Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Closer to the Edge.

Everyone was impressed with my skills. But that wasn't even half of what I can do. I held back because he didn't pull out his Chidori, which was surprising.

Without another word and everything about my mother swimming around in my head, I ran upstairs and put on what I had earlier on. I held back the tears when I looked in my mirror and saw my eyes. "You have your mother's eyes."

Tears streamed down my cheeks, jaw clenched, fists balled, and I punched my full length mirror, shattering it to pieces. I was even astounded with my own strength.

"Oh my God, Renee!" Mia said, coming and checking my hand.

"I'm fine." I said, monotone.

"Are you su--Renee your hand, it's healing itsself!"

"Because she inherited a lot from her mother. Thank Merlin..." Bellatrix muttered the end, leaning against my doorframe.

"What are you talking about?" Mia asked her.

"Nikita could also heal herself rapidly. Something that traces back years and years to vampiric bloodlines in her family and twisting with her magic. And rage, she had serious rage issues."

Mia chuckled and I scoffed. So that's where I get it.

"Damn Isabelle, you seemed to have even made a mark on the wall there." Bella said, pointing to the crack mark in my wall where the behind of my mirror was.

I shrugged and jerked my hand out of Mia's grip. "It doesn't matter, nothing matters anymore."

"You know that's not true." Bellatrix said. "Sasuke, Itachi, Mia, and of course Draco matter to you. They're your world. Always have been, always will be."

"You say that like you think you know me." I scoffed.

"I knew your mother. And you're almost like her doppleganger. Just with a different hair colour."

I turned and glared daggers at her. What was my problem all of a sudden?

Not wanting to deal with them right now, I ran past Bellatrix and ran downstairs, most likely going to just run down the street and into town until I was tired of running.

Bella caught me at the bottom of the stairs, her dark eyes surprisingly gentle.

"Isabelle," She said calmly, "do not turn into the monster Nikita became. If you give into your anger and rage, it will consume you just like it did her."

"So what?!" I snapped. "What's it matter if I turn into some beast?"

"You wouldn't be able to find Nikita." I backed down a little. "She's been trying to free herself for years now for you. If you turn into that than the both of you are both fucking screwed, now aren't you?"

Much as I hated to admit it, she was right.

"If she sees you like she saw herself, she won't be able to fight anymore, she'll just give up and be consumed by the darkness. With her Power, if that happened, it'd be more than likely that it could kill her."

I kept quiet. For some reason, I didn't have something smart ass to say.

"I can tell you anything you need to know about Nikita. Anything I know that is. I can help you find her, but you can't give in like that. You need to train your Power. Tame it."

I snickered. "Who are you to talk about taming my Power? You were the one that was going to sell me to--" She glared at me, knowing I was going to say his name much like Potter does. "You were the one that was going to sell me to him."

"Well right now none of that matters, now does it?"

"Who are you more loyal to, me and keeping your freedom or him?"

"Nikita." I gave her a puzzled look. "I swore to Nikita that I would protect you no matter what. My loyalty is to her. She stood up to me when no one else did. She had guts, Isabelle. She was the bravest bitch you'd ever meet. Just like yourself the way you stood up to the Dark Lord. You take so much after her, Isabelle. In a great way."

I could feel the rage and anger suppressing and I nodded, relaxing. "We can talk in the study."

Bellatrix nodded and followed me.

"What else can you tell me about my mom?" I asked Bellatrix, closing the door to the study behind me.

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything. What she looked like, her parents, her siblings, her birthday, how I came to be, anything!"

Bellatrix smiled as I sat down in front of her. "The name Bourdain is from the female side of the family. She once told me that whenever a woman with the name Bourdain married, her husband took it. Opposite of most marriages.

"Nikita's birthda is the same as your own - October 13th. This year will be her...31st birthday I want to say. I have complete belief that she is alive; she's a very strong woman."

"Why hasn't she come for me?" I barely even whispered.

"Because as soon as the first Wizarding War started, you were about three at the time, the Dark Lord wanted her Power. He wanted her on his team of Death Eaters because he knew she would help him greatly.

"Narturally at the time I tried to convince her to join. Oh how stubborn she was. She said, 'Never would I have my baby girl in a world such as this! She is my little Libra who will keep the balance between us all. Bella, do not ask me again. Never will I put my own child in this life.'

"I was pissed. Both of us had completely forgotten that she had made me your legal guardian, should anything happen to herself. During the War, she must have left you somewhere she knew you'd be safe and hid herself until she could come back."

"What about her magic? Something about it overwhealming her?"

"She fought to protect you so much that the Darkness in her Shadow Magic overtook the Light. She didn't want to, but she left you before she could hurt you."

"And her siblings? I know about Evan and Ember."

"Ember Bourdain was a mental case." Bella laughed, going over to the book case. She pulled down a book and flipped through the pages. "She was surprisingly one of my few friends. She could be friends with anyone. She even got my sister and Lucious together. And this was her in fourth year. I figured somehow this book would be useful, so I brought it.

"As for Evan," She began, giving me the book and searching for another, "he wasn't the nicest person to be around. He never smiled or laughed, just got the work done and had a glare platered on. this is him in 7th year. Still looking stoic and creeping if you ask me.

"Ember met a guy named Bruce in 5th year. They married after their 7th year just ended. She told me she had three kids - Damian, Kora, and Vera. I believe Damian is about your age now...or close to it."

"What about Kora and Vera?"

Bella frowned. "Unfortunately, Ember and Kora were murdered during the War. Bruce, Damian, and Vera are in hiding as well.

"Evan married a young girl named Alexandria Apontés. He also died in the War with his son Matthew where Alexandria and their daughter Becca got away."

"Is there any way that I could find like a family tree or something?" Was there anyone to find anyone in my family?

"I know Alexandria lives in Manchester. Weather she goes by Bourdain or Apontés, I can't tell you. Becca though, I've recently learned, goes by the name Rose-Marie and is a year younger than yourself."

I gasped. "Is she a Slytherin?"

Bella nodded. "Why?"

"Because she's my roommate!" Almost too perfect.

"Than talk to her. But take this."

"Is this...?"

"Yes, that is Nikita Sin Bourdain in her 6th year."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooh, more family history!
Gosh, I feel like this is demented soap opera.
Comment if you love the drama and want to see Isabelle and Nikita reunited soon(: