Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Don't Want No Paper Gangsta.

I looked down, hiding my face under my hair (which by the way was back to it's natural colour and style). Mia sighed her 'I knew I was right' sigh. Damn.

"Izzy...please, just tell me." She begged.

I bit my lip. "Remember how I was all hopped up on the Blood Wine from the party and I kept trying to get in Adrian's pants but he wouldn't let me?"

She was now giving me her, 'Uhh...where the hell are you going with this?' look. "Yeah..."

I scratched the back of my head. "It's's a pretty funny story actually...because uh...we ah...might have...perhaps..."

Her eyes got wide. Shit, she was gonna scream something. As an instinct, I sat on her and covered her mouth first with my hand then I grabbed a pillow and shoved it at her mouth. Don't ask where I get my instincts. I'll just leave it at the morons I've lived with all my life.

"Shh, MiMi! Shut the hell up! Just...just don't scream! Okay?!" I whisper-yelled. "There's like ten or so different kinds of Blood Wine and we didn't know what it was and it just...happened!"

She calmed down and I removed the pillow, sitting back in my spot and running a hand through my hair. "Neither of us meant for it to happen but...What the hell are you doing?" I said upon seeing Mia digging for something under her bed.

She placed a book between us and pointed at it. "Do you know what this is?"

"A dusty old book that you probably snatched before Hermione could have it?"

Mia sighed. "This is a book with all of the different kinds of Blood Wine in it. I found a box..."

I cut my eyes at her. "Where was this box...?"

She lowered her head and ran a hand across her mouth muttering something that to me sounded like, "Rix's oom."

It took me a second, but I gasped. "You went spying in Bellatrix's room..." She looked guilty. "...WITHOUT ME?!?!?"

Mia shook her head and began flipping through the book. Everytime I tried to look, she kept it away from me. What the hell!

Her eyes scanned across a page quickly before she gave me her signature, 'You idiot.' look.

"What?!" I whined.

"Admit it." She said, snapping the book closed.

"What?" What the hell was she talking about?

"Admit it." She repeated.

"Admit what?!"

"Admit it." I would like to hit her right now.

"Admit...WHAT?!" She just looked at me. "What?! That I have an attraction to Adrian--fuck, I did not just say that. You didn't hear that." I dropped my head in shame.

"I can't believe I'd actually be telling you this, but you have to be a little more secretive about it around Draco. He's starting to put two-and-two together - don't let him. James and I aren't that stupid, we saw the signs."

"But you won't tell anyone, right?" I pleaded with her.

"Sweetie, we've been friends for years. Of course I wouldn't." We smiled at each other.

-The Next Day-

"What's first?" I asked Mia seeing as we had the same schedual this year.

"Uhh...History of Magic."

"Sweet, nap time." I brushed my hair and stuck my tongue out at my reflection.

"Must you really be a rebel with your outfit this year?" Mia asked, primming herself in her usual Hufflepuff uniform.

I nodded, applying my eyeliner. "Yes, I must. And today I'm going to go to Dumbledore--"

"And I don't even want to know your plan." Mia cut in.

"And I'm going to ask him very calmly and sophisticatedly for just one day of normal clothes and doing something as a school together instead of being divided."

Mia looked at me surprised. "Whoa, when'd you get into the whole 'all for one' thing?"

"Probably when she realized it's in her natural bloodline to do so." Came Adrian's voice out of absolutely no where.

Mia shrieked and I finished with my eyeliner. "Yeah, good morning to you too."

He shrugged. "So, how are you going to avoid Malfoy today?"

"Our first three periods are History of Magic, Herbology, and Astronomy - Draco has none of those with us or even near us." Mia replied. "He's not in our classes until our last four."

"Transfig., Potions, DADA, and Charms." I said monotone.

"Well I see you're actually somewhat wearing your uniform today." Adrian commented.

"Hey, best you're gonna get outta me." I grabbed my bag and we walked out. The other Hufflepuffs were used to seeing me with Mia and staying in her room sometimes that if they acknowledged me at all, it was just a nod which I returned. I have no problem with Hufflepuffs.

Right now, I just have a problem with Umbridge and my Attitudie Judie of a Princess boyfriend.

I slipped on my sunglasses, put on 'Paper Gangsta' on my iPod, and walked inbetween MiMi and Adrian to History of Magic. If I had to take a shot, I'd say Adrian was there to defend me if Draco decide to hunt me down and bitch me out. It wasn't in Mia usually, but she'd burst if it came to that. As for me, well, you know what I'm capable of.

"I can smell the prick up ahead." Adrian muttered. I stopped and they stopped with me.

"Where?" I asked.

"End of this hall and the corridor to the right." He replied.

"Which was is History of Magic?" I asked Mia.

"That way." She sighed.

"Than I guess we're just gonna have to hold our heads high and pretend like he doesn't exist, now aren't we?"

"But you guys always make up." said Mia.

"And we will. When he decides to come to me for forgiveness for being such a little bitch. But until then, silent treatment."

We walked down the hall, took the right, and surely enough, there was Draco, laughing with Blaise, Theo Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle. Ugh, I wanted to vomit on his Armani shoes.

"Ready?" Mia whispered to me. I nodded.

"Hey, don't forget us." Came Jessica's voice from behind us. I smirked upon seeing Jess, Rose Becca, and James joining us.

I stood in the center, Adrian to my right, Mia my left, James next to Mia, Jess behind me, and Becca with Jess. As we walked by Draco, none of us even bothered to glance at him. We held our heads high, and ignored him.

Today, I was going to show him up. Draco Malfoy no longer runs this shit. I do. He's gonna be lucky to hang on for the ride.


The first three periods went by fine - I became the favourite in each class. Now it was time for lunch. I stood with my friends just like I had this morning, and walked into the Great Hall. All eyes fell upon us, along with dead silence.

"The Bourdain Princess lives!" Someone shouted.

"Your mom ruled this school when she went." Adrian whispered to me.

I smirked. Time to walk in my mom's shoes.

"My mom told me Aunt Nikki was a total heartthrob." Becca told me as we walked.

We walked past Draco, I looked down at him, then right back away with a look of disgust on my face and flipped my bangs. Shove it Justina Beaver, the hair-flip is for attractive boys and girls. Not you.

The six of us sat at the head (or end, however you look at it) of the table and ate and spoke, having fun. Occasionally Draco would look our way, and we'd completely blow him off.

"When we go back, I reccomend flipping him off. Aunt Nikki did that a lot." Becca said with a smile.

Sounds damn good to me.

Thank you for leaving me your wicked rep here, mom.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Draco and Iz are fighting.
Iz is going to be like her mom and tell him to shove it (in little glances) until he apologizes.
But what exactly is going to get Draco Malfoy to say he's sorry?
Yes, he is going to apologize. -GASP!-
But...what's gonna make him...?

comment for updates(;

PS;; as you can see, I cannot stand Justin Bieber. Sorry to those of you who do, but I do not so I will periodically make fun of ;]