Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Caught In A Bad Romance.

Mia's POV.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, how and why is she threatening Isabelle?" I asked him. If she's trying to so-called 'protect' Izzy, why is she threatening her?

"It's very long story but she knows I'd do anything to protect Be--Isabelle." Adrian replied sadly. I almost felt bad for the guy.

"Because you love her." I stated. "But what part of this am I missing?"

Adrian shook his head and lit a cigarette. "It's much more complicated than you think, Mia. And I know you're not telling even Malfoy something about Isabelle."

"Alright, you got me there. We're both keeping dangerous secrets." Both apparently about Isabelle, I thought, but how would he know anything about her if they just met...?

"Vera knows my secret. That's what she's holding over me. Once she finds out yours, nothing is safe."

"Than we're just going to have to play her games, aren't we?"

"Unless we want to see James and Isabelle dead, than yes. Vera's in control right now. And Isabelle is probably the only one that has the Power to stop her. But we can't let her in the middle with our secrets at stake, now can we?

"But the only thing I don't understand is how Vera is so sure that Isabelle will come to me..."

I sighed. "Because she has feelings for you, too."

Isabelle's POV.

11:52p.m. my phone read when I got out of the shower. I dried off, putting my pajamas on, and brushed my hair.

I touched my neck where the bruise of the bites were and sighed. I loved Draco, but I couldn't just ignore my feelings for Adrian.

Everything is so confusing...maybe I'm just out of my mind... I thought as I stared at myself in the mirror.

I felt as though I had some kind of connection with I had known him before or something...

I resisted the urge to punch my mirror and shook that thought away to focus on the main issue: how I really felt towards Adrian.

I loved Draco with all my heart, but could it be possible that our childhood romance was...fading away? Could I really be falling out of love with Draco and in love with Adrian...?

As I was moussing my hair to get a perfectly toussled mess of hair, my phone rand indicating that I had a text from Mia.

Draco just left. He said he loves you very much.
It's okay if Adrian stays though, right? you know, just to make sure you'll still be alright.

I replied by saying Adrian could stay in the guest room next to mine and I'd be out soon. I smiled to myself as I finished with my hair; maybe this was a sign of some sort...

Once I was set and put my slippers on, I scurried downstairs and into the kitchen to make a huge decision: cheesecake or pumpkin pie?

"I'd say cheesecake. It tastes better with chocolate syrup and whipped cream." I heard behind me.

I turned and smiled at Adrian. "Good idea. Want some?"

"I HEARD CHEESECAKE!" Mia yelled, gliding in on the linolium in her socks.

"So, three pieces?" I said laughing.

I began cutting the pie...cake...whatever it's catagoryis, when Mia spoke up, "Hey, why don't we play a little truth or dare? But whatever happens, stays between us."

"Whatever happens in Vegas," Adrian started.

"Stays on YouTube." I finished, making my plate look decorative with the chocolate syrup like they do on those cooking shows.

"Awh come on, why don't we play?" Mia begged.

"Hm, maybe because when we were thirteen and played it Heather's New Year's Eve party, guess who ended up coming home drunk off her ass and telling Sasuke he had pretty shoes when he wasn't even wearing shoes? Or the time you dared me into letting Deidara dye my hair PURPLE."

"It came out!"


"I'll be good! No more wearing Sasuke's clothes either..." Mia said, holding back her laughs.

Adrian looked confused. "Do I even want to know?"

"NO." I said, glaring at Mia.

"Come on, please?" She whined.

I rolled by eyes. "Ugh, fine." I said, going into the living room.

I sat on my chair, Mia took the couch, and Adrian on the other chair.

"Me first!" Mia exclaimed. Oh here we go... I thought. "Isabelle!" Kill me... "Truth or Dare?!"

I cut my eyes at her and said, "Truth," before taking a bite of my cheesecake.

"Hm...If Draco ever left you, besides me, who would you turn to?"

I gave her a puzzled look as I swallowed my cheesecake. "I dunno...probably you and Adrian." What the hell, Mia?

"So...not Sasuke?"

"No way, he'd gloat."

"Or even Itachi?"

"Way too queer."

Mia and Adrian exchanged some kind of look. What in hell was going on here?

"Your turn, Izzy." Mia said with a smiled.

"Adrian, Truth or Dare?" I said.

Adrian smirked and took a sip of the whiskey in his hand. "Truth, love."

Damn, we're no fun.

"What do you think of Draco? And be honest!" This should be amusing.

Adrian chuckled. "Comepletely honest?"

"Whatever you've got to say, say it now or forever hold your peace."

"Honestly, I think he's where the saying, 'dumb blonde' comes from. Honestly, I think he's a damn twit. Honestly, I think he's a pompus windbag. Honestly, he does not deserve you one bit - that is a fact. And honestly, I wish he would drop off of the face of the damn planet." He finished, taking another sip of his whiskey.

MiMi and I stared at him in awe. Well, I did ask for an honest answer.

"Your turn, Adrian." Mia said.

