Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Oh Hot Damn.

I grumbled to myself and sat on the foot of the bed. By 'settled', Veronica meant locked in our room together with nothing to do but either kill ourselves, or screw like bunnies.

The room was so tacky not even MiMi would like it! Gah!

"Come on, it's not that bad." Adrian said, kneeling in front of me. I gave him a look. "You're right, this blows."

"It's not you," I sighed, "I don't want to cheat on Draco but--" I stopped myself. I was so not about to admit that if I wasn't with Draco I would screw him.

For a moment, we just looked at each other, lost in the other's eyes. This couldn't be happening...

"I-I'm sure M-MiMi and Draco will--" But I was cut off by the sweet taste of Adrian's lips.

On an impulse, I kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he wrapped his around my waist, and for a moment, I had completely forgotten about Draco.

Adrian lifted me off of the bed and I wrapped my legs around him.

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison.

Take me, ta-ta-take me
Wanna be a victim
Ready for abduction

There was a sudden knock at the door and never have either of us moved apart so fast. We stood a little apart, both trying to fix our messed up hair. Ivan walked in, hiding a smirk.

"Queen Veronica has ordered that the two of you stay in here together so all of your meals and what-not will be sent up."

We waved him off muttering 'Okay...' and when the door locked (from the outside of course) we turned to each other.

"I'm sorry about that..." Adrian admitted.

"What's there to be sorry about? I kissed you back. And a kiss is just a kiss, right?" I was starting to ramble, not good.

"You're right, a kiss totally harmless." Awkward silence... "I'm uh...I'm gonna take a shower."

"S-sounds good. I'll just, ah, take one after you." I put on a fake smile, not wanting to admit that I would jump at the chance of showering with him.

Adrian walked into the bathroom and once I heard the shower turn on, I went to the dresser and was shocked at what I saw.

There, in every drawer of the dresser in several different colours and patterns of plaid and stripes, were these itty-bitty, teeny-weeny, skinny-mini, booty shorts and skin tight (some lacy too) tank tops that looked like they just barely covered my torso.

What. The. Hell.

Ew! And it's Abercrombie too! Gaahh! Have they not heard of Hot Topic?! FML ten billion times over.

I heard the water stop and just grabbed a pair of black shorts and a tank top. The door opened and I refused to look and lower than Adrian's emerald eyes as I walked in and closed the door.

I took my shower, which helped me relax a little, and got dressed. I looked like a cheap whore. Shoot me now. I sighed, shaking my head, and walked out to find Adrian laying on the bed.

Adrian, being in black skin-tight skinny jeans. Oh, did I mention he was shirtless too? Stupid teenage hormones attracted to that damn six pack.

I will not gawk, I will not gawk, I will not gawk.

Hiding my blushing face, I sat on the couch in front of the balcony window...that had bars on the outside.

"They're dictating your clothes too?" Adrian muttered.

I nodded. "Bars on the's like they don't trust us. ...Or know that I can break them."

Adrian shook his head. "Magic resistant. You touch that and you get a shock that would put a lighting bolt to shame."

I cringed and continued staring out the window. "Do you think MiMi and Draco are alright?"

"Besides freaking out and calling a S.W.A.T. team, yeah."

"Do you think they'll come for us?"

Adrian shrugged. "Who knows? No doubt in my mind that they'll devise a plan and try, but would they succeed?"

"MiMi wouldn't give up." I said, smiling sadly.

"I know she wouldn't, that's what I'm afraid of. I won't want to see Mia in trouble because of us."

"Neither do I." I looked at him. "What should we do?"

Adrian sat up and sighed. I will not stare, I will not stare, I will not stare... "I dunno Belle, I dunno."

Something flickered inside of me. Whenever he calls me Belle, I feel something. But now...I felt like I was missing something...

"I'm gonna call you Belle. Short for Isabelle."

"Belle? What's the matter?"

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and found myself on the edge of tears. I wiped them away quickly and shook my head.

"I'm fine, Addie." I muttered.

Adrian's eyes got bigger. "Wh-what?"

I looked at him. His emerald eyes were softer than ever and the tears just fell down my cheeks. Adrian practically ran to me and held me in his arms.

So many voices consumed my thoughts. Some I recognized, some I didn't. I recognized mine as a little kid, my mom's, and...Adrian's.

"Make it stop!" I cried, holding my head.

"Make what stop?" Adrian asked, conerned as hell.

I shook my head furiously. "The voices...the faces...make it all stop!"

Adrian pulled my closer and kissed my forehead. I think even he let a tear or two go.

"Belle, fight it." Adrian told me, cupping my face in his hands.

"I c-can't!"

"Yes you can! You're the toughest girl I've ever met. Don't let this stop you."


"Please, Belle. You can do it for me."

"Addie, I can't! You know I'm afraid of water!" Little me said as I stood at the pool's edge.

Adrian smiled at me from the center of the water. "Please, Belle. I know you can do it for me."

He held his arms out for me, still smiling. I closed my eyes and jumped.

I started laughing. Adrian looked at me confused. "I almost drowned, thanks to you."

"Adrian smiled and his whole face lit up. "Y-you remember?"

"Vaguely..." I whispered. "I've had dreams and flashback but...but I never..."

"Shh, as long as it's coming back to you. That's all that matters - you remembering before you were with Sasuke and Itachi."

For a moment, we stared into each other's eyes. Neither said a word, and just looking at him was calming the voices. All but two.

"She's my daughter too, Nikki." A man said.

"I do not want my daughter tangled in all of this." My mom said, trying to stay calm.

"I understand, Nikki. But she could help! Her and--"

"No, Sirius! But I have to ask," her eyes were now gentle and her voice low, "did you sell out James and Lilly to him?"

"No! God no, Nikki! Pettegrew did! Remus and I are going to hunt him down and make sure he pays."

"Sirius, do not do anything irrational. Right now you must run and hide. If you can stay out of Azkaban, than once everything seems calm, I will contact you so Isabelle can meet her father."

I was practically thrown back into my own body. I had no idea what that meant, but I'd find out soon enough.

"Are you feeling better?" Adrian asked me.

"A little bit." I replied.

We continued to gaze at each other before both of us just leaned in and...kissed. And just like that, all the voices stopped and vanished.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter title:
And I'm Ready to Go, Lead Me Into the Light.
:O *gasp!* what could that mean?!
They wouldn't...would they?
Guess you're just gonna have to wait and see. ^-^

Comment and you'll be able to see(:

And if you want to read a good Adrian Ivashkov story, check out Whispers in the Night. also by me. I'm redoing it so I could use some encouragement here. ;)