Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

You Found Me.

I stood in my place and couldn't move. The curtains were drawn and black so it's not like if I turned around I could even make out a figure.

The door opened as I gulped and Adrian walked in. I hushed him and he gave me a strage look.

"First, check this out." I showed him the bottle, talking in whispers.

"What's it say? You forget, I only speak English, Romanian, and Spanish - not French, Belle."

"Blood Wine!" I whisper yelled. His eyes got wide. "How the hell many different kinds are there?"

"I dunno, ten maybe? Maybe more? Why? What the hell is this?"

"This one is to induce the inner lust between two people, Adrian."

"So that means..."


"What if it's Mia and Malfoy outside...?"

"...Our little secret?"

Adrian nodded. "Our little secret."

"Alright, now let's see who's at the window."

I started to walk towards the window when Adrian grabbed my wrist and shook his head. "I'll go first - we can't be too sure it's Mia and Malfoy out there."

I nodded and stayed behind him. We both took a side of the window and pulled back the curtains. The tap on the window turned to banging.

I recognize that banging... I thought. I turned and my face probably lit up because there stood Mia, joyful as fuck with Draco behind her, looking so totally relieved.

Mia and I stared at each other in the window, both smiling like complete idiots.

"Stand back!" She said to me.

"Why? You can't get through the window. It's magic proof." I replied.

"Belle?" Adrian said. "Look at the window and think for a second."

I blinked a couple of times and my jaw dropped. The bars...were gone.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I said to Mia. She rolled her eyes and motioned for me to step back. "I'm scared..." I muttered before moving.

Mia took a couple of steps back, squinted at the middle of the two balcony doors, and high kicked that little fucker open. Adrian, Draco, and I stared at her in awe.

"Well? Let's go before the Guards find us!" Mia said, grabbing my arm.

"How the hell did you guys get here without them finding you?!" I scolded her as we went to the balcony.

"Uhm..." She said kind of ashamed.

"If she wasn't hitting them over the head she was knocking them out with her bloody scary magic." Draco said as he hugged me. I stared at her with my jaw dropped.

"Oh shut up. You can yell at me for stealing your style when we get home!" Mia said.

"Yell at you?! I wanna throw you a fucking party!" I said as I tackled her.

"Belle, go. I hear footsteps." Adrian said warningly.

I nodded. "Just follow my lead!" And jumped off the edge, landing on my feet.

Adrian did the same but Mia and Draco looked at each other with 'What the hell?!' looks. I sighed.

"Izzy, not all of us are ninjas or vamps!" Mia called down as she slid down a vine on the side like it was the rope in gym class. Draco slid half way down and jumped.

"God you two are pussies sometimes." I teased them.

"Come on, Sasuke and Itachi are parked around the corner outside the gates." Mia said, taking the lead.

"You there! Stop!" A Guard called. We all looked at each other and bolted. The way we ran now put when we running away the first time to shaaammmeeee. I was running like track Mia, Mia was doing double that, and Adrian and Draco...well, they were running a race. Literally.

They were shoving each other, glaring, and Mia and I sighed.

"Would you two knock it off?!" We called to them.

Guards were tailing us but we just barely got to Itachi's car, jumping in and he hit that gas pedal like it was a bug in my room or hair bleach that got too close to his head.

"I never thought I'd say this and fully mean it, but damn am I glad to see you two!" I said towards Sasuke and Itachi.

"Well thanks." Sasuke said, half sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and slid up to the front in between them, leaving poor Mia in the middle in the back with Adrian and Draco. I'm sorry hun, but I had to.

"Tch, I'm surprised you guys didn't come in and start setting the place on fire!" I said with a laugh.

"Well, electricuting everyone was one of Sasuke's 'brilliant' ideas." Mia said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Come on! I totally could have helped!" I whined.

Sasuke sighed. "You are such a little kid sometimes."

