Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Killjoys, Make Some Noise!

Around noon I had the perfect outfit set for tonight. It wasn't anything special, just some old stuff thrown together to look cute. I put it all together, laid out on my bed, and went downstairs to get something to eat.

As I was making myself a sandwich, I didn't even notice myself start to sing one of my favourite Christmas songs. [Not my absolute favourites, just one of my normal favourites.]

"Santa can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
He's all I want, just for me
Underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here,
Santa that's my only wish this year
Ahh ahh ahh
Oh santa, can you hear me...?
Oh santa, well he's all I want
Just for me, underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here,
Santa that's my only wish this year
Santa that's my only wish this year."

"Singing Christmas songs in July, definetly my girl." I heard Draco say from the doorway. I laughed to myself and turned to him, leaning on the counter.

"And I'm crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)
You like that it ain't easy (loca, loca, loca)
I'm crazy but you like it
And I'm crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca)

You're the one for me
And for her no more
Now you think she's got it all
I got my kiki."
I sang to him, making him laugh.

"So we went from Christmas to Barcelona?" He teased me.

I shook my head. "Screw Barcelona, I'm off to Rio in Brazil!" I said as he spun me like we were dancing.

We laughed and he hugged me, then let me go back to my sandwich. "So, you know where MiMi is?" I asked him.

Draco shook his head. "No bloody idea. Usually she's--"

"GOTCHA BLONDIE!" My eyes widened and I ducked behind the island as a rush of icy water flew towards Draco. Great, she found the water guns.

If I can make it to my room, I can get my AK47 blaster gun, I thought with a smirk.

I peered over to see Draco chasing Mia only to be hit by water everytime. I took this as my chance to ninja my way upstairs.

I ran straight to my closet and pulled out my favourite box and grabbed my gun, running to the bathroom to fill it. Once I was locked and loaded, I ran into Sasuke's room to get a view of the backyard.

"What the hell are you doing?" He questioned me.

"Mia got the water guns, she got Draco, I'm helping." I said evilly.

Once Draco's back was to Sasuke's open window, I leaned out, aimed, and got him good enough that he landed on his face. I love this thing's aim.

Mia and I began laughing hysterically as I jumped down (because I'm a ninja like that) and high-fived MiMi.

"You still have that thing?!" She said, seeing my AK47.

"Tch, duhh." I replied, locking and loading again.

"What in bloody hell is that?!" Draco asked, drenched in water.

"An AK47 Blaster water gun. It can shoot up to 500 feet. And if you're way closer than that, you get burst back about fifty to a hundred feet." I grinned. "Mia's is only a rifle, so her's only shoots about one hundred to one-fifty. Mine's way better."

"This isn't fair." He said.

Mia and I looked at each other and laughed. "Well duhh!" Mia said.

"That's the point. We always double team people. Like two years ago, we got Heather good." I added.

And to make it more interesting, I went over to the shed, grabbed my iHome with the huge speakers, put in my nano, and blared "Na Na Na" by My Chemical Romance, making sure "SING" was on right after it ended.

"WATER WAR!" I called, holding up my gun.

Sasuke came from around the side of the house and threw Draco a loaded Super Soaker, with one for himself. Two on two with Mia and I being pros and Draco and Sasuke hating each other, this should be easy.

I can't hide in this damn bush forever, I thought about an hour into the game. Looks like I'm gonna have to go back to my ninja days.

I decided on texting Kristi, Roxy, Damon, and Jeremy (some friends from school who lived nearby) telling them to grab their best water guns and get over here stat but wait for my call to come out. Within minutes, they all replied that they were ready and waiting. Once Sasuke and Draco stood within the middle of the backyard, I knew it was time.

"KILLJOYS, MAKE SOME NOISE!" I called, jumping out of the bush. Instantly, Draco and Sasuke got soaked from six different directions as "Na Na Na" came on for about a third time in the last hour.

Fun fact;; I called them the Killjoys because of Kyra. Ironically enough, they're her cousins. And they're fans of the band, so they're Killjoys.

Mia and I are technically also considered Killjoys because we're close to her. So, yeah.

Once the six of us were laughing, a seventh fire came from the kitchen window. We all looked that way and found Adrian with an SG 550 water gun rifle, locked and loaded towards Draco.

I toppled over laughing, as did Mia. Draco spit out water, and typically Roxy, she fired once more at him with the others following suit.

It was a good day so far.
♠ ♠ ♠
Figured I'd throw in a little side chapter before we get to the drama.
You know, some summer fun.


14: Goodnight - The Birthday Massacre
15: Bury Me Alive - We Are the Fallen
16: The Kill - 3o Seconds to Mars
17: Never Too Late - Three Days Grace
18: Make Me Wanna Die - The Pretty Reckless
19: Pain - Three Days Grace
2o: Strawberry Gashes - Jack off Jill
21: Nightmare - Avenged Sevenfold
22: Make Me Wanna Die - The Pretty Reckless
23: Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
24: Dirty Little Secret - The All-American Rejects
25: Beautiful Tragedy - In This Moment
26: Na Na Na - My Chemical Romance

Sorry I didn't do that sooner! I keep forgetting. :P