Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

I'm Hoping I'm Wrong, but I Know I'm Right.

I smirked walking from Potions to DADA. At the moment, I was in my usual Hogwarts-Slytherin uniform. But I was about to fix that, just for dear Professor Umbridge.

"Hey guys, I'll meet you in class, okay?" I told my friends.

Mia and James gave me a suspicious look each, Draco started to, then let it go. "I won't be long, I promise." I gave Draco a quick kiss, and headed to the girl's bathroom.

"Okay, time to make me a pain in the ass. Shouldn't be hard to do." I told myself.

I summoned my trunk and grinned Cheshire Cat worthy when I picked out the most perfect outfit. I dressed myself, shoving my uniform in my bag (using a spell to make it more spacious 'cause I'm a smarty like that), put my hair in low pigtails, and skipped off to DADA.

"I'm not late!" I said just as the bell rang. Everyone turned around and looked at me. I gave everyone a perfect smile. Then Umbridge turned around.

"Ms. Bourdain!" She shreiked. I resisted laughing.

"What?" I said in my most pleasent voice I could pull off.

"You are completely out of uniform!"

I looked down at myself and gasped. "Oh my God! How did this happen?!" The Gryffindors and some Slytherins who knew my antics very well began laughing. "Well, good thing it's still Slytherin Pride. Or we'd have some trouble."

I took my seat next to Draco and Umbridge continued to biznitch at me. "Actually, we do have a problem."

"And what would that be? I didn't do anything wrong." Yet.

"Your uniform is completely out of protocal!"

"Someone stole my uniform!"


"Uhh...a flying unifcorn?" I grinned like an idiot.

"That would be a pegasus!" One of the Gryffindors shouted.

"Yeah! Those things!" I nodded.

"Detention, Ms. Bourdain."

"Well don't you have your panties in a bunch. Though I suppose that could happen. How badly do huge old lady panties bunch?" Mia slapped her forehead and Draco resisted laughing. Even Hermione looked ready to laugh. I'm too good.

"MS. BOURDAIN!" Umbridge yelled.

I shrugged. "Well I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a little on edge."

"Because of a new school year?" Umbridge said, sort of calm and "understandingly".

"No. Because Voldypants might come and snatch me up like some freaky pedophile. Ew, he might team up with Oreochimaru...nasty..."

All fell silent. Fuck, too far...

"Ms. Bourdain, You-Know-Who is not back." Umbridge said, her lips twitching. That one set me off.

"Uh, yah he fuckin' is." I said, clearly getting pissed.

"He couldn't be--"

"HE IS, DAMMIT!" I yelled, jumping out of my seat. "He almost fucking killed me and my fucking friends and family last year! The dick is fucking back you dumb hoe!"

As she went to protest and yell at my language, Potter stood up. "He is back. I fought him. I saw him. He killed Cedric!"

"Cedric Diggory's death was unfortunate." Umbridge countered.

"And how the fuck would you explain it?" I crossed my arms.

"Voldemort killed him. That's how I'd explain it." said Harry.

"I was there. I can testify." I said.

"That's it! Both of you, detention, tonight!" Potter and I exchanged looks and sat back down. This wasn't over. Not by a long shot. And if she thought it was, she was really fucking stupid.


After class, we found Adrian waiting for us without a smile on his face. Really? More shit to deal with?

I groaned. "Please don't tell me you have some horrible shit to tell me?"

"Unfortunately, I do." Adrian said, leading us to an empty corridor. "Claudé got your roommate - Rose."

It took me a second, but I nearly screamed. "FUCK! I totally fucking forgot! She could lead me to my dead uncle's wife who could have told me some shit about my fucking family! GOD DAMMIT!"

Adrian was taken back a little. "She just cussed out Umbridge." Draco said. Adrian slowly nodded.

"Do you know where he's got her?" I asked, trying to stay calm and keep the Darkness from bubbling again.

"I can probably find him. But you need to stay away. If he gets you, he gets you." Adrian said.

I shook my head and clenched my fists. "Fuck that. I'm finding Rose. She's almost the only lead I have to my mom." I started running, tears running down my face.

Rose's POV.

"Wh-what do you want with m-me?" I stuttered as Claudé tied my arms to a chair.

"For you to be bait." He replied calmly.

"F-for who?"

"Your cousin." He whispered in my ear.

My eyes grew wide. "What do you want with Isabelle?!"

"A bride, silly little girl."

"That's not it."

"You inheritted your mother's wits. Congratulations." He said sarcastically.

"What the hell else do you want with Isabelle?"

"He won't even tell me his stupid plan so it's not like he'd tell you." The girl hidden in the corner said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Annaleise. Annaleise Bourdain-Brimstone." She replied. My jaw dropped.

Isabelle's POV.

He wouldn't be so careless and stupid as to take her somewhere obvious and where people would go, I thought. And there's not many abandoned classrooms... This was irking me. Where could he have taken her...?

"Catch me if you can suckas!" I said, running down the hall with Mia behind me.

We turned the corner together and dodged into an empty classroom and behind the teacher's desk to come up with a plan.

Of course! The classroom MiMi and I hid in during Hide-and-Seek last year! I stopped on my heel and booked it up to the fourth floor as fast as I could.

I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I know I'm right. And since I'm right, I know Claudé will be waiting there for me for God knows why...
♠ ♠ ♠
So, more antics and possible who knows what going on(:
Who's exciticated?! :D hahaa.
Comment my lovlies(: