Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

I'm Thinking, 'What the Hell?'

The remainder of the day went by fine. The teachers ignored my outfit (besides when Dumbledore was walking around and gave me a smile) so it was a good day. I was currently walking back to my dorm from wandering the halls (since I decided to skip dinner because of Draco's stupid attitude) when I got a text from MiMi.

Where are you??

Wandering the halls in pure boredum. You?

Wonder where my bestie is and hoping she didn't get eaten by some psycho! >.<''

Ugh, you worry waayyy too much, sweetie. I just decided to skip dinner 'cause Draco's being an Attitudie Judie.

So that's your plan? Avoid him?

For the time being...I guess! :D

ohh sweetie... -__-''

I shrugged and laughed to myself as I came towards the Slytherin dungeouns. Eh, maybe I'll stay with MiMi tonight instead of waking up to Draco's panties in a bunch.

Hey, would it be cool if I stayed with you until D's period blows over?

Yeah, no prob. Just wait for me at by the Hufflepuff picture ladyy.

Kaykayz hoee(;

I turned and put on my iPod to 'What the Hell' again because hey, it was a wicked song. Wicked new single Avril released - for sure, and began walking towards where the Hufflepuff dorms were.

"Avoiding Draco?" I heard behind me. I didn't jump, I'd recognized Adrian's stoned voice anywhere.

"Tch, he's worse than me when I'm on my period." I said smugly as Adrian began walking with me. He offered me his bottle of vodka and I took a sip thankfully.

"Well, what about that party of his?" I nearly spit out my large sip of vodka, causing Adrian to laugh.

"Fuuuccckkk! I totally forgot about that! Ugh!!" I groaned and took another sip, handing the bottle back to Adrian.

"Where are you going, anyways?"

"MiMi's room. No way in hell I'm going anywhere near Attitudie Judie until she's off her fucking period."

"Sounds fun. Back to the party," we rolled our eyes, "Princess should be off her menstrual cycle by then."

"Eh, better be."

Draco's POV.

"Uh...Izzy's gonna be spending the night in my dorm, Draco. 'Kay?" Mia told me, trying to fake a smile. She looked like I was going to bloody hit her.

I cut my eyes at her. "Why?"

"Uhh..." She glanced up at James.

"Because they're girls. They have girl stuff to talk about. Right, Mia?" James said. Mia nodded.

I went to say something, then felt my blood boil upon seeing Isabelle and Adrian Cromwell walking and talking together casually. What in bloody hell happened at Court?!

"Oh, there's Izzy. I should go catch up to her. See you in the common room, James?" Mia smiled up at her beau.

James nodded and kissed her forehead. "See you, love." She giggled and ran off to Isabelle.

"What, in bloody hell, is going on?!" I nearly yelled.

James put a hand on my shoulder. "You're being a lass on her menstrual cycle, mate."

"I am not!" I aruged.

"Try some Midol. It helps the girls when they're on theirs." With that, he walked away.

What in bloody hell was Isabelle's problem lately?!

Isabelle's POV.

"You know Iz, he saw you walking with Adrian." Mia told me as we sat on her bed.

"So what? He can shove his ego up his ass for all I give a fuck." I replied, laying upside-down on the foot of her bed.

"Oh come on, it's just one fight. You guys can make it through!" Mia smiled at me.

"You're way to optimistic for me, sweetie." I shook my head.

"Well, maybe a little music will make you feel better." She said, taking my iPod out of my bad and putting it in her dock. As if on cue, 'What the Hell' came back on. This song effing loves me today.

"You, say, that I'm messing with your head," I sang, "All, 'cause, I was making out with your friends. Love, hurts, wheather it's right or wrong. I can't, stop, 'cause I'm having too much fun. You're on your knees, begging please, 'Stay with me!' But honestly, I just need to be a little crazy.
"All my life I've been good, but now, whoa I'm thinking, 'What, the hell?' All I want is to mess around. And I don't really care about, If you love me, if you hate me, you can't save me, baby, baby. All my life I've been good, but now, Whoa, What, the hell?"

"Okay, maybe music will only get you more pissed." Mia said, shutting off my iPod. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Hey, if my guitar was in your room I'd be shredding that and screaming to the lovely sounds of Andy Six's AMAZING voice." Excuse me while I drool a little.

Mia faked gagging. "Bleck! He's scary!"

I shot up and stared at her with my jaw dropped. "Are you insane?! Andy Six is the definition of sexy!"

Mia shook her head and changed the subject. "Off that topic," she hushed her tone and leaned close to me to whisper, "what really happened at Court?"

Fuck, she knew something. Note to self;; never try to hold one past MiMi.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh-oh, is Izzy gonna tell Mia what happened?
Who thinks she should?
Who thinks she should keep her mouth shut?
What the hell is Draco's problem?
Who wants to see him take some Midol just for the hell of it? hahaa.
Comment my lovelies because I may feel like updating again today(;

Chapter title creds:
41: Raise Your Glass - Pink
42: E.T. - Katy Perry
43: Freak on a Leash - Korn (the version feat. Amy Lee on MTV Unplugged)
44: Immortal Love - Vampires Everywhere! (oh the irony of the band name to this story. haha)
45: You Found Me - The Fray (I don't even like this song either.)
46: Sure Fire Winners - Adam Lambert
47: Children Surrender - Black Veil Brides
48: Scream - Avenged Sevenfold
49: Scream - A7X
50: Darker Side of Me - The Veer Union
51: What the Hell - Avril Lavigne (her kick-ass new single!)
52: What the Hell - Avril Lavigne (as you can see, I love this song ^-^)