually nothing about auras and I've barely started them, it looks like our only other option..."

Adrian's POV.

Catching on, Draco shook his head furiously. "No, he's only going to take advantage of the situation and--"

"And what, Malfoy?"

Mia and Malfoy stared at me. I shrugged, just glad under this dress thing that Belle was wearing skinny jeans.

"I know what I'm doing, it's not that difficult to put yourself in someone else's body." I replied.

Mia sighed. "Just help us find Bellatrix. Please."

"It shouldn't be difficult. She has a pure black aura. It even scares me. Malfoy, calm the hell down; yours is a raging jealous green. Hm, jealous because you can't enter your own girlfriend's body but I can? Kind of sad there, Blondie."

Auras came naturally to me. It was one of the abilities of my family's bloodline like compulsion, but one of the few things only I had mastered. Body switching being another.

"Can you find Bellatrix?" Mia asked me calmly.

I nodded. "Where's her room? I need a full view of her aura so I can track her." Another specialty of mine - using someone's aura to track them wherever they are.

Mia nodded and led me down the hall to Bellatrix's door.

"She's not in there." I stated.

"The door's probably bloody locked knowing my aunt." Malfoy spat. How Isabelle deals with him is beyond my aspects.

"Izzy usually uses her right hand's index finger's nail to pick most locks." Mia said timidly. I guess she wasn't a fan of Belle', habits.

I looked at Isabelle's hand and smirked. The girl had lock picking claws. My kind of girl.

I kneeled down, putting her nail in the lock and hearing the click. I opened the door and barely one step inside made me sick to my stomach.

"This lady is twisted." I said in a shaky voice. "It's too much of a dark aura. Thank God it's me doing this because this amount of dark energy could have killed Isabelle."

I dropped slightly, rubbing my temples, but stood back up and proceded in.

"Are you sure you should do this?" Mia asked me. Ah Mia, always looking after people still I see.

"If it's to protect Isabelle," I turned and looked at Malfoy, "I will do anything."

Mia's POV.

It was like being in "Freaky Friday". It was Izzy's body and voice, but Adrian's eyes and him in her body. This was all too weird.

"Are you sure you should do this?" I asked Adrian.

"If it's to protect Isabelle," He turned and looked at Draco, "I will do anything.

Oh boy.

This was trouble. I could sense a fight happening this year because Adrian didn't just like Izzy, oh no, he loved her. And if Draco ever realized it, it would not be pretty.

Not, at, all...

Draco's POV.

I didn't like this guy at all. Not only did he compel my girlfriend, but he bit her, kidnapped her, and probably tried to seduce her!

As Isabelle would say, I want to deck him.

He clearly had a thing for her and clearly didn't like me either. What pissed me off more was that she was bloody okay with him!

Sometimes I have to question if me and Isabelle are meant to be...

Adrian's POV.

"She's at some store in Manchester." I said.

"What?" Malfoy and Mia asked.

I nodded. "She's at some gothic store in Manchester. Buying things for Isabelle."

"Really?" Mia asked. I nodded. "Like a 'just because' kind of thing?"

"Some is, yes. But others are birthday presents she's getting in advance - getting the best before it's gone." I walked out, closing the door behind me, and leaned against the wall. "Well, I'm off. If Belle ever gets in any trouble, I'll know."

Isabelle's POV.

I was brought back into my own body in a sudden rush. I didn't even know what had just happened.

I blinked several times and MiMi waved her hand in front of my face. "Hey! Earth to Izzy! Are you back in your own body?"

"Huh?" I looked at Mia, confused as hell. She just smiled stupidly.

Out of no where, I felt a burning, painful sting on the left side of my neck.

I grabbed my neck, biting my lip to not scream, and scared MiMi and Draco half to death.

"Izzy? Iz, what's wrong?" Mia asked frantically as I slid down the wall in pain.

I gasped for air. "I-it, b-burns!"

I screamed bloody murder, dropping to the floor, and Mia and Draco both had almost no idea of what was happening....
♠ ♠ ♠
I'd love to thank epicblackwriter for being my latest commentor(:
Along with Ashiee Northman (who needs to pick a last name already! hahaa) and vampire101 for also commenting(:
You three get to pick what previews you would like to see(:
But no worries, I'll be posting them for everyone to see.
Comments make me update and show you the drama to come(: