Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

You Make Me Wanna Die.

"So you're okay now?" Draco asked, a small smile crossing his lips.

I nodded, also smiling. "If it wasn't for MiMi and Adrian, I probably wouldn't be."

I felt Adrian's arm around my shoulders and Draco scowled. Mia and I only rolled our eyes at their childish games.

Mia's eyes said, 'He is so hitting on you!' to which mine replied with a, 'Tch, I know right?!'

I wasn't sure if I should be glad he was hitting on me or not, but I definetly was. Draco, on the other hand, was not.

"For a bloodsucking letch, you're pretty bloody calm right now." Draco said to Adrian.

"Because I know how to control my bloodlust, you idiot." Adrian replied simply.

I was confused, but understood when I looked down and saw myselfcovered drenched in my blood like I had murdered someone.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I said quickly, jumping up and heading straight for the shower.

I always had a strange fascination with blood, but the last thing I needed right now was a repeat of not just last year, but definetly not all those years ago...

Mia's POV.

I exhaled a small sigh of relief when Izzy dashed off to the bathroom. Just in time, Iz, I thought.

Adrian eyed me suspiciously and I shrugged. I can not tell anyone...It was only once, she's better now...right?

'What was that about?' Adrian mouthed to me. I shrugged again, pretending I didn't know anything.

"I'm uh...I'm gonna go get some water and a Coke for Izzy when she comes out. You guys want anything?" I covered.

Draco and Adrian shook their heads and I booked it out the door and downstairs, sliding down the kitchen wall.

"Oh my God Renee! You're covered blood!" I said.

Renee's eye's teared up. "I...I don't know what happened...I remember waking up on the ground and then...and then..."

I took Renee in my arms and held her close. "What happened, NeeNee?"

"Innocent people, MiMi...all because of me..." She started to cry.

"What are you saying?"

"MiMi, I killed them..."

I resisted the urge to cry upon reliving that horrid memory. Then my phone rang with an anonymous number. This means trouble...

"Hello?" I said.

"Mia, so you did make it back." Vera, I spat in my mind.

"What do you want, Vera?" I said, standing up.

"I want you to be my little birdie and do me some favours."

"Like what...?"

"Agree and I'll tell you."

"And if I don't?"

"Australia's very nice this time of year, Mia."

I gasped. "Fine, what do you want me to do?" She was threatening James, I'd have to play her damn twisted games...

"You have to get Isabelle to acknowledge that Malfoy will leave her in Sixth Year."

"Why is he going to leave her? He loves her. Like, to death."

"Sixth Year to come and love to pass, Death around in those violent masks."

It took me a moment, but I finally understood. "Voldemort wouldn't have any use for a sixteen year old Death Eater." Would he...?

"It's been blurry. But I have reason to believe he is going to use Draco as some sort of spy."

"And why does Isabelle have to know about this?"

"Because the more clueless that she is, the more it will hurt her." Dumbass, it'll hurt even if she does know.

"And what if I tell her and she doesn't believe me? Then it happens - which I highly doubt it will - and she feels like a comeplete idiot for being ignorant. What then?"

"That is why if she doesn't believe - which she won't - you must break them up. I find Adrian can help you there. And I want you to report to me every Saturday. I will call you at nine sharp every Saturday night. Do you understand me?"

"...Yeah, I understand."

"Oh, and if you tell anyone other than Mr. Cromwell about our little rendezvous - whom I assume is eavesdropping - I will pay your dear boyfriend a little visit. Farewell, Miss Richards."

Vera hunt up and I resisted the urge to throw my phone against a wall.

"You have the same mission too, than." Adrian said, coming into the kitched.

I nodded. "Who's she threatening for you? Family or something?"

Adrian shook his head.


♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Two chapters!
Okay, who here hates Vera? hahaa.
And who here is irked because they can't seem to pick up on the hints I'm dropping everywhere in the last few chapters?
Or is irked because they've found them and either doesn't completely get it or is too eager to see it?
Comments make me update for youu(: