Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

'Cause I'm the Best Damn Thing That Your Eyes Have Ever Seen.

I smirked as me and my little "gang" as some called us walked down the hall. Jess and I were probably the most intimidating besides the boys. Poor Mia was just here for the ride because we were friends. I almost wanted to laugh because I knew she was not in for what I was about pull.

"Iz, Attitudie Judie is waiting at the door to Potions." Becca whispered to me. Perfect. Time to kick this plan into full action.

"I'm afraid to know the plan you've roped me into, Belle." Adrian commented. Tch, I could see the smirk playing on his lips.

"Heh, you have no idea." I grinned and grabbed Adrian's hand, lacing our hands together. It's not like he objected.

"Izzy! What the heck do you think you're doing?!" Mia whisper-yelled at me.

"Oh chill. I'm just going to make Draco a little...jealous."

Her jaw dropped. "Like hell you are!"

"Oh you hush up." I waved her off. James said something to her and she backed off but I could still feel her nagging aura trying to get to me. I shrugged it off.

"You know how you said you'd do anything for me?" I asked Adrian.

Adrian nodded. "Always."

"How far of an extent is that 'anything'?" I swallowed hard as we neared the Potions class.

"Belle what are you--" As soon as Draco came into sight, I kissed Adrian. And I could tell he was looking because Mia smacked her forehead and his friends were all, 'Whoa, mate! That's your girl snogging Cromwell!'

Ha, score one for Iz. Suck it, Draco. Suck your little twat ya dumbfuck.

"That's your ingenious plan?" Adrian murmured against my lips.

"So keep it going. Piss him off. You know you want to." I replied slyly.

He smirked. "After class."

I grinned, kissed him again, and went into Potions with my friend. Unfortunately, I still had to sit next to Draco. I could feel the anger radiating off of him. I resisted laughing when he huffed as he sat next to me.

"What's your problem?" He sneered at me.

"Me?" I dramatically put a hand to my chest. "Why dear Draco, I don't have a problem as you can see by my calm demeanor. But you on the other hand, seem angered. Is everything alright?"

His jaw dropped. "Are you...bloody...fucking...mental?!"

I batted my perfectly mascara-ed eyelashes at him. "That's not very nice. If you don't have anything nice to say, please, go suck your twat." I glared at him.

"Did you just say I have a twat?"

"Yes, I would know. That and half of Slytherin house." I crossed my arms over my chest.

He was taken back by that. "How'd you know...?"

My jaw dropped and I stood abrubtly, causing my chair to fall back. "YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON ME?!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw MiMi's jaw drop, and her fall out of the chair. I was right with her there. Except I wanted to take my chair and bash it over that dumbfuck's head.

Draco's face turned red. "I...I didn't say that!"

Tears just started coming to my eyes. "You dumbfuck! I just wanted to mess with you! You totally just fucking blew it." I started backing up out of class when Snape entered.

"What," he said monotone, "seems to be the problem here?"

"My boyfriend's a fucking cheater." Tears started pouring out of my eyes and I ran out of the class.

♠ ♠ ♠
Shit got fucked up :[
Don't worry, I'll update again since Lauren is sitting right here...nagging THE SHIT out of me(:

Comment my lovelies(: