Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

I Wanna Be Praised From a New Perspective.

After lunch, we all skipped the next period (MiMi and James surprisingly involved. Gasp!) and went to Mia's room. All the Hufflepuffs were at their classes (minus some sixth years whom Mia was on good terms with and didn't mind us) so we pretty much had this all to ourselves.

"What exactly is your master plan now, Iz?" Mia asked me. Ah, she knew me too well.

"Becca, Adrian," they looked at me, "you two said my mom was like the "it-thing" here, right?"

"Mhmm." Becca replied. "My mom's told me all about Aunt Nikki. Just about everyone loved her. She had even higher status than the Malfoys, Blacks, and Potters put together."

I smirked.

"From what I've been told, Nikita was the biggest heartthrob around. She could make you or break you in seconds." Adrian added. "They said her beauty was uncomprehendable and just a glance could make any guy's knees weak."

"That's it than." I said simply.

"What's it than?" Jess asked.

"Turn me into my mom."

You could here a pin drop on MiMi's carpet right about now.

Jess was the first one to say anything. "I'll go get my stuff." She said with a smirk, vanishing to get her hair and make-up things.

"Oh, here Isabelle." Becca said, taking something out of her bag and handing it to me. "This is pretty much what your mom looked like in her fifth year. Her hair was shorter then and what not."

Haircut, sweet!

"Do you have any other pictures?" I asked her.

Becca nodded. "Of course. I have an entire album. Be right back!" She vanished like Jess did which left me with James, Mia, and Adrian.

"You sure about this?" Mia asked me.

"Tch, I'm never sure about anything." I replied, grinning at her.

"You're seriously going to take over your mom's fifth year?" asked Adrian.

I nodded. "Yupp. And while Jess is making me over, make sure I do not see my reflection. And MiMi, help Becca picking out my clothes. I'm getting the vibe my mom was eccentric like me."

Mia sighed and nodded as Jess and Becca returned. We ran over the plan with them and they eagerly agreed. Jess always loved screwing with my appearance - of course she'd say yes.

I exhaled and sat in a chair in the middle of the room - eyes closed.

"You sure about this, Belle?" Came Adrian's voice.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Jess began snipping my hair and I heard pictures being shuffled around which meant Becca was showing her what to do. More shuffling came and I assumed it was MiMi summoning my wardrobe and going through it with Becca's help.

Twenty minutes later I could feel my hair now going just barely past my shoulders. Jess must have cut at least eight or nine inches off.

"Mia, cast a spell so Iz can't see her reflection in anything for me. I need to do her make-up." I heard Jess say.

"Okay.." Mia was still unsure about all of this, but I knew she'd be there if I fucked up.

"Alright, open your eyes. I need to wipe off all of your make-up and do your mom's." Jess said in front of me. I opened my eyes and she waved her wand so my make-up vanished. She then began applying eyeliner, concealer, mascarra, pale crimson lipstick, and a light dusting of black eyeshadow.

"How many times do you have your ears pierced?" Becca asked me.

"Three on my right, two on my left." I replied.

"She also has her naval and lip pierced." Mia added.

"Just like your mother..." Adrian muttered.

"Alright, close your eyes again." Mia said. I huffed and closed my eyes. In a matter of seconds, I felt myself in a new outfit.

"Okay, look at yourself." Mia, Becca, and Jess said in unison as they led me to a mirror.

I opened my eyes and was stunned. My outfit, hair and make-up all looked like the pictures Becca had pretty much. It was uncanny how much I looked like my mom.

Adrian put his hands on my shoulders. "Ready to show this school who's boss?"

I took a breath, and nodded. It was time for Potions, and time to put my plan into action.

"Adrian, can you do me a favour?" I asked him sweetly.

"Anything for you, Belle."

It was time to put Operation: Make Draco a Jealous Little Bitch into action.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh dear god,
it's another plan of Izzy's.
And it involves Adrian and making Draco jealous...
Who thinks they know what the plan is...?

Comment for the plan my lovlies(:
Your comments make me smilee(;