Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

I Need Hero to Save My Life.

Draco's POV.

It's not like she cares... I thought. Though I was being a complete dick to her...

"Argh! Why must this girl cause me so much conflict?!" I yelled into the sky.

A scream came out of no where and I stopped dead in my tracks. I'd recognize that scream anywhere.

Run you twit, my mind scolded me, if you leave her to die you'll never forgive yourself.

"She may be a bloody bitch," I muttered, "but I love that bloody bitch." I sighed, and ran back towards Isabelle, faster than I have ever ran before. Hell, I think I put Mia to shame.

Isabelle's POV.

I could feel the sweat dripping down the nape of my neck. I clawed at the dirt, flinched slightly, and readied myself for the animal's pounce. I heard it jump, and then a loud thud. But...I'm okay?

I looked up through my scared eyes (wow did I feel like a pussy right now) and was stunned at what I saw. My eyes must be decieving me. They had to be because there I saw Draco, fighting off the beast. No wand, no magic, just his bare fists.

I resisted yelling that he was a fucking idiot.

The beast took one good swat at him and his wand came flying...and hit me in the forehead. Thanks, what a grrrreeeeaaaatttt fucking day this is.

"Jackasses..." I muttered.

Though the more I stared at the fight, the more I wanted to yell, "KICK IT'S ASS, DRACO!!" Until I felt the tears welling back up in my eyes when the thing swatted at him with one of it's giant effing tails and sent Draco flying into a tree.

Much like it had to me not five minutes ago, the thing was casually strolling up to Draco, ready to eat him. I cut my eyes, grabbed Draco's wand, and pointed it right at the little fucker yelling, 'Stupdefy' and sending it flying away and whimpering.

"Take it and shove it!" I yelled, doing a fist pump.

With the help of the tree, Draco stood up, shaking his head and grinning at me. My lips quivered at all of the blood. He was torn up so badly...and for me...?

"You're a fucking idiot." I said, crossing my arms and turning my head away from him.

"You're the bloody fucking idiot!" He argued, seemingly limping towards me. Yay, we're both in the fucked up ankles club.

"I'm the 'bloody fucking idiot'?!" I yelled, mocking him. "You're the moron that ran and had a boxing match with that thing!" What the hell was that thing anyways?

Draco scowled at me. "I wasn't thinking. I just ran at that thing..."

"Why?! Why were you being fucking suicidal?!"

"For you!" He yelled back at me.

I didn't want to show him that I was taken back by that, so I kept fighting. Yeah, that's how I wagon wheel. Get over it.

"Okay, so you'd just go be all fucking suicidal - scaring the fucking bashit out of me - for me?! Jeeze, is it fight off a beast before you die day?!"

A crack of thunder came from the sky. Yay, a thunder storm. Hooray for sarcasm too.

"No, it's fight off the beast for the girl you're bloody fucking in love with day because she's too much of a twit to admit when she's wrong!"

I opened my mouth to argue and then caught something. "Whoa, wait, what was that first part?"

Draco growled and looked away from me.

"Well apparently it's worry the shit out of the girl by the idiot boy she loves day too..." I muttered.

There was another crack of thunder, and rain began to drop down. Yaaayyy.

Draco and I looked at each other. Just...looked at each other. The rain began to fall a little bit harder on us, not enough to get us drenched though.

"I'm sorry, Isabelle."

A tear fell from my eye and even through the rain which started coming down harder, I knew Draco saw that.

I put on a sad smile. "You have no idea what you put me through you bloodgened mess of a boy."

"You have no idea what you put me through. What was all of that back at school?"

"A stupid act to make you jealous."


I looked at him with saddened eyes. "Because I missed you."

As the rain started to pour, we looked at each other, and shared one of those kisses that put Leonardo DeCaprio and that other chick from Titanic to pure and utter shame.
♠ ♠ ♠
See what Lauren makes me do? She causes me to write this sappy bullshit. Hahaa.
But uh...what's gonna happen back at school?
Hell, will they be able to hobble their way to school?
Guess you'll just have to comment and find the hell out(:
Also, Lauren dearest wants to know if you caught what Draco said.
If not, go back and read it until you do. Hahaa.

Comment my lovelies(: