Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Beautiful Tragedy.

Adrian’s POV.

“She’s a really heavy sleeper during the summer.” Mia told me.

I see that. I replied, stroking Belle’s cheek. “What exactly did you do to Vera…?”

“What I said means ‘Save us from danger’ in Latin. I released the light in her soul and shattered the Darkness. I guess I picked up some stuff from Izzy’s taste in music.”

“Right…” Yes, because all the witches and wizards these days are doing that to Death Eaters…

Vera sat up rubbing her head, her eyes the gentle golden colour I remember from all those years ago.

“What happened?” She said, some of the accent wearing off.

“A dark entity possessed your soul and body but I just set you free.” Mia smiled as though nothing even happened.

Vera looked puzzled but greatful, and vanished. Mia shrugged and left. I sighed.

Mia’s POV.

As I closed Adrian’s door behind me, I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my pajama bottoms.

I know you know a spell, unlock Isabelle’s memories.
And thank you for saving me. I’m sorry I threatened any of you. But spare Iz some pain, please.

I sighed. I still had no clue why Voldemort would recruit a sixteen year old (let alone someone who complains like there’s no tomorrow at the slightest sight of work), but somehow, I could almost see Draco doing it… Which means I have to get Izzy to remember those things and somehow tell her it could happen.

Why is it always those who don’t want drama to always be sucked into it?

Maybe someday you’ll look out, and very conscious you’ll say to no one, ‘Isn’t something missing in me?’ Though he’d die to know you loved him, it’s missing in you. I make you remember, to fall in love and fly into the dream light.” I recited.

Sorry Izzy, but it’s for your own good…

Isabelle’s POV.

”Why do you always play with the bells in my hair?” A little girl asked the boy poking at the bells on her hair clips.

“Because they’re so very distracting. That gives me an idea.” The boy replied.


He smiled at her. “I’m gonna call you Belle. Short for Isabelle, and cute because of your bells.”

“You can be so stupid sometimes, Adrian.” The girl, Isabelle, smiled. “You’re lucky you’re cute!”

My eyes snapped open and adjusted to the darkness with hints of a sunrise peeking through Adrian’s blinds.

I looked up and, against my will, my cheeks flushed at seeing Adrian so peacefully asleep.

It was just a dream, I told myself.

I looked down towards my arm, and flushed even more upon realizing that Adrian’s button up shirt was not only unbuttoned, but my right hand was on his shoulder and my left on his pale, bare chest…

God forbid if Draco ever saw this…

“You know, it’s impolite to stare.” Adrian said, smirking.

I was surprised at myself, I had no comeback.

Adrian’s soft emerald eyes gazed into my pale blue ones and he smiled at me. “My parents are having some party tonight – high class stuff – and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me. You know, like friends do to prom or whatever.”

I couldn’t help but laugh and smile. What was the harm? It was just one night as friends.

“Sure. Sounds…interesting.” Because ‘fun’ should not be the word for a fancy, rich people party. I could get enough of that with my boyfriend and his pureblood crazed family.

I wanted to kick myself. When I got back into my room, my clock read 6:42a.m. FML.

I sighed and took a nice, long, hot and well needed shower. When I got out and got dressed, it was just after eight and I had a text from Draco. Uh-oh…

Adrian, as Isabelle would say, suck it.
And Isabelle, I’m going to guess Truth or Dare, right?

I laughed at the text and locked it. He was very stupid sometimes, but he still knew better.

Yeah, really screwed up game last night.
Adrian was just trying to piss you off.

Mission accomplished. Bloody hell love, what are you doing up so early? Are you ill?

Very funny, ferret boy.

That should push his buttons a little bit. But even Mia thought he was cute…until she found out it was him of course.

I resisted the urge to laugh when I saw Draco now calling me.

“Good morning Starshine, the Earth says ‘Hello’!” I said. Yes, I still do that. Hell, I say ‘good morning’ if it’s nine at night.

“You’re still holding that over me, eh?” Ah, back to the ferret thing.

“Why yes, I most certainly am.” I teased him. “And I do not believe you have anything to torment me with, correct?”

“Besides that belly button ring of yours?” He said in a taunting voice.

I gasped. “How the hell do you know about that?!”

Draco laughed. “Oh love, I know a naval piercing when I see it – weather your ring is in or not.”

Damn. I was really hoping it wasn’t that noticeable. Note to self: Never try to put one over Draco when it comes to piercings and such.

“Yeah, well, just don’t tell Sasuke about that. Got it?” I said.

“Don’t tell Sasuke about what?” I heard an emotionless voice coo from behind me.

I bit my lip trying to think of some kind of lie. “Uh…that I actually think – oh you know what, screw it. I have my naval pierced.”

Sasuke’s jaw dropped. Well, this was turning into a pretty interesting morning.

“Alright, out! Out!” I said, ushering my idiot of a brother out my door (and locking it this time) and continued my conversation with Draco.

“Did you seriously just tell him?” Draco asked me, laughing.

“Yes I did, I’m hoping he’ll drop dead of a heart-attack outside in the hall. I did not feel like dealing with a dead body in my room today. Let alone my brother’s. Mia would be suspicious instantly.” I replied calmly.

Hm…how exactly was I going to tell him that I’m going to a party with the guy he absolutely cannot stand tonight? Not well, I can imagine.

“Anyways, I was thinking tonight we could just watch a movie or something. Sound good?” He suggested.

I bit my lip as I began searching my closet for dresses to wear. “Uhm…about that…”

Draco groaned. “Please don’t tell me you’re already studying magic and whatever else what Cromwell.”

“Oh no, not that.”

“Than what?”

“Well…he invited me to this fancy-shmancy party thing tonight – as friends! – and I said I’d go. As friends! You know, like prom or whatever.”

“What in bloody hell is prom?”

“Ugh, it’s a mortal, muggle, whatever thing.” Ah, there’s my cute black dress. “Look, I already said I’d go. It’s nothing special. Just some fancy, rich people party. Probably a bunch of the royals or whatever.”

“And nothing’s gonna happen?”

“Nothing is going to happen. I promise.”

Draco sighed. “Alright, fine. Just call me when you get home?”

I smiled. “Deal.”

We hung up and I continued searching my closet for some stupid shoes and what-not to wear.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would have posted this yesterday,
I wrote it when I was at school on the computer and saved it there and forgot to send it to my email.
But it is up now! :D
And from here on, I'm winging it.
I've got everything for the this, the next, and I'm working on the plans for the final book written, so I'm just sticking to that and free writing like I used to(:
No more written in my notebook(:
Comment if you're eager to see the drama at the partyy! :D
And believe me, there is going to be plenty.
Ah..poor Isabelle.
PS, sorry for all the issues, something keeps frigging up! >=[