Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

I Don't Think You Wanna See the Deeper, Darker Side of Me.

I swallowed hard upon seeing Claudé's features completely change. His fangs extended over his bottom lip, eyes a bloody crimson colour, he snarled like a dog or wild animal with rabies looking at its prey, he could almost put a Strigoi from the Vampire Academy series to shame.

I stayed put in my fighting stance. I would try to fight him off, but even I know I'm gonna get my ass kicked. And I'm pretty sure that right now, he can bite through my choker necklace.

Oh guys, get here quickly before I become dinner for him!

Claudé came storming at me and I screamed as he slammed me to the ground. They never taught us to fight off vampires in ninja academy! Especially vamps on steroids!

He pinned my arms above my head and snickered as I sturggled beneath him.

"You can't get away from me." He said in my ear. "If you couldn't before, you definetly can't now."

"I'll never give up!" I fought.

Claudé looked down at me and I swore in my thoughts. I knew that look. He was gonna use his compulsion on me. FML.

"Give up, Isabelle." He said. "Give up and give yourself to me."

I felt...nothing. Why didn't I feel compelled?

"There's a protection charm on it. So nothing bad can happen to the wearer as long as it's on them somehow and clasped. It also resists compulsion and the Unforgivable Curses."

That's it! The locket! I forgot, I never take it off. That must be it. But how do assess this situation...?

Oh, ew! Fake it to that...that...thing?! Bluck, I'd have to sanitize myself later.

I relaxed under his grip (hoping my face wasn't green) and he smirked.

"There we go. Now just hush, this will only hurt a lot."


"STUPDEFY!" Came Potter's voice. Claudé was thrown off of me and I jumped up.

I sighed greatfully and put my hand on Potter's shoulder. "I never thought I'd say this, but DAMN am I glad to see you! I was either two seconds away from puking or dying!" Or probably both...

"You're welcome. Mia and Malfoy are on their way. After the speech you gave and standing up to Umbridge, I came to help. It's like Umbridge would believe Claudé killed you anways."

"True that." I shook my head and looked to where Claudé was. He was gone...again. "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!



"Bloody hell! Thank Merlin you're alright!" Draco said, pulling me into his arms.

"Yeah, well, thank Harry for that." I said, giving him a nod. "Sorry to cut this short, but we have dentention." I mocked throwing up.

"Hey, you better be glad it's just detention!" Mia said. I stuck my tongue out at her.


I cringed sitting in Umbridge's office. All pink with magic cats on plates. Ugh, I want to kill myself.

"Now than," Umbridge said, "I want you both to fill up those papers in front of you."

"With what?" I asked.

"Oh... 'I must not tell lies.' will do. And Isabelle, I want you to write me a thoughtful letter and be prepared to read it in class tomorrow." I shrugged.

"But Professor, we haven't any ink." Potter said.

"You won't need any. These are special quills." Umbridge smiled. I didn't like the sound of that.

She turned and began sipping tea (which was also pink - uh, EW?!) as we wrote. Within seconds of writing 'I must not tell lies' on my paper, I started to notice it imbedding itsself into my hand. WHAT THE HELL?!

I looked at Potter and the same was happening to him.

"Something the matter?" Umbridge asked. Pottered muttered a 'no Professor...' and I scowled.

I went to explode, but an idea popped into my head. I smiled and said, "No Professor, everything is just fine."

"Good. Have you learned your lessons?" We nodded. "Than you may go."

Outside of her office, Potter turned to me. "You have a plan, don't you?"

"Tch, 'course I do. Opperation Screw with Umbridge." I smirked and walked back to my dorm.
♠ ♠ ♠
I do believe I'll be able to update once more today to show you just what Izzy means ^-^
The next chapter's "background song" will be What the Hell - Avril Laivigne. It's her new single and I find that it fits perfectly.
By the way, I hadz a snowday today! Hahaa.
Comment my lovlies(: