Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

I Can't Stop 'Cause I'm Having Too Much Fun.

I stood in front of my mirror the next mirror and smirked looking at myself. Today I had DADA first and guess who was in for a big surprise.

I put on an outfit so far off from my uniform it'd make even Snape laugh a little inside, changed my hair colour to bleach blonde with blue on the ends, and gave myself some Ke$ha approved gold lipstick.

"Isabelle, are you ready yet?" Draco called outside of my door.

"I'm gonna be a while. I'll meet you guys in class!" I called back. I could picture the puzzled look on his face and the probably pissed one that'll be on Mia's. Oh, it was gonna be a damn good day.

I put my lip ring back in (had to repierce my lip - that was not fun), put in a few earrings (some danglies and three pairs of studs), slipped on my colourful converses, grabbed my bag, and went to leave.

I made sure everyone was out of the common room before slipping out. I took all of the back ways before I made sure I was in perfect public. I had three minutes to get to class. How would I make it? Run? Ha, nope. Rollerskates.

Have you ever seen a girl dressed like me rollerskate to class? I think not.

So I rollerskated down the halls with the sounds of 'What the Hell' by Avril Lavigne in my hears from my iPod and smiled and waved to anyone who looked at me.

I skated into class (Umbridge had her back turned) and skated right up to her. "I'm here!" I yelled in her ear.

She turned and gasped at me. Ha, she never knew what hit her. Mwhahahaha.


"Yupp, that's me. Don't wear it out, 'kay?" I smiled up at her. I could feel the embarassment and anger radiating off of Mia.

"Ms. Bourdain! What....but..." She stuttered.

"Good morning to you too, Starshine!" I rollerskated to my seat and sat down, using my magic to put my converses back on. "Can I read my letter now?" She sighed and nodded.

"Dear Professor Umbridge,

If you haven't noticed, I rule this school and pink is so last millenium. So...Suck it(:

Much hate and detest,

-Izzy Bourdain." I smiled up at her - her mouth wide open.

"I told you to put thought into that!"

"I did. You won't believe how long it took me to spell out 'millenium' without magic or asking MiMi."

The class dragged on but to make it fun, I changed my hair colour everytime Umbridge turned her back or wasn't paying attention to me. Everytime she looked back at me, she almost fell over in shock. My hair went from blonde and blue to blonde and pink to brown and blonde to bright pink in just half an hour.

"Ms. Bourdain, would you like to serve more detentions?" Umbridge asked me once I sat on my desk.

"Well of course not. But it's not like I would anyways." I rolled my eyes. "You know Um-bridge-in-my-panties, you need to chillax." That caused the class to howl in laughter. Well, besides Mia, James, and Draco. What the fuck was Draco's problem?

The class ended and I quickly rollerbladed towards Transfigurations so I wouldn't get my ass kicked by Mia. Unfortunately, I still had to sit next to her. Sorry MiMi, but I'm not gonna give McGonagall any better treatment. Hell, I'm in this today to even make Snape snicker.

McGonagall gaped at me. "Ms. Bourdain! You are completely out of uniform!" She chatisized me.

I stood. "So? We all need to express ourselves somehow."

"So do it during your weekend break and vacations. Not class!"

"But that's the perfect time!" I argued. "We're stuck in the same uniforms all day, every day! The only exception is our House colours and that completely divides us! Shouldn't we be banding together to stand up to lunatics like Claudé?!"

Mia pulled me down and class went on. When neither McGonagall nor Mia were looking, I changed my hair to black, but completely teased. That was apparently enough to scare Mia out of her seat. ...Literally. She fell on her ass...on the floor. I shrugged and the bell rang.

"Are you out of your freaking mind?!" Mia scolded me as we walked to Potions.

I nodded. "We've been over this, MiMi. I'm freaking loony!" I grinned. "Now off to make Snape smile!"

Mia smacked her forehead. "Oh dear God...please help me now..." She muttered.


With my hair a now perfect blue, I sat on my desk next to Draco in Potions.

"What in bloody hell are you trying to pull?" He growled at me.

"Jeeze Fido, calm down. I'm just having some fun." I replied, waving him off. Then I reconsidered my blue hair. Since I was in the head of Slytherin House's class, I should go for Slytherin Pride.

Professor Snape walked in and I smiled when he looked at me. I also managed to throw some green splatter on my shorts and change the backround colour of my shirt from blue to green.

"Miss Bourdain, I do believe you are wearing something out of uniform." He said.

"Yeah, I've been getting that all day. But I figured for your class I'd show my Slytherin Pride." I gave him my (fakest) brightest smile.

His lips twitched toward a smile but it was resisted. Eh, close enough. "50 points for Slytherin."

Mia, James, and Draco gaped at Snape. For the rest of class, he was putting down Draco for screwing some potions up and I stuck my tongue out at Draco. "Guess he's got a new favourite." I mouthed to him.

At the end of class, I changed into the Bourdain colours. Hair included. Then I skated along side my walking friends to lunch.

"Izzy, you really are freaking crazy." Mia told me.

I shrugged as I skated backwards. "Yeah, I know."

"Why exactly are you doing this?" James asked me.

"To piss off Umbridge." I grinned like an idiot.

"Mission accomplished." All of my friends said in unison. It definetly was a good day.
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I just had to do this(:
Who smiled or laughed? Hahaa.
Comment if you're eager to see what's to comee!