"Isabelle," Adrian said with a smirk on his face, "truth or dare?"

I smirked. Time to get this 'party' started. "Dare." I replied simply. I would regret that soon enough.

"I dare you to...Let me text Malfoy from your phone for the next half hour."

My jaw dropped and Mia began laughing her chipmunk ass off. Yupp, I so had this one coming.

"Come on Izzy, you have to the dare!" Mia taunted me.

"Who said so?" I argued.

"Well if you don't I could always take a look at what deep, dark thoughts hide within the nooks and crannies of your mind." Mia replied simply.

I gaped at her. "You would use Occulemcy against your own best friend?"

Mia nodded. I scowled, cussing a very colourful vocabulary under my breath, and tossed Adrian my precious Samsung Intensity.

"Be careful with her, Skye hates being manhandled too roughly."

Mia and Adrian stared at me. "You named your phone?" Adrian said.

I nodded. "And my iPod's name is Scarett."

Adrian chuckled, rolling his eyes, and he started going through my phone.

"Hm...Dear Malfoy," Oh here we go... "I just thought I would inform you that I am going to be sticking around for a while. Hope you mind that I will be spending time with Isabelle. Much hatred towards you, Adrian.

"How does that sound?"

Mia clapped and laughed hysterically. Something was seriously wrong here - if I didn't bitch slap than she would have for that.

"What in hell is going on here?" I spat.

Adrian motioned for me to come over to him. I stood up, scowling, and walked over to his chair.

Adrian pulled me down gently onto his lap and hugged me close. "We will do anything to protect you. Always remember that, Belle."

I calmed down and hugged him back. I needed to learn to supress my rage.

"Can you like...teach me stuff this summer?" I asked him.

I felt Adrian smile into my shoulder. "Of course I can."

Around two we ended our game which had turned into a "normal" version of Truth or Dare consisting of, "I dare you to lick the coffee table!" and one from Mia to me, "What's something you could never tell Sasuke?"

I started laughing, stood up, and lifted my shirt just enough to expose the little piercing above my belly button.

"When the hell did you get that done?!" Mia yelled.

"Shh!" I didn't want Sasuke to hear. "When I was thirteen. Deidara wasn't just good with hair, sweetie. He pierced me ears, naval, and nose. I keep pushing for a tongue ring too."

"You got your nose pierced too?!" Mia whisper-yelled.

I nodded. "But it got annoying so I took it out. The hole might still be open though."

I laughed to myself as I crawled into bed. I don't even think Draco knew because I don't wear it often. With those thoughts in my head, it didn't take me long to fall asleep...

"Where is she?" A masked man demanded.

"Long gone. I will never let you touch my baby girl!" A woman replied fiercly.

"Nikita," Whoa, what was a younger version of Draco's dad doing next to the scary guy? "We wouldn't hurt her. You--"

"No, Lucius. I told Bellatrix before and I will tell you now; you will never have Isabelle nor her Power!"

"Nikita, we are merely looking out for you two. Isabelle could be--"

"No, dammit! My daughter - the Bourdain Princess - will never be one of you! She will be the one to take you all down!"

"Fine Nikita, be stubborn. You know the Dark Lord won't like that."

"I don't give a damn," My mama spat. "I will do anything to protect my baby girl!"

"Than so be it. Avada Kedavra!"

There was a flash of green light, then a flash of black light. The scene was revealed and there stood my mama, repelling the Killing Curse with some kind of Mystic Pentogram.

"You cannot fight against the Bourdain's Bloodline Magic. My daughter will inherit and you, Lucius and all the Death Eaters, will be anihalated and perish at her feet."

I shot up panting. Somehow I had seen another of my mom's memories. This time, her magic had affected me.

3:26a.m. my clock read in bright red numbers. Great, I had only gotten an hour of sleep.

You okay? A text from Adrian read.

Nightmare. Can't sleep. :/


I was puzzled, but grabbed my Hello Kitty blanket, wrapped it around me, and walked into Adrian's room.

I stoof in his doorway, feeling deja vu at the similarity to the one at Cromwell Manor. He waved me over to him and I sat on the side of the bed and Adrian smiled gently at me.

"Come here, I don't bite." I looked at him and he shook his head. "I won't bite."

I rolled my eyes and got under the blankets next to him. "You couldn't sleep either?" I said, looking up at him.

Adrian shook his head and held me close to him. "Too much to worry about."

I suddenly felt tired. I never felt this way with Draco...even back at Hogwarts I felt so on edge and worried, but with Adrian...I felt safe...

That night, I fell asleep in Adrian's arms hearig him sing "Prelude 12/21" by AFI to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well that took me foreverness to write.
But I did it just for you guys(:
So comment(:
Oh, and I reccomend you check out:
Second Chances... and it's sequal: Irreplacable Love by The-Ugly-Duckling
Slytherin's Mistake by SilenceOfStars
It Had To Be You by thestarsandme
Fallin 4 My BFF by Slytheringirl23

All wicked awesome Draco Malfoy stories. So read them&&be sure to comment!