Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

I'll Taste Your Blood Tonight.

I stood in front of the door and held my breath. I looked down at myself and realized this was no outfit for fighting. What'd I do? Got battle ready. Now for my dramatic entrance.

I took a couple of steps back from the door, eyeballed it, and kicked the door open with perfect precision.

"Claudé! Leave Rose alone!" I called.

Claudé turned to me and smiled. I started feeling nauseous. "Dear Isabelle, you came back for me." He held his hands open for a hug and I literally choked back puke.

"I'm getting Rose out of here." I stated simply.

Claudé glanced to the corner, smirked, and looked back at me. "No, Isabelle. No you are not." With a flick of his wrist, the door shut and locked. "And if you think you can open that, you're wrong. It's only I who can."

Must resist snarky comments, must resist snarky comments...

"Whatever. Just hand over Rose or I'll be forced to take your ass down."

Claudé's lips twitched, then he began howling with laugher. Ugh, this day just keeps getting worse and worse. I almost wish I did miss the train!

He took a few steps toward me and spoke, "Sweet Isabelle, naïve Isabelle. How you underestimate us Cromwells."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I could take Adrian down too."

"Than you really haven't seen what he's really like, have you?" He stepped another step closer to me and I refused to move. I was not going to make him think I was backing down.

"Again, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"Don't listen to him, Isabelle!" Rose called through the bandana-like thing around her mouth.

Claudé ignored her. "Than I assume the alcohol and smoking really has affected him. Oh what fun my little brother used to be. We used to hunt together, you know."

"Adrian would never--"

"Hurt a human being?" Claudé mocked. "Now, of course. Especially upon seeing you again." So he does know... "But after your sweet, loving little mommy sent you away and Adrian grew up without you, oh you should have seen the fun we had together. Watching people squirm, laughing at their screams--"

"Adrian would never do that!" I finally burst.

Claudé pulled me into his arms and stroked my hair. I struggled against him, to no avail. Maybe I am losing my touch... I thought.

"Shh, sweet Isabelle. I know you must have seen a little bit of my dear brother's vampiric side."

As I struggled against his grip, I recalled how Adrian was when we first met over the summer - when he kidnapped me.

Calm, cool, but utterly psycho and filled with bloodlust.

I stopped for a moment, hoping he'd let his guard down. I needed an oppertunity to strike him or I was good as dead. ...Or undead... I shuddered at the thought.

"Aha, so you have gotten a glimpse! It's still there!" Claudé exclaimed happily as he pulled me back but gripped my arms. I still couldn't move even though he was only holding my arms. And he wasn't even holding them that tightly! What the shit!

"Huh, so you can't even fight against my grip when I'm not even trying." He smirked and leaned down to my ear and whispered, "I can change that, you know."

"I'd rather be a Gryffindor." I growled.

Claudé's eyes were slowly dripping to crimson. Damn am I pressing my luck today.

His fangs just barely extended over his bottom lip as he scowled at me and I cringed upon feeling claws suddenly dig into my arms. I think I'm about to see his vampy side. FML much?

"The crest!" Rose muffled behind the gag. I gave her a 'What the hell was that?' look and she fought and finally the gag dropped around her neck. "The family crest! We know it's you that has it so only you can use it!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

Claudé's attention turned towards Rose. Addreniline pumped through me and I managed to slip my leg between us and kick him in the jaw. He released me and I jumped back, getting into my fighting stance.

"Don't even think about hurting her!" I bitched at him. "You leave Becca out of this."

She smiled up at me, her eyes glimmering. "So you do know."

I nodded, smiling back. "I do. And you're my family, there's no way in hell I'm letting any psycho bitch touch my family unless it's me!"

I went charging full speed at him and tackled him into the teacher's desk. I gave him three good punches - one to the jaw, nose, and cheekbone - before he finally threw me off. I landed with a loud thud against the wall and slid down. I could feel the blood dripping from my head.

So not good when you're fighting a psycho, bloodlusty vamp.

Claudé started coming at me again and I did the same as before. I managed to shove him into the chalkboard and run to Becca. I pulled out my little dagger from the holster on my thigh and cut her ropes, setting her free.

"I know you know some freaky family magic so get the hell out of here. Find MiMi, Draco, and Adrian and get them here ASAP. I dunno how much longer I can fend him off." I told her.

Becca nodded and hugged me. "Be careful, cousin." With that, she was gone. And I was left there with Claudé almost in full vamp mode.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heehee, I love leaving you guys at inoppertune moments(:
Comment so you can see the fight ensuing!