Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

And I'm Ready to Go, Lead Me Into the Light.

Dear diary,

A kiss is just a kiss, right? Because me and Adrian have been stuck at Court for about a week now and that's been happening periodically... We put it off like it's nothing after because of Draco, but I'm actually half happy here.

Being with Adrian isn't so bad. We know how to occupy each other pretty well. For being stuck in only one room with a bathroom, hide-and-seek is actually pretty fun. I can hide almost anywhere 'cause I'm ninja like that(;

However, we're both sort of losing hope on being rescued.

Life blows no matter how you look at it.


P.S. Did I mention that Adrian has six pack abs? Better than TV in high def.

Mia's POV.

I paced back and forth in the living room, Sasuke, Itachi, Bellatrix, and Draco staring at me intently. It had been nine days going on ten and we still had no rescue plan.

Poor Draco looked the worst.

"There's virtually no way in, Mia." Bellatrix said.

"There has to be!" I argued. "I'm not gonna let Iz rot in Court!" Especially not the way they want her to...

"What's the point?" Draco said, not caring. "For all we know they're together and--"

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" I yelled at him. That got him to snap into reality. "Now is NOT the time to be all emo and shizz! Izzy loves YOU!"

But she's in love with Adrian... my thoughts reminded me.

Draco stood, his face fierce but still unsure. "What about Cromwell's compulsion? Can't he compel her into doing whatever he wants?"

"He's been trying to protect her for the last few weeks, why would he do that?" I reminded him.

"Than how are we going to get my Slytherin Princess back?"

I smiled, and Sasuke looked like he wanted to vomit.

Isabelle's POV.

I groaned as Ivan left from bringing us our dinner.

"Sick of Court food yet?" Adrian teased me.

"That, and I haven't had Coke or ramen in over a week! Ten days, Adrian. I'm gonna lose it!" I belly flopped onto the bed and screamed.

"Well hey, at least today they gave us alcohol."

I shot up, already excited. "Legit?!"

Adrian nodded. "Some French red wine."

"Ahh! Give me the bottle!" I went to reach for it, but Adrian only laughed and held me at arms length.

"Little loca much?" He teased me.

That caused me to back down a little and resist laughing. "Did you just say 'loca'?"

Adrian nodded. "Lived in Rio down in Brazil for a few years."

"Nice." Pause, and, "GIVE ME THE BOTTLE!"

"Should I throw you over my shoulder until I at least pour you a glass?"

I grumbled and stepped back. Adrian laughed, pouring us each a glass, and handed me mine. I chugged it in one sip.

"Gonna chill?" Adrian laughed.

"Gonna give me more?" I mocked him.

-Three Hours Later-

I laid upside down on the bed, laughing hysterically. Adrian sat, leaned against the couch, on the floor.

"Feeling better?" He asked me.

"Ay papi!" I replied, kicking my foot in the air.

"Mia was right, you are fun when you're trashed." Adrian laughed.

"Tch, I'm crazy but you like it!"

"Loca, loca, loca." I stuck my tongue out at him. Adrian laughed and shook his head.

I rolled over onto my stomach and started singing. "You're the one for me, and for her no more, now you think she's got it all, I got one kiki. You're the one for me, and for her no, now you think she's got it all, I got my kiki."

"Damn, gonna start doing cartwheels?" Adrian teased me.

"I would if I could but I can't." I smiled big. But I do enjoy jumping on beds.

I grinned, stood, and proceded by jumping on the bed and singing 'Loca' by Shakira.

"And I’m crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)
You like that it ain’t easy (loca, loca, loca)
I’m crazy but you like it
Crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca)

You’re the one for me
And for her no more
Now you think she’s got it all
I got one kiki

You’re the one for me
And for her no more
Now you think she’s got it all
I got my kiki!

Adrian started laughing at me, taking another sip of his wine, and then clapped when I managed to do a backflip, then landed on my ass. God I loved being trashed at fourteen.

I smirked, standing back up jumping a little bit, and did a front flip, landing right on Adrian's lap.

"You’re the one for me
And for her no more
Now you think she’s got it all
I got my kiki." I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Why on Earth did you choose Malfoy?" Adrian asked me, playing with my hair.

"Mmm...I have no idea, my dear." I replied, wrapping my legs around his hips.

Adrian smirked. "You know, girls change their minds a lot."

"And I think I just changed mine." I smiled and kissed him. "Who knows if MiMi would ever be able to take us back." I murmured against his lips.

"Would it matter if she did?"

"Not one bit." Adrian smiled and kissed me passionately.

I tangled my hands in his hair as his slid up the back of my shirt. I gasped, and he took that chance to slide his tongue into my mouth. We both grinned against the other's lips as he stood with my legs still wrapped around his waist.

As Adrian's lips found their way to my collarbone, he laid me on the bed gently.

"Always gotta be the dominant one, huh Addie?" I teased him.

I felt his smirk on my neck. "But of course, my dear Belle."

He lifted his head so we were now face to face and I smirked now. "Show all those vamps on TV and in books what real vampire sex is."

"You make this all too easy."

For a moment, we just looked at each other before throwing ourselves at each other the entire night.
♠ ♠ ♠
You put two and two together on their long night(;
Then find out just how it went in my next update ;D

And hm...I'm thinking about throwing in some more vampy stuff into this.
Like towards school.
I'm not talking Adrian action like you just read, but throwing more vamps and trouble into it.
Post or toast?
It's up to you guys(:

Next chapter:
Feeling Like a Freak on a Leash.


P.S. And if you can't tell, 'shizz' is kinda Lauren/Mia's favourite sub for shit. Hahaa.