Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Millionaires Are Three to None.

Lucky for me, there were rose vines surrounding my window which was towards the back yard.

I climbed the vines with ease, jumping onto my balcony and using my master card (yes, I have a master card too) to top the lock. Hoping not to creak the floor boards or balcony window doors, I slipped inside, closing the doors behind me.

"Where in damn hell have you been?" Sasuke's cold voice said from behind me.

I bit my lip and thought, ah, cracka. Yes, I say 'cracka'. I'm trying to teach myself not to cuss by improving with random words such as cracka.

I turned and faced him, my face completely serious. "I was out for a walk."

Sasuke arched and eyebrow and crossed his arms. "A walk that required you to sneak in through your window wearing the exact same outfit you had on yesterday, but with your shirt on backwards?"

My eyes slowly peered down to my Escape the Fate t-shirt, which was on backwards. "It was an interesting walk." I covered.

"Really? How so?"

"...I westled a bear and wanted to sneak in so I didn't concernicus you."

Sasuke slapped his forhead with his hand when Itachi came in. I was so beyond screwed over now.

"Sasuke, snooping is - Renee, you look funny. New trends that Vogue hasn't covered?" Itachi said. Yeah, the idiot reads Vogue too.

"Yeah Itachi, it's the 'our little sister just got laid' look." Sasuke said.

"OMFG! MY LITTLE SISTER LOST HER VIRGINITY!" Itachi exclaimed...happily.

Mia walked in, looked at us like we were seriously ruh-tarded, and continued on walking the hell away to not catch the stupid.

"Can I please just take a shower as drop this? Besides, I lost it like six or seven months ago." I shrugged and walked into the bathroom, leaving them there stunned, as I locked the door and turned on the shower before hearing Itachi call, "And you didn't send me a letter?!"

Tch, loser.


"You just had to do it with your boyfriend again, didn't you?" Mia asked me when I walked down.

I put a piece of bread in the toaster and grabbed the peanut butter and a knife. "Why the hell not? He is my boyfriend. Speaking of which, have you even kissed yours?" I teased her.

"No because every time I almost do, you or Draco screws it over!"

I smirked. "Screws it over...I've taught you so well."

Mia rolled her eyes. "So, talk to Heather lately?"

I shook my head. "Nahh, last time I called she was on some mission with Naruto, Sakura, and some dude named Sai in the Land of Fire."

"Sai...where have I heard that name before...?" Mia pondered.

"I know! Sounds so familiar, right?" I said.

"Probably because he's the loser that replaced me on their team." Came Sasuke's cold voice once more.

He's really gotta stop doing that, I thought.

"Oh yeah, he was the one that was a total buttmonkey and tried to take you back to the Village, wasn't he?" I asked.

Sasuke nodded.

"So, why did you come to stay with your brother that you were trying to kill...?" Mia asked.

"Because of Renee." My toast dinged and I tried to tune out his loserish, "I care about my baby sister even though she's apparently not my baby sister but might still be my baby sister because of her Sharingan" story while I peanut buttered it.

"I can take care of myself." I said, taking a bite out of my toast and sliding onto the island. "I'm on the verge of finding not only my mom, but my aunt and uncle by marriage and cousins. Mia and Draco are all I need to find her with what Bellatrix knows. Now I just have to get to the bottom of "Rose" so I can find Alexandria who can probably either tell me about my family or tell me where I can find them."

Sasuke's expression softened, but it was still emotionless. "I'm not exactly sure how, but I know you are part of the Uchiha bloodline."

"Well durr." Mia said sarcastically. "If she has Sharingan--"

Sasuke shook his head. "You don't seem to understand, Mia. No female has ever had the Sharingan. Not one form of it. And considering SOMEONE," he shouted in hopes of Itachi hearing, "killed off our entire clan, the Uchiha blood in you must go back further than us."

"It does." Bellatrix said as she came in, he eyes glued to some book.

"What?" Mia and I asked in unison.

"Well, it might be." Bella corrected. "In here it talks about the two original Uchiha brothers - Madara and Obito."

"So what?" Sasuke said.

"So when I read up on both, it said how Obito married not just and girl, but a Bourdain girl." Bella explained.

"And every man that marries a Bourdain girl takes on the Bourdain name..." Mia added.

"So I am part of the Uchiha Clan than!" I exclaimed.

"By these dates, it almost looks like Obito could be your grandfather." Bella continued. "He married young and the woman beared him..." She trailed off, stunned herself.

"Beared him what, Bella?" I pressed on.

"Three children - a boy and two twin girls..."

All of our eyes got wide. Mama has a twin sister - Ember, and an older brother - Evan. But it couldn't be...could it...?
♠ ♠ ♠
What's Madara and Obito Uchiha doing in this picture?!
Who liked the intro when Renee was sneaking in instead of sneaking out? Hahaa.
See, this chapter could also be called: 'This Time Sneaking In: Morning 1.' Aha.
Comment if you're eager to see how much more Renee can not only fit into her drama life, but her wonderful sex life(:
^^' Silly Renee..Hahaa.