Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

So Try Until You Break Free to That Blue, Blue Sky.

"What was that about?" I heard in the living room doorway.

I turned and smiled at Sasuke. "Nothing. Just Mia."

"Oh? What'd she want?"

I laughed a little and rolled my eyes. "She was trying to convince me that you and Itachi aren't my real brothers. She must really miss me, huh?"

"You didn't believe her?" He seemed puzzled.

"Well, why would I? You and Itachi have been in my life for like...ever, I look exactly like you two, and I have the Sharingan. Why would I believe anyone that told me I'm not?"

Mia's POV.

"Maybe she'll believe you." I told Draco.

He scoffed. "Please, she'd sooner believe a shoe if it spoke to her than me."

He had a point there.

"We've got to convince her somehow!" But how...?

"Wait, isn't it impossible for a girl to have the Sharingan in the Uchiha Clan?"

My eyes widened. "Yes, yes it is."

"Than how could she have it?"

"I think we need to dig deeper into her family history."

Renee's POV.

"Where are we going?" I asked Sasuke as we jumped through trees after trees.

"You'll see." Ugh, I hated that.

"Will you please give me something other than that?!"

He sighed. "I want to show you something you probably don't remember."

"Yeah, that's helpful."

There was a rustle of the trees not too far behind us and we stopped, ducking into the same big tree.

"What was that?" I asked Sasuke.

"I think we're being followed." He replied.


"Most likely."

"Should we attack or ignore him?"

"If he comes after us first, attack. But if he's still a knuckle-head and passes us, ignore him. He wouldn't be worth our time."

Just as we though, Naruto, Sai, Sakura, Yamato, and Kakashi all landed on the ground just below us.

"You saw them too right?!" Naruto exclaimed.

Sakura and Sai nodded.

"That was definetly Renee. And you know Renee's always with Sasuke." Sakura said.

"They couldn't have gotten far, than." Sai added.

"Can we please have some fun with this?" I asked Sasuke, looking up at him as he stared down at the others like a hawk.

He smirked a little bit. "Why not?"


"Naruto!" I called, fake falling on my face.

"Renee!" Naruto and Sakura called, rushing to my side.

"Renee, what happened?" Sakura asked, helping me up.

"S-Sasuke! He's gone crazy with revenge! I couldn't take it anymore and barely managed to get away!" I'm a pretty good actress.

"Where is he?" Naruto growled.

"B-behind you..." I said.

His eyes got wide as Sasuke appeared behind him, no hint of emotion on his face.

"Naruto, it's been a while." Sasuke said, drawing his sword.

I glanced to my left where Sakura was and drew my poison needles inbetween my fingers. I placed my right palm flat on the ground, causing black, poision roses to tangle Sai, Yamato, and Kakashi.

"S-Sasuke..." Naruto barely said.

I closed my eyes, and jabbed my poison needles into Sakura's back. She immedietly dropped and I stood, brushing the dirt off of me.

What have I done... I thought. This isn't me, I never work with Sasuke...

Sasuke smiled proudly at me.

"You've trained her to be just as cold as you, I see." Naruto said as Sasuke's sword drew closer to him.

"She's just like a miniature me."

No, no I'm not! I'm not even Renee! My mind fought with me. My name is Isabelle, I love Draco and I'm always with Mia!

I have to wake up from this nightmare...
♠ ♠ ♠
"You'll see." Ugh, I hated that. <---That one's for Lauren because that's all I ever tell her when she asks about my upcoming plans(:
Will she be able to do it?
Will Izzy break out of the realm of Renee Uchiha?
Find out in my next update!
Until then,