Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.


The burning in my neck only continued to get worse. I suddenly felt like Bella when James bit her wrist in Twilight. It burned, like a mother fucking bitch.

I felt like my neck was on fire. Literally.

Clamping my jaw shut and gritting my teeth trying to fight the pain, I said, "G-get, A-Adrian, dammit!"

Draco shook his head furiously. "N-no! What's wrong? Maybe we can--"

"No, Draco." Mia said sternly. "We need Adrian's help. This is something not even Hermione or myself could fix even if we worked together or with any professor or anyone. This is out of a witch or wizard's hands. It's vampire territory, Draco."

Draco sighed, giving up. He knew if Mia was saying that, we were fucked up the ass. After about five or so (give or take) minutes, Adrian was now by my side too.

"What's wrong with her?" Mia asked. The crack in her voice told me that she was fighting back tears. Poor Mia, I hated scaring her.

"Slowly and very painfuly, she's turning." Adrian replied, taking my hands in his and barely flinching as I dug my nails into his hands.

"Into what?" Draco spat.

Mia and Adrian looked at each other, their faces reading a combonation of, 'What-the-fuck?!" and, "Is-he-for-real?!"

"A unicorn." Mia said sarcastically. "She's turning into a vampire you dumbass! What part of, 'this is vampire territory' did you not fucking understand?!"

Dumbass and and fucking. Damn, she's pissed and worried. I don't know who'd be scarier, newborn vamp me or Mia when she's cussing and pissed.

"And vamps when they first awaken are...well...not meant to blend with the human population." Adrian said.

"What?" Draco asked, flinching as I let out another ear piercing scream.

"Bloodlust, Malfoy. Newly awakened vamps have some serious bloodlust. And what better way to satisfy it than by murdering a few helpless souls around them? The Earth has plenty." Adrian picked me up in his arms and brought me to my room, setting my on my bed ever so gently.

"I can stop it, but depending on how it works with her, it might be even more painful than the turn."

"Is it dangerous?" Mia asked, swallowing hard.

"Besides the excruciating pain, not much. The only other side-effects is an increase in the Darkness in her sould and probably magic, and every so often she might need to feed because her body will always have the lttle bit of vamp in her."

I screamed bloody murder again, and tears leaked out of MiMi's innocent brown eyes. "Draco, it's up to you." She said.

I could sense the apprehension radiating off of Draco. It was life or a life of death all in his hands.

He swallowed hard and and finally said, "Just do it," after I let out another piercing scream. One more, and I'm probably gonna be shattering some glass. God forbid the day I ever have to give birth.

I felt someone sit beside me, and Adrian's cool and gentle hands were on my shoulders.

"Isabelle, what you're feeling now isn't going be nearly as bad as what you're about to feel. But it's for the best. I'm going to help."

"How much time does she have before she fully turns?" Draco asked, a crack in his voice.

"By the screaming, I'm going to say it still burns like hell. So until it starts to calm down and feel freezing - and I mean bitter feezing - we've got time. If I start to say, de-vamp her, it has to be before the cold starts kicking in. Once the cold starts kicking in, so does the vamp."

"Why does it burn like fire than?"

"That's her humanity being burned away. So the sooner the better."

Talking of my humanity being burned away caused a slight silence. Then Adrian turned back to me; he put one hand on the right side of my neck, and the other on the back of my head, lifitng it up and tilting it to expose the left side of my neck.

"This is going to hurt, but don't hold in your screams; that only makes it worse."
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoo! I be back!
Sorry it took me so long, but it took me about a day each to make my preview and slideshows for my three commentors:
Ashiee Northman


So for epicblackwriter and Ashiee Northman, here is the Love Triangle.
And for vampire101, here is DracoXIsabelle/Renee.

And this one's from me to all of my fantastic readers and commentors!
This is a preview of what's to come for the entire series.
It's eight minutes, long I know, and it may seem like it's telling the whole story, but it's not.
Trust me.
This will only leave you with more questions(:
Homeschooled Witch Series

Comments make me update(:
And believe me, I'm eager to get to the main plot and the next books!
Oh, and I take no credit as for the songs and pictures and such for the videos(: