Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

But the Roses, Were Only to Drain My Inspiration.

"ISABELLE!" I ignored the call, not caring who's it was, and kept running.

I heard a door slam followed by, "Mr. Malfoy! Get back here!" Can you say, FML?

I pushed myself to run faster and ended up running out of the school into the courtyard, hearing Draco's footsteps not far behind me. I kicked in my ninja running skills and ran at a speed that would make Mia proud.

"Fuck!" I swore when I tripped over a tree root and found myself in the Forbidden Forest. I did not like the feel of this place. It was too eerie even for me. I may be a tough bitch, but this place gave me the creeps!

I tried to stand up, but only fell and cussed some more upon realizing that my ankle was not the way it was supposed to be.

"Shit, is my bone backwards?" I said upon inspecting it. I tried to snap it back, hoping I only twisted it, but screamed bloody murder at the pain. That was a bad, bad idea. Bad Izzy, bad. Don't do that again.

I heard Draco's footsteps nearing closer and cussed under my breath (you can tell I'm a big fan of that today) as I tried to crawl/hobble away. I managed to get myself to the nearest big tree which was gutted out inside and crawled in - hoping there were no creepy-eepies in here that like little girls and their tears that can't run because of their diptarded ankle.

"Isabelle, I'm sorry!" Draco called. I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs. "I was being stupid. It's all my fault, I'm sorry Isabelle! Just please, talk to me."

"Why would I want to talk to you, you cheating, lying, twatty bitch." I muttered, choking on my tears.

"Look, Isabelle, I know I've been a dick lately. A dumbfuck, as you called me. But she just came onto me and I swear--"

"Oh shut the fuck up!" I yelled at him, leaning against the side of the tree, trying not to show him that my ankle was injured. "Don't go blaming other whores for your issues you twat."


"No! Just shut the fuck up!" I took a step forward and remembered - by the seering pain in my ankle - that I fucked it up. I fell flat on my face, and screaming in pain. Today was not my fucking day. FML, four-billion times over.

"Isabelle, what's the matter?!" Draco said as he rushed to my side.

I swatted him away. "Like you give a damn. I'm fine."

"I do! I tried to push her off but Pansy just wouldn't--"

"OH! Pansy, but of course." I cut my eyes at him. "Just stay the fuck away from me."

He arched an eyebrow. "Fine. Walk back to the castle by yourself than."

"FINE!" I yelled. "I WILL!"

I tried to stand but only fell back down and got shivers up and down my spine upon hearing really weird birds making really sketchy sounds.

"Little scared?" Draco teased me.

"OVER MY DEAD FUCKING BODY!" I screamed. My eyes darted around the forest to make sure nothing was coming to eat me. However, if it wanted him, I'd be more than gladly to feed him to the beast.

Draco shrugged and started walking away. I grabbed a low branch and tried to pull myself up with something sounded like it was running on all fours towards me. My hands slipped and I landed on my back, now faced with some freakish wolf looking thing with like five tails.


I don't remember hearing about these in Care of Magical Creatures or Herbology! FML, FML, FML!!

The thing kept creeping closer to me, sniffing me, and I tried backing away once, only making it growl. Okay, don't move. I can do that...

By time it was to my face, it was slobbering on my lap. Had it not looked like I was going to be eaten, it'd make a cute pet.

It looked at me with it's bloodshot crimson eyes and snarled, baring huge fangs. Oh joy, that's perfect for ripping apart a little girl. What the hell force is fucking me over today?!

"Uhm...hello, cute little wolfy thing..." It snarled. "My name's Isabelle and...and the way you're looking at me tells me you don't care." It growled some more and backed up, readying to lunge for me. I screamed bloody murder once more, but knew this would be my death because Draco had left me...again.

Good thing I decided against giving him another chance. Stupid dumbfuck.

Do not face death afraid, I told myself, welcome it with open arms...

I closed my eyes as the beast jumped for me, knowing this would be my last seconds and all I could think was: Draco, I'm sorry. I do still love you...
♠ ♠ ♠
How many of you really believe Draco just left her there? Raise your hands!
..anyone? Come on! Hahaa.
Should she be saved?
I already know, as does Lauren, but we wanna know what you're thinking(;
It won't affect this, we promise, but we just wanna know.
Should she be saved?
If so, by who?
Mia? James? Adrian? Draco? Anna? Claude?! Some other forest creature?
Or should she be left for dead?

Comment and you will see(;
Don't, and you won't. ;P