"I'll always be a little kid at heart where you'll be an old and sour puss grandpa who can't get pussy if his life depended on it!" I winked and everyone - except Sasuke - started laughing.

Unknown POV.

I smirked as I sat in the tree and watched them drive away. I cannot believe they really think that it was their magic and strength that got Adrian and Isabelle out of there.

Tch, how pathetic.

Now all I have to do is keep an eye on them and just wait until they get back to Hogwarts. Dear old Adrian will never see it coming.

"I bet he doesn't even miss me." I said to myself as I jumped down and started walking. "It'll be a...nice surprise for him."

Now to fetch dear Anna and put my plan into action.

Isabelle's POV.

"Itachi, this isn't the way home." I said, not recognizing where we were headed.

Itachi only smiled. From the rearview mirror, I could just barely see Draco and Mia smiling as well. What the hell was going on?

"By the way, these came for you." Sasuke said, handing me three letters. They were all from my mom.

Dear Isabelle,

Oh my dear daughter, I wish I could tell you everything but it's much too complicated through a mere letter. I wish to see you soon, my beloved daughter. I miss you and love you very, very much.

And Adrian? Adrian Cromwell, Adrian? Goodness I haven't heard that name in forever. I'm sure by now you remember everything and I'm sorry for what I did but I did it for you.

I had to protect my little girl.



It's Howl. I was running some errands today and heard something about you being at Court? And what's this about you being engaged to Adrian? Write back as soon as you can, dear Isabelle.


Isabelle? Honey is everything okay? You haven't responded to mine or Howl's letters and Howl said something about you being at Court? Sweetie please respond. If you were taken to Court I must know. You do not belong there, and I will do anything and everything to make sure of it.


"Greeeaaaattt," I groaned, "they heard the news. I need paper and a pen because I need to write back to her before her and Howl tear up all of England."

"Here." Mia said, handing me a pen. Sasuke gave me my sketch book out of the glove compartment and I said 'thanks' to both of them before writing back.

Dear mom and Howl,

Yeah it's all true. Adrian and I were kidnapped and taken to Court and were apparently engaged to be married. I'm sure you know the rules and what not but I can tell you more later.

Just don't worry, Draco, MiMi, Sasuke, and Itachi came to save us. We're okay now. I promise.


"Where the hell are we going because I really need to summon Val and send this to my mom and Howl." I said as I folded the note.

"Almost there." Sasuke replied before looking back at Mia. I heard her hand him something and then he was blindfolding me. What the hell?!

"HEY! I have had ENOUGH kidnapping for one summer! What's the meaning of this?!" I argued. The car stopped, doors opened and Sasuke pulled me out. I smiled when I recognized the sweet scent of the ocean. The blindfold was removed and I was awestruck.

I was even more awestruck for the fact that we were the only ones here.

"Do you like it?" Mia and Draco asked me.

I looked at them with glimmering eyes and tackled them both in a hug before doing the same to my brothers.

"God I love you guys!" I said.

"There's one more surprise." Draco said. "But this one's for Mia."

"Huh?" Mia asked.

"Did you miss me?" James said standing right behind her. She looked like she could burst into tears as she hugged him tighter than ever.

"Get a room!" We all said to the happy couple.

For the rest of the day we all laughed and had fun in the water and in the sand. I buried Sasuke under the sand when he wasn't paying attention because he fell asleep, built a huge sand castle with Itachi, looked for sea shells with Mia, and kissed Draco under the water.

It was like nothing ever happened...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I'm going to try, try, TRY to update again today because I probably can't tomorrow because I have a stupid doctor's appointment at the time I usually update.
Yeah, it blows.
So I'm gonna try my hardest to do so now!
And I got the idea of the mystery POV from Arcticstar(:
She asked if we got to see someone else's POV and something in me said, "Mystery POV for an upcoming character!"
So thank you very, very much, Arcticstar(:


PS, the summer is finally OVER! :D Next chapter is going to school!!! FINALLY! hahaa.