Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Got A Water Bottle Full of Whiskey In My Hand-Bag.

Around two-thirty the fun ended because the boys (Sasuke and Draco) turned into pissy bitches and I had to get ready for that party thing with Adrian. Sometimes, I really hate being a witch at all. If only Sasuke was a decent brother, maybe I would have listened sometimes.

...Then again, probably not.

I headed upstairs to dry off, Mia right on my ass.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, where do you think you're going lil' missy?" She questioned me. "Out with your boyfrand?" She winked as she dragged out the 'a' part in boyfrand. Yes boyfrand, she's a strange little nugget. But I love her like the sister I damn wish I had instead of my idiot "brothers".

Brothers being in quotes because I swear they aren't dudes.

I shook my head as I dried my soaking wet hair with a towel. "No, to some party with Adrian."

Mia's jaw instantly dropped.

"Whoa, close your mouth. James isn't back yet." I teased her. She gaped at me and I laughed, going into the bathroom and wrapping a beach towel around me once I was out of my soaked clothes.

"But you and Draco are cool, aren't you?!" She asked, pretty much on my heels.

"Yeah, we're fine." I replied, getting my stuff from off my bed.

"Than..than why?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Because he invited me as friends. Some stupid fancy party thing. Could you blame him? Who could sit through one of those without someone to talk to that you actually don't wanna kill?"

"...just as friends?"

"Just as friends." I went into the bathroom, only leaving the door open a crack to talk to MiMi still.

"Does Draco know...?"

If I was looking at her, I would be giving her my, 'You're-fucking-kidding-me, right?' look.

"Of course he knows, Mia!" I said.

"And he's okay?!"

"Yah. I told him we're just going as friends and promised I'd call him when I get home. So if anything happens, he'll know because I wouldn't have called him. He knows I always call when I say I will."

I could sense her unsureness. I can sense a lot of things with her after being friends for so long.

I sighed. "Chill Mia, nothing's gonna happen."


"Nothing. Is. Going. To. Happen. I promise." I opened the door once I was in my dress and turned so MIa could zip me up.

"Where is this party?"

"I'm not sure, mom." We laughed. "Probably on the upper east side of town though - all the fancy-shmancy shit's up there."

"Good point. How late is it?"

"I don't freaking know, probably like five to eleven or something. I dunno."

"And you'll call when you get home?"

"I'll call Draco, yes. If you like, I can wake your chipmunk ass up and tell you I'm home." I teased her.

She smiled and rolled her eyes before leaving me to finish getting dressed.

Back in the bathroom, I decided on curls for my hair. Ironically enough, when I was done I looked like Ashlee Simpson.

By time my hair was done and I abused my hairspray enough to hold it where I needed it, I did my eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, some black eyeshadow blending into my silver, and put on my usual jewlery with a few newbies, a bracelet Mia got me for my birthday a few years back, grabbed a little wallet-hand-bag thing, and heels were last.

By time I was dressed and looking good, it was four-seventeen. I sat at my desk, thinking of something to write to my mom just as Valkyrie perched herself on my balcony.


Things are going pretty good. I'm going to some party with Adrian tonight as friends. But I had this really weird dream last night.

Anyways, I don't want to talk about me anymore, let's talk about you. I don't even know you and you're my mom! Haha. So tell me whatever you want about you. The good, the bad, anything.

I just want to know my mom.


"Writing to your mom?" I heard from my doorway.

I turned and saw Adrian and nodded. "Yeah, short letter but still. Better than nothing. I just wanna hear from her." I gave Val the letter, and watched her fly off into the sky. One of these days, I'm gonna have to follow her.

"You look great."

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

"Ready to go?" He asked me. I nodded and he gave me a look.

"What?" I asked.

Adrian smiled and pulled something out of his jacket pocket. "Turn around."

I looked at him skeptically.

"Turn around, Belle." I rolled my eyes and turned, crossing my arms over my chest. "Close your eyes."

"Really?" I whined.

"Yes, really."

I rolled my eyes and closed them. Then I felt something slightly cold and metallic being placed around my neck.


I opened my eyes and saw cute, simple little sterling silver locket.

"There's a protection charm on it. So nothing bad can happen to the wearer as long as it's on them somehow and clasped. It also resists compulsion and the Unforgivable Curses."

I held the little heart in my fingers for a moment. So simple, yet so powerful.

"Thank you, Adrian." I said, turning and smiling at him.

"You're welcome." He smiled back. "Ready?"

I nodded and grabbed my hand-bag and called to Mia and the others that I was leaving.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now we're getting into another chunk of drama that's leading into some stuff(:
Don't worry, we're almost out of July and what's gonna happen will take us the rest of summer(:
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