Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Now Your Nightmare Comes to Life.

I felt like I was stuck, frozen, inside of a giant ice cube. And to only make things worse, my Sharingan was burning my eyes. I felt something trickling down my cheeks, but I could tell it wasn't tears.

"Oh my God, she's crying blood!" Mia exclaimed, forcing back more tears.

"She'll be alright," Adrian said calmly. "It's just the strength of her Sharingan. It's too much for her eyes. Now, Isabelle, can you hear me?"

I nodded.

"What I need you to do is take the Power of your Sharingan, ball it all up, and shove it down towards the Darkness that's trying to get to your heart."


"No buts, you have to trust me and try. Focus on the--" he stopped. Why...why the hell did he stop?

"Adrian, what's the matter?" Itachi asked.

"I was going to tell her to focus on the Light, but...but she doesn't have enough. If she uses her little bit of Light energy now, it won't matter because then the Darkness can easilly consume her in a matter of seconds."

"I can help." Mia said strongly. "That's all I am is one big ball of Light. I. Can. Help."

"You're right about one thing, your aura is all whire and gold - pure light - but I highly doubt--"

"I know I can help." Mia argued fiercely. "She's like my sister, we've been together since I can remember. We have a bond that no one can possibly harm - a bond even stronger than that of what Naruto thinks he has with Sasuke that everyone knows still freaking exists, you dumbass with chicken-ass style hair," Oh MiMi, I have taught you well, "I can help, and I will help my best friend."

Mia pushed Adrian away and sat at my side. "I have an idea, Izzy, just work with me, okay?"

I nodded and Mia made me hold my hands up, pressing our palms together.

"Remember that old poem you came up with a few years ago that we attempted to turn into a spell?" I nodded again. "Well, we're gonna try it now."

I swallowed hard and focused as we started saying the old incantation in unison:

"Dark and Light combine,
The Light the Dark will find.
Friends that shant split,
To the Light the Dark will fit.
On this night our spirit's share,
Dark and Light, we are one pair!"

There was a flash of pure white light, and it vanished. I could feel my strength returning to me slowly.

"Again!" Mia said. I nodded.

"Dark and Light combine,
The Light the Dark will find.
Friends that shant split,
To the Light the Dark will fit.
On this night our spirit's share,
Dark and Light, we are one pair!"

The light was bigger this time, encircling our hands and wrists, and I felt stronger. "Once more!" I said.

"Dark and Light combine,
The Light the Dark will find.
Friends that shant split,
To the Light the Dark will fit.
On this night our spirit's share,
Dark and Light, we are one pair!"

The light enveloped my room with shimmers of black glitter. I no longer felt the cold or pain and my strength had returned. I felt my Sharingan gone and my eyes fine again. I felt brand new.

The light died down, returning to a small orb of light just around our hands. Mia and I smiled big at each other and the light vanished.

"It worked!" We exclaimed hugging each other. "Friends 'till the end!"
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter goes out to my MiMi, Lauren(:
Comment for her saving my behind...